NEW! CMS National Training Program Update
- [注册人]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Baltimore, MD
- 注册日期 : 2024/06/17
- 发布日 : 2024/06/17
- 更改日期 : 2024/06/17
- 总浏览次数 : 74 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
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日语托儿 ・ 教育培养日本精神。 西山里学园圣何塞学校幼儿园是一所日语全日制幼儿园,于 2012 年在圣克拉拉开园。西山里学园的总校位于日本奈良,姊妹校位于洛杉矶地区,在日本・和美国都有许多附属学校。在湾区,我