Maricopa County, Arizona All Parks & Recreation Events Feed Update
- [注册人]Maricopa County
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Morristown, Arizona, アメリカ合衆国
- 注册日期 : 2024/12/30
- 发布日 : 2024/12/30
- 更改日期 : 2024/12/30
- 总浏览次数 : 24 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 回家后的学习技能 ・ 为补习学校和当地学校提供家庭作业支持 ! 面向小学和初中学...
针对小学生和初中生 / 数学 ・ 以理科为中心,支援回国学习 ・ 我们提供由当地学校制定的学习指导。您可以根据孩子的性格・和理解水平!,选择个别辅导或小组辅导
600 名学生均由经验丰富的教师授课 ,因此您可以放心地让孩子学习。 +81-743-71-2332Interschool
- 在美国可以买到采用日本技术的大金空调产品。满足您对空调的所有需求 ( 日语服务 ...
您是否需要制冷、制热或室内空气质量方面的帮助 ? 大金在美国采用日本技术提供节能、可靠的产品。如果您对空调有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与我们联系。大金员工将很乐意用日语为您提供帮助。
- 咨询测试 + 信息会议 !。
早稻田学院在海外归国留学生的入学考试中取得了良好的成绩,该学院将在洛杉矶开设一所学校。该校将提供面授课程和使用 Zoom 的实时在线课程,这样,不仅居住在美国,居住在加拿大和墨西哥的海外学生也不用担心时差问题。早稻田学院还将提供只有日本早稻田学院才能提供的最新入学考试信息。 如果你想认真学习,实现自己的梦想!,请向早稻田学院敞开大门。
+1 (424) 263-2544早稲田アカデミー ロサンゼルス校
- 🍎 1月份还开设了直销店 ! 3点的点心怎么样 ? 木更津市上原田的HOME ・...
Candy Cort的糖果苹果经常在节庆活动中出现,品种繁多,包括巧克力包裹的糖果苹果和具有惊人视觉冲击力的蓝苹果糖果 ! 请在店内确认蓝苹果的身份 🔍 其他使用时令蔬菜的水果杯也在销售。♪ 糖果皮也在销售
candy cort(キャンディコート)糖果皮在上鸟田的 HOME ・ 岩根直销店 ・ 和活动中的厨房车内销售 🍎 🍭顺便说一下 … 糖果皮不仅是苹果: !!!!我们还包装西红柿和其他蔬菜出售!。
- 关东地区最大的蓝莓园之一 ! 在五个田地里有180多个 ・ 3,000株植物,是...
- 我们提供美国最受欢迎的麻糬甜甜圈、鲜榨勃朗峰软冰淇淋等。 请访问我们的网站和 I...
海甜品店提供咖喱猪排、蛋包饭、热饮/冰饮以及木薯茶、马卡龙、草莓大福、奶油泡芙和可丽饼等甜点。从 2019 年起,mochimochi 海甜品店还开始提供麻糬甜甜圈。2021年,我们将提供各种甜点。
KAI SWEETS2022 年,Kai Creamery 将开业 ! 提供鲜榨勃朗峰软冰淇淋、泡沫奶昔等。
- 要想品尝熟悉的日本居酒屋菜单和日本清酒,就去 Juraku 吧。
想品尝熟悉的日式居酒屋菜单和日本清酒,请来聚楽 这里有粉蒸肉、串烧、炸豆腐等多种日式居酒屋美食。 提供清酒和威士忌 ◎ 提供外卖 🏍。
+1 (212) 477-0100Izakaya Juraku
- 你所需要的只是跳舞的欲望! ! 与我们共舞!。
无论您的年龄或经验 ! 婴儿到儿童,成人到老年人 ! Genki Crew 舞蹈学校 ! 街舞、芭蕾、爵士、妈妈和我健身。Nirvana Fitness 和更多 !.
Genki Crew Dance School
- 我们在夏威夷州提供各种人寿保险・年金)・长期护理保险・401K,IRA滚动等,我...
