Project/Program Manager II
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/09/25
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/25
- 変更日 : 2024/09/25
- 総閲覧数 : 30 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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中餐厅鸭川食堂位于外砺石黑潮线沿线 ! 我们提供正宗的中餐,并可眺望鸭川海景 ! 我们的招牌鸭川担担面比通常的面条更粗,具有浓郁的香味和恰到好处的辣味 🍜。也欢迎携带宠物的顾客光临。
+81-4-7096-6678中国料理 鴨川食堂
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日本工匠每天从波士顿当地市场、丰洲市场和世界各地采购新鲜鱼类,制作精美的寿司。 还供应各种美味的日本清酒。
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买房时,首先要联系贷款公司。大多数人在买房时会先联系房地产经纪人。然后,他们会问您是否有 "预批准函"。在美国,购买房地产时,买方向卖方发出要约)时,会在要约(中附上预批准函,其中买方向卖方提出期望的购买价格和其他条件。这证明买方 "已向贷款公司咨询,并有能力贷款"。 这是因为卖方已经决定接受买方提出的购买要价和其他条件(,我们的要约已经被接受),但 "我们去银行咨询过,贷款没有批下来 "就会浪费...
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一家注重健康食材的糕点店。 种类繁多的烘焙食品,让您每次光临都会为今天想吃哪一款而兴奋不已 ✨ 除了松饼外,还可以订购无麸质蛋糕和蛋挞 ! 生日和其他特殊场合请光临
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除了妇科服务,我们还开展了 "减肥计划"、"面部护理 "和 "医疗水疗"。我们的女医生与女性同甘共苦,通过敏锐和适当的诊断,帮助您摆脱疾病和烦恼,过上幸福的生活。所有工作人员均为女性。 妇科检查 ● 宫颈癌筛查 ● 更年期等荷尔蒙 ・ 失调 ● 乳房肿块 ● 超声波检查 ● 月经不调 ● 各种性病检查 ● 节育咨询 ( 我们还提供避孕药咨询。 ) 如果您有其他妇科症状或疑虑,请立即与我...
+1 (323) 828-4152Dr Loraine V. Diego, M.D.
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家庭医学科是一家全科诊所,涵盖从婴儿到老人和孕妇的所有科室的一般护理。从夏威夷凯(Hawaii Kai)、卡哈拉(Kahala)、凯木基(Kaimuki)、阿拉莫阿纳(Ala Moana)和威基基(Waikiki)出发,交通十分便利。 普通内科 ・ 请咨询养老院的老年人住宿护理。 普通儿科 ・ 新生儿护理 ・ 各学校入学前体检 ・ 免疫接种 外科
小手术 ・ 乳... +1 (808) 377-3193Ohana Clinic
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服务 *膳食准备、协助、购物、家政、家庭安全检查和护送等服务 *沐浴、步行协助、清洁协助和更衣协助等个人服务 专职工作人员 *每名工作人员都经过国家注册,有指纹认证、体检和结核菌素测试均已完成。 服务区域、时间 *在南湾、整个洛杉矶县和橙县提供每周 7 天、每天 24 小时的服务。
+1 (310) 782-7979HOPE International Homecare, Inc.
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- 这所日本幼儿园位于越南胡志明市 Phu Minh Hung 区一个安静的住宅区。
本日语幼儿园位于越南胡志明市 Phu Minh Hung 区一个安静的住宅区。我们认为,在越南生活,最重要的是重视作为母语的日语,增加孩子们听到和说正确日语的机会,使他们意识到自己的日本身份,并努力更好地了解自己出生的国家。此外,为了培养孩子们的国际视野,还让他们了解越南及周边国家的文化,并通过与当地人的交流,结交来自不同国家的朋友,培养真正的国际视野。 "Ozora日语幼儿园 "教导孩子们回国后...
+84 (028) 5417-291おおぞら日本人幼稚園
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橙县第一家综合性日美文化沙龙。在广大顾客的支持下,我们已经迎来了 17 周年庆典,可以帮助您从 20 种不同类型的课程中找到理想的培训。请将这里作为交友和交流信息的场所。也可以按小时出租房间。 尽你所能。尽情享受生活。因此,要有意义地利用真正重要的时间。橘子洲文化沙龙一直在支持你,为你的心动、现在、幸运、快乐、幸福导航。有没有你感兴趣的课程 ? 相信你的直觉 ! 机会来了 ! 从超过 25 种...
+1 (949) 685-7120Orange Island Culture Salon
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+1 (310) 530-3638CLUB BAMBINO
- Aqua Kazusa 是一个让您身心放松的空间。这里有游泳池、按摩浴缸、健身房...
