Industrial Maintenance Electrician - South Plant
- [注册人]King County
- [语言]日本語
- [区]King County, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/09
- 发布日 : 2024/10/09
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/09
- 总浏览次数 : 36 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 我们负责旧金山及周边湾区的住宅和商业物业经纪、租赁物业、搬迁和投资物业。如需了解...
+1 (925) 381-6572H2H GLOBAL JAPAN, LLC
- 阿巴卡达英语 "为儿童和成人提供英式英语会话课程。少儿编程班 ・ 也有学习班 ♪...
爱德华・英语・班位于千叶县市原市,是一所英式英语会话学校,采用独特的学习方法 "Abakada English"。 由爱德华创办,英语母语教师和日语教师共同授课。儿童编程班 ・ 还提供学习班 ♪ 提供免费试听课程 ! 日常英语会话 ・ TOEIC ・ 学校成绩 ・ 医学院考试的专业英语准备 ・ Eiken ・ 英语演讲・ 英语论文 ・ 在线课程 ・ 日语课程和其他适合您目的的菜单 !
+81-436-61-1112エドワード・イングリッシュ・クラス 千種&青葉台教室
- 弗拉明戈咖啡厅(Flamingo cafe)是一家在热带风情中供应国际美食的餐厅...
立山城附近的餐厅有两张面孔:中午是以软冰淇淋而闻名的咖啡馆,晚上则是提供国际料理和创意料理的餐厅。 我们还提供火烈鸟咖啡馆的旅行服务。我们还可以为女孩聚会和生日派对等提供服务🎉我们很乐意作为火烈鸟咖啡馆前往您的所在地。
- 睫毛嫁接 ・ 睫毛烫发 ・ 美甲沙龙] 前Salon Akua店主Koco(可可...
在日本和夏威夷拥有10年以上经验的Salon Akua的眼部专家/Koco 팀和前Syisyu的美甲师/子,现已独立 ! 我们用与夏威夷的生活方式和季节相匹配的迷人眼睛和双手,帮助您绽放最美的光彩。
我们是一家拥有日本和美国经验的专业沙龙。凭借来自日本和美国的专业技能和客户服务,她将在・放心・ 安全 和关怀的前提下,为您提供您所希望的治疗和建议。 +1 (808) 460-2433ラ・ボーテ・アネラ | La beaute Anela
- 这是一个面向国内外研究人员的全球性平台。我们期待您的参与。
UJA ( United Japanese researchers Around the world : Network of Japanese researchers abroad ) 的愿景是 "通过可视化的信任来促进研究人员的福祉,让所有日本研究人员感到安全并活跃在国际舞台上"。其愿景是 "创造科学的未来"。迄今为止,UJA为考虑出国留学的人员提供了①信息和支持,为在国外的日本研究人员提供了...
- 诊所在 Costa Mesa 和 Torrens 开业。医生和员工都是日本人,从...
如果您有牙齿问题,无论您是儿童还是老人,在橙县拥有 30 多年经验的室谷牙科诊所都能帮您解决。 日本医生将用日语为您仔细检查。请随时用日语向我们咨询普通牙科、蛀牙预防、神经治疗、儿童牙科、种植牙、美容牙科、美白等问题。
+1 (714) 641-0681室谷歯科医院
- 格列佛是日本第一大二手车销售公司,在这里您可以完成您所有的汽车 "卖 "和 "买...
格列佛硅谷店 ◆ 格列佛是日本第一的二手车销售公司。 我们在美国提供与日本格列佛同样可靠和便利的服务。 我们还为刚到美国的客户提供在美国生活的建议,以便尽早交付您的汽车。 您的所有汽车买卖需求都可以在 Gulliver 完成 ! [联系] Gulliver Silicon Valley 电话 : 1(888)-430-3664 "请告诉我们您看到了 Bibi Navi" ) 电子...
+1 (888) 430-3664ガリバーシリコンバレー店
- 国道沿线的 "BEACH CAFE KAMOGAWA "是一家拥有标志性蓝色外观...
BEACH CAFE kamogawa 是一家以海边咖啡馆为概念的时尚咖啡馆,位于国道沿线,从车站步行仅需 3 分钟。咖啡馆的内部装潢仿佛大海在眼前铺展开来,让人有在海边度过时光的感觉 🌴 所有座位都配有电源插座,让众多顾客都能尽情享受 ・ 露台座位上可携带宠物 ・ 洗手间为无障碍设施 ! 附近。来访时请顺道拜访。
+81-4-7094-4200BEACH CAFE kamogawa
- 创意海滨餐厅 CAMA Kitchen,午餐专供汉堡,曾上过电视🍕 适合各种场合...
CAMA Kitchen 是一家烤箱烤披萨和创意美食餐厅,距离海边仅 30 秒钟路程。您可以带着宠物在露台上用餐,因此,如果您来海边散步,请到 CAMA Kitchen ♪.
(04) 7096-7307CAMA Kitchen
- [保险评论 ・ 退休规划建议 ・ 社会保障问题 ・ 信用卡还款等] 我们提供的是...
社会保障分析师 ・ 我是理财规划师堤宗子。您了解您的保险单内容吗 ? 您经常因为不了解详细的英语条款而损失金钱 ! 除了审查您的保险单之外,我们还可以为您提供退休规划、社会保障、信用卡还款和其他与金钱有关的建议。我们可以为您提供各种与资金相关的建议和帮助。我们知道,在您繁忙的生活中,要开始行动是很困难的,但您现在就采取行动,可能会对自己的未来大有裨益。如需咨询,请联系我们。 ・ 社会保障建议 ...
