News Release - City of Toronto launches annual Vision Zero campaign to ensure road users exercise caution as clocks turn back
- [등록자]City of Toronto
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Toronto, Canada
- 등록일 : 2024/11/01
- 게재일 : 2024/11/01
- 변경일 : 2024/11/01
- 총열람수 : 80 명
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+1 (949) 922-5998Miyo Nishimuta / Berkshire Hathaway (California不動産)
News Release
November 1, 2024
City of Toronto launches annual Vision Zero campaign to ensure road users exercise caution as clocks turn back
With daylight saving time coming to an end at 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 3, the City of Toronto is urging all road users to stay alert, look out for each other and practice safe and responsible driving to ensure safety for all road users.
The return to standard time means fewer daylight hours and reduced visibility for all road users. In Toronto, pedestrian collisions increase by more than 30 per cent annually during the evening commute hours from November to March.
To draw attention to the increased risks faced by pedestrians and people cycling, the City has launched a city-wide public education campaign to promote road safety. The campaign intends to remind Torontonians, especially people driving, to be aware of each other and exercise more caution as they share the road.
Residents can expect to see the campaign featured on billboards, on the back of buses and transit shelters, on television and radio, and in print and social media ads until Sunday, November 24. The campaign will also appear on taxi tops in the downtown core and in high-volume parking garages across the city.
When visibility is reduced, people and objects on the road are harder to see. The City is asking people driving to follow these important safety tips, particularly after daylight saving time ends on Sunday, November 3:
• When driving, obey the speed limit, exercise caution when turning and always stay alert.
• Avoid distractions and stop at a safe spot before using mobile devices.
• Ensure vehicle headlights and signal lights are functioning properly.
• Obey speed limits and approach all crosswalks, intersections and transit stops with caution.
• Check twice and yield to pedestrians before turning at an intersection.
• Stop and wait for pedestrians to fully cross at pedestrian crossovers before proceeding.
• Allow extra time for travel and plan routes in advance.
More information is available on the City’s Daylight Saving Time webpage: www.toronto.ca/services-payments/end-of-daylight-saving-time/.
The Vision Zero Road safety Plan is a comprehensive action plan is committed to reducing traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries by emphasizing the safety of vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and people cycling during the hours of reduced visibility. More information on Vision Zero programs and initiatives is available on the City’s website: www.toronto.ca/VisionZero.
“As we approach the colder months, the days are shorter, and visibility is reduced during the early morning and evening hours. It is extremely important for people driving in Toronto to use extra caution during this time and be aware of other road users, especially pedestrians and cyclists. Let’s work together to protect all road users and always obey the rules of the road.”
– Mayor Olivia Chow
Toronto is home to more than three million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, innovation and climate action and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit www.toronto.ca or follow us on X at x.com/cityoftoronto, on Instagram at www.instagram.com/cityofto or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofto.
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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca
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