25米游泳池 ・ 水上运动池 ・ 放松池,项目繁多 ! 游泳并不是你在游泳池里唯一能做的事情。 有各种运动项目可供选择。
+81-438-20-5222アカデミアスポーツクラブ アクアかずさ
- 美国本地在线辅导学校。它能满足从回国考试到当地学校跟进的所有需求。
我们专门为居住在国外的小学生、初中生和高中生提供高考在线辅导。 VARTEX EDUCATIONS 的教师拥有在美国教授理科和英语的丰富经验,可以为考虑以归国留学生身份申请难度较高的初中、高中和大学或参加普通高考的学生提供支持。 虽然近年来在纽约和洛杉矶等日本侨民家庭较多的大城市开设了日本补习学校,但在农村地区,乘车一两个小时才能找到补习学校,或者根本没有补习学校的情况仍然很普遍。特别是,...
+1 (347) 644-5968VARTEX EDUCATIONS
- 夏威夷搬家 ・ 房屋清洁 ・ 房间清理 ・ 随时欢迎家具转售。
我们与您一起解决问题,提供令您满意的服务。夏威夷搬家 ・ 房屋清洁 ・ 房间整理 ・ 随时欢迎家具转售。
+1 (808) 489-1628アップ & ダウンサイジング | Up & Downsizing
The *Capital Division* of the Department of Metro Transit is looking for resourceful, forward- thinking, systems oriented, and continuous improvement focused individual to support the growing Project Management Office (PMO). This position will play an active role in shaping the Capital Division’s standard management practices and systems that support the capital program’s planning, delivery and performance management. The PMO's work includes establishing and implementing best practices and maintaining standards related to all business processes needed to fulfill the Capital Division’s mission. Working with the PMO, you will be part of a collaborative team applying and developing standards, guidance, tools, and performance metrics. Your role will support three primary areas associated with the PMO including, Data/Information Management, Process Management, and Knowledge Management. In this role you will focus in the area of Process Management, and will help develop, document, communicate and educate on standard best practices; apply policies and create standard work; work to continuously improve processes, systems, tools and the corporate knowledge base. Your role will be a key member of the "Get Things Built" team, and you will be tasked with the daily upkeep of a process management system that is being built to contain all processes needed to plan and deliver capital projects. You should see the connection between consistent processes, reliable data, integrated systems, standard work, visual management, continuous improvement, and performance audits as a way to enable the Department to optimize outcomes.
As a* Project/Program Manager II*, you will be able to work independently or perform journey level work in a specific area of expertise including database development and information management, leading continuous improvement efforts, or conducting routine analysis and reports. You will lead efforts in reviewing and interpreting visual performance metrics, discovering root causes of performance issues, documenting observations, and making recommendations in well-written reports or presentations. You will be an advocate for quality and assure the highest quality standard of all products developed under your purview. As PPM II, you will be familiar with capital planning, capital project management, and performance management. You are collaborative, have great interpersonal skills, are comfortable working on multiple initiatives, and can handle conflict and ambiguity with poise.
As a Project/Program Manager II, you will work closely with other more senior staff and apply your talents in managing existing PMO functions applying standard work processes and tools. The PMO relies on various tools that provide the necessary support functionality of the Capital Division and you would be expected to be skilled in multiple software, systems and databases. Your subject matter expertise with SharePoint, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio, and Airtable, will be used to support both existing functions and to create new supporting products. You are innovative and seek opportunities for improvement and are able to integrate your ideas into the overall organizational framework. You have experience in managing projects, leading continuous improvement efforts, and can apply your experience and knowledge in the creation of PMO supporting products.
The candidate would be the primary point of contact within the PMO and be supported by other Capital Division subject matter experts in the administration of the division’s Get Things Built Airtable database and associated SharePoint services.
You have the ability to synthesize complex processes or information with the ability to design summary visual dashboards, workflow swim lanes diagrams, and management level presentations. You are a team player that is highly collaborative and cooperative seeking to understand the intent and work towards a common agreed upon solution. You have experience creating easy to understand graphics and user interfaces using a variety of software applications. You value the diversity of people, ideas and approaches to getting things to the next level. Other duties may include assisting more senior project/program managers in data gathering as it relates to process development, business needs, researching business requirements, capital project management reporting, skills assessments and training documentation, or database systems administration.
The candidate should have strong subject matter expertise in more than one area such as process improvements, data and systems management, or performance management. You will be working collaboratively with cross functional teams that are making and modifying recommendations for change. You should be detailed oriented, highly organized, an advocate of streamlined business practices, and a champion of excellent customer experience.
"This recruitment will be used to fill *1 Career Service position*. In addition, this selection process *may *be used to generate an eligibility pool for future Career Service vacancies that may occur in this classification within this workgroup. The eligibility pool will be retained for 12 months from the date of posting and *may be used at the discretion of the hiring authority*." body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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