+1 (714) 269-8892堤さとこ Financial Planning & Education Service / Registered Social Security Analyst
- 聆听旅游指南中找不到的故事,在日语导游的带领下体验动人的故事 ! 密苏里战舰纪念...
1945 年 9 月 2 日,停泊在东京湾的密苏里号战列舰上举行了投降仪式,从而正式结束了第二次世界大战。密苏里号战列舰目前停泊在珍珠港,与在 1941 年 12 月 7 日珍珠港袭击中被击沉的亚利桑那号战列舰遥遥相对,象征着第二次世界大战开始和结束的地方。 密苏里号战列舰是美国在世界上现役的最后一艘战列舰,但它也是一艘与日本关系非常密切的战列舰。 密苏里号战列舰纪念馆主席兼首席执行官迈克-卡...
(808) 455-1600Battleship Missouri Memorial
- 我们以合理的价格提供最好的接送和包车服务。我们还提供机场接送服务。我们的价格包含...
感谢您阅读我们的城镇指南。 我们以合理的价格提供最好的服务。 我们的价格体系因季节而异,请发送电子邮件或致电询价。 另请参见网站。 我们很乐意将小费包含在我们的价格中 ! 请放心,我们会为您提供安全的服务。
+1 (310) 508-9272Akihira Enterprise Limousine Service
- 咖啡馆 & 酒吧,百吉饼三明治和原味咖啡很受欢迎,晚上还提供饮料。随时都有日语服...
咖啡馆 & 酒吧,百吉饼三明治和原味咖啡很受欢迎,晚上还提供饮料。随时都有日语服务员为您提供服务,因此您无需对自己的英语有信心。在充满当地风味的宁静空间里,享受轻松惬意的氛围。营业至晚上 9 点。
+1 (808) 492-1470KAKAAKO CAFE
+1 (201) 407-0055Villagewell, LLC
- Senior Village Sakura 每周三 11:00 ~ 14:30 ...
Senior Village Sakura 每周三 11:00 ~ 14:30 举行周三聚会,帮助在美国生活多年的日本人和日裔美国人在圣地亚哥继续安度晚年。 在这里,人们可以用日语聊天,志愿者还为他们提供自制的午餐。
+1 (619) 993-6890Senior Village Sakura
*This position is open to all qualified candidates. First consideration is given to qualified transfer-eligible employees in the job classification family and then SEIU 925 Wastewater Treatment applicants. *
*If no qualified internal candidate is selected, external applicants will be considered. * *This posting may be used to establish a list of qualified candidates for the Industrial Maintenance Electrician in the following **6 months.*
The King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) has a staffing need for experienced and technically proficient Industrial Maintenance Electrician at our South Treatment Plant. If you are looking for the ability to grow in the electrical field, this opportunity will utilize and expand your electrical maintenance skills working on a large variety of systems and projects. As a mission critical employee our efforts directly support operations as we collaborate with other plant crafts to resolve issues and achieve common goals.
**About the Role:*
*This position performs a variety of highly skilled journey-level work by constructing, troubleshooting, maintaining, and wiring a wide variety of equipment and conducts preventive maintenance programs at a wastewater collection and treatment facility, including pumping and regulating stations. This role will work both independently and in collaboration with other electricians, other skilled trades and industrial plant operations staff. To ensure a safe work environment, this role will use appropriate PPE and proper Lock-Out Tag Out procedures around electrical, mechanical, and environmental hazards, including working in Permit-Required Confined Spaces.
*About the Team:*
The wastewater treatment division carries out essential work that protects the environment and all members of the public. We are comprised of a group of professionals that strives to deliver outstanding service through a collaborative effort both at our treatment plants and offsite collection facilities. The instrumentation and electrical group are a critical component within the wastewater treatment division helping to fulfill the county’s mission to protect the region’s water, air, land and natural habitats.
Join our team dedicated to ensuring clean water for generations to come! With over 700 employees engaged in planning, designing, building, and operating treatment facilities, our agency is at the forefront of environmental stewardship. Success for us means upholding our legacy while promising future generations a pristine environment.
We enforce regulations to reduce harmful waste discharge and actively educate the public and businesses on water quality protection. We prioritize accountability to our ratepayers and operate a well-managed agency that services over 2.3 million King County residents. Our regional wastewater treatment system not only sustains a healthy environment but also fuels economic development, fostering prosperity in our region. If you're passionate about making a difference and thrive in a collaborative environment, join us in our mission to safeguard our precious water resources.
**Commitment to Equity, Racial and Social Justice:*
*King County, named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is a diverse and vibrant community that represents cultures from around the world. Our True North is to create a welcoming community where everyone can thrive. We prioritize equity, racial and social justice, making it a foundational and daily expectation for all employees. As an Industrial Maintenance Electrician, you will actively apply these principles in all aspects of your work. Learn more about our commitment at* *
*Apply now for a rewarding career at the Wastewater Treatment Division [ ] of King County Department of Natural Resources & Parks (DNRP). Join our talented workforce in protecting and restoring the natural environment and promoting more resilient, sustainable, and equitable communities. Enjoy training, c**omprehensive benefits* [ ]*, and growth opportunities.* body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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