我们在夏威夷州提供广泛的人寿保险・个人年金(年金)・长期护理保险、401K、IRA滚动等,我们也是夏威夷州的持牌房地产经纪人・,处理夏威夷州的房地产销售。此外,我们可以指导你通过最有利的方式为你和你的家人申请社会・保障。我们将指导你制定一个 "适合你目前和未来生活安排 "的计划。
+1 (808) 387-1148ヒラタ ・コンサルティング
- 广岛烤鸡肉串餐厅 Carp Tori 现已在威基基 ・ McCully 购物中心...
广岛烤鸡肉串餐厅 "鲤鱼鸟"(Carp Tori)现已在威基基开业 ・ 位于麦卡利购物中心,步行即可到达阿拉莫阿纳 ! 推荐正宗的炭火烤鸡肉串、拉面和什锦烧。 \ 招聘员工 ! / 很多棒球爱好者 ・ 与鲤鱼球迷见面 ! 位于麦卡利购物中心,从威基基/阿拉莫阿纳步行即可到达。 一个充满当地风情和笑脸的欢快场所。
+1 (808) 949-7872カープ鳥
- *由于冠状病毒,Sun Mama Playgroup目前已经暂停。
- Wee!🥬今日蔬果特價 ❗️今日是以超值價購買時令蔬果的最佳日子🤩️本周的每周特...
Wee!🥬今日蔬果特價 ❗️今日是以超值價購買時令蔬果的最佳日子🤩️本周的每周特價也在進行中🧡️超熟麵包、龟甲萬醬油、黃金納豆、虹鱒、豬里脊等日常蔬果特價❗️。
+1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
- 免费估价 ! 甚至从一张榻榻米开始 ! 快速完成 ! 我们为您设计各种颜色和变化...
我们为您的家带来舒适和放松。 蓝色的榻榻米 干净、健康 ・ 爱榻榻米家庭
- 貯蓄が増える『アメリカの保険』選びをお手伝いします!
・ 想在保险上节省一些钱 ・ 想开始为未来储蓄 ・ 想增加你现有的储蓄 如果这听起来像你,你可能从使用美国保险产品中受益 ! 请利用我们的免费请使用我们的免费咨询服务 ♪ 人寿保险 ・ 学生储蓄保险 ・ 个人年金 ・ 健康保险 ・ 癌症保险 ・ 护理保险等 ・ ・ ・ 我们可以与您比较保险产品你可以根据你的需要比较保险公司的产品。 我们还可以解释日本和美国的保险产品和结构之间的差异 ...
+1 (310) 855-3522insurance 110
- 请来访问我们
(206) 386-4300Seattle Aquarium
You are subscribed to All Parks & Recreation Events Feed for Maricopa County, Arizona. This information has recently been updated and is now available.
Full Moon Hike (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ ] 01/12/2025 05:45 PM MST
Cave Creek Regional Park Ranger Jacque leads the way on this night hike, sure to please the senses as you take in the majestic moon, mysterious sounds, and creatures of the night. Click program title for more details. Full Moon Hike (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants) [ ] 01/11/2025 05:45 PM MST
Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area Ranger Jacque leads the way on this program, which is sure to please the senses as you embark on a nighttime hike with the majestic moon, mysterious sounds, and creatures of the night. Click program title for more details. Discovery Station: Junior Ranger Winter Break Program [ ] 01/11/2025 02:00 PM MST
Usery Mountain Regional Park Need an activity to keep the kids busy this winter break? See Ranger Kevin to get started in the County Park system?s Junior Ranger program. Click program title for more details. Archery 1 ? Second Session (Limit 10 participants. Registration required) [ ] 01/11/2025 12:00 PM MST
Estrella Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Nikki to learn the fundamentals of Target Archery in a safe and fun outdoor environment. Click program title for more details. Archery 1 ? First Session (Limit 10 participants. Registration required) [ ] 01/11/2025 10:00 AM MST
Estrella Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Nikki to learn the fundamentals of Target Archery in a safe and fun outdoor environment. Click program title for more details. Fitness Hike: 100 Miles in 100 Days (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ ] 01/11/2025 10:00 AM MST
Usery Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Kevin in the fresh air and sunshine for a fitness hike surrounded by the spectacular scenery of Usery Mountain Park. Click program title for more details. Estrella - Invasive Species Removal [ ] 01/11/2025 08:00 AM MST
Estrella Mountain Regional Park Meet at the park’s Nature Center. Join us in removing invasive species and reducing wildfire risk in our parks. Participants will learn to identify several invasive species, their phenology and characteristics, and how to effectively remove these invasive plants. The initiative [...] Full Moon Hike (Registration required, limit 15 participants) [ ] 01/10/2025 05:45 PM MST
