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CORRECTION: International Special Review District Announces Results of Annual Election
- [Registrant]Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Seattle, WA
- Posted : 2024/11/27
- Published : 2024/11/27
- Changed : 2024/11/27
- Total View : 18 persons
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International Special Review District Announces Results of Annual Election
CORRECTION: The previous email contained an error. Jade Yan's last name was miswrote as Yen. Please see correction below.
The annual election for the International Special Review District [ ] (ISRD) Board was held by mail, with ballots tabulated on the evening of Tuesday, November 19. Seattle Department of Neighborhoods received a total of 121 ballots. Two positions were up for election and the results are as follows:
* *Jade Yan won Position #3 for a Business owner, Property owner or Employee.*
* *Samantha Wong won Position #5 for At-Large.*
Candidate terms will start December 1, 2024.
The special character of the Chinatown International District (CID) is recognized and protected by city ordinance. In 1973, the International Special Review District Board was created to preserve, protect, and enhance the cultural, economic, and historical qualities of the District. The Board is composed of seven members – five elected by the Chinatown International District community and two appointed by the Mayor. Board member terms are typically for two years, and members may serve up to two consecutive terms.
The following Board members serve through November 2024: Eric Chan, Heather Hargesheimer (Vice Chair), Nella Kwan, Kyle Jacobson, Adrian Lam (Chair), Gary Lee and Samantha Wong.
The International Special Review District is coordinated by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Program which is responsible for the designation and protection of more than 400 historic structures, sites, objects, and vessels, as well as eight historic districts located throughout the city.
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*Seattle Department of Neighborhoods*
600 4th Avenue
4th Floor
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-0464*
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