Suginami Animation Museum, where animation is fun, gives dreams, and leads to the future The Suginami Animation Museum is the first facility in Japan where all generations can enjoy learning, experiencing, and understanding Japanese animation in a systematic way. The Suginami Animation Museum is the first facility of its kind in Japan where people of all ages can systematically learn, experience, understand and enjoy Japanese animation as a whole. The museum comprehensively introduces animation in general, from "the history of Japanese animation" to "animation in the future".
The museum is also filled with various ways to enjoy animation, such as gimmicks that allow visitors to experience the principles of animation, participatory exhibits that allow visitors to directly experience the animation production process, such as postrecording, and "special exhibitions" that always include new information on animation.
Floor Guide 3rd Floor
・ History of Japanese Animation
・ How Anime is Made
・ Future of Japanese Anime
・ Principles of Animation
・ Digital Workshop
3rd Floor
・ Special Exhibition
・ Anime Theater
・ Anime Library
4th Floor
・ Workshop Space
・ Nursery
3F Suginami Kaikan, 3-29-5 Kamiogi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 167-0043
3F 03-3396-1510
Please see
homepage for details on holidays, access, and special exhibitions.