
出售 / 商店

価格/赁料 $190,000.00
保証会社等の有無 無し
交通の利便 ダウンタウンロサンゼルス
所在地 ロサンゼルス, カリフォルニア州, 90012 アメリカ合衆国
交易形式 媒介・仲介(専属専任)
物业 商店
築年数 0000
平面图 未指定


Take Iga, CBI、CBB

Area: Little Tokyo
Asking Price: $190,000
Base Rent: $6,000 (NNN is included)
This amount is subject to change and may vary.
Lease Term: New
Size: 2,980 sq. ft.
Seating Capacity: 92
Parking: Street parking
Liquor License: 41 (On-Sale Beer & Wine)
Reason for Selling: Retirement

Tangible Asset Sale with a type 41 liquor license! This establishment marks its first appearance on the market in 48 years, offering a rare opportunity in Little Tokyo's prime location. The prospective new lease comes with the possibility of a significantly reasonable base rent compared to the prevailing market rates in the area. The restaurant features a comprehensive suite of amenities, including a 16-foot hood, a walk-in cooler, a freezer, and an assortment of kitchen equipment, all included in the sale. Additionally, it comes with a Type 41 liquor license. Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to own a piece of Little Tokyo's culinary scene.


✍ ️代辦商業轉讓,🏢 代辦商業樓宇買賣及租賃,🍺 代辦酒牌及其他許可證,! 特別是飲食業。

  • 注册日期 : 2024/10/17
  • 发布日 : 2024/10/17
  • 更改日期 : 2024/11/02
  • 总浏览次数 : 208 人