McDowell Mountain Regional Park Ranger Jacque leads the way on this program, which is sure to please the senses as you embark on a nighttime hike with the majestic moon, mysterious sounds, and creatures of the night. Click program title for more details. Moonlight Hike (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants)? [ ] 01/10/2025 05:00 PM MST
Lake Pleasant Regional Park Join Ranger Kevin for a twilight hike leading to a great view of Lake Pleasant. Click program title for more details. Pemberton Pond Hike: Echoes of the Past (Registration required, limit 15) [ ] 01/10/2025 02:30 PM MST
McDowell Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Jacque on a quest to discover how the past is shaping our future on this enlightening hike. Click on program title for more details. Discovery Station: Junior Ranger Winter Break Program [ ] 01/10/2025 02:00 PM MST
Lake Pleasant Regional Park Need an activity to keep the kids busy this winter break? See Ranger Kevin to get started in the County Park system?s Junior Ranger program. Click program title for more details. Lunch and Learn: Thirst [ ] 01/10/2025 12:00 PM MST
Usery Mountain Regional Park Join community volunteers Jim and Judy Taylor for a fascinating look at the adaptations of desert animals. Click on program title for more details. Fitness Hike (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants) [ ] 01/10/2025 08:30 AM MST
White Tank Mountain Regional Park Enjoy a workout while taking in the beautiful sites of Ford Canyon on a hike with Ranger Nikki. Click program title for more details. White Tank - Invasive Species Removal [ ] 01/10/2025 08:00 AM MST
White Tank Mountain Regional Park Meet at Area 4 parking lot. Participants will learn to identify several invasive species, their phenology and characteristics, and how to effectively remove these invasive plants. The initiative is to remove invasive plants as a proactive step toward ecological restoration and to reduce wildfire [...] Plant Hike [ ] 01/09/2025 01:30 PM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Nikki on a hike to look for early signs of spring plants sprouting. Click program title for more details. Saguaro Saunter (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ ] 01/09/2025 09:00 AM MST
Cave Creek Regional Park Learn all about saguaros and meet the rare and remarkable ?Michelin Man? and ?Three Amigos? cacti during this guided hike with Ranger Jacque. Click on program title for more details. San Tan - Invasive Species Removal [ ] 01/09/2025 08:00 AM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park Meet at the park’s Nature Center. Join us in removing invasive species and reducing wildfire risk in our parks. Participants will learn to identify several invasive species, their phenology and characteristics, and how to effectively remove these invasive plants. The initiative [...] Connecting with Nature Class? [ ] 01/08/2025 12:00 PM MST
Hassayampa River Preserve Did you make it your New Year?s resolution to spend more time in nature? Join Ranger Kevin for an introduction to the skills needed to enhance your connection with the natural world. Click program title for more details. Beginning Birders Hike (Registration Required, Limit 12 Participants) [ ] 01/08/2025 09:00 AM MST
Hassayampa River Preserve Join Ranger Kevin for an introduction to birding in one of Arizona?s premiere birding locations. Click program title for more details. Nature Hike (Registration required, limit 20 participants) [ ] 01/08/2025 09:00 AM MST
Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area Start your day right with Ranger Jacque on this morning nature hike! Click program title for more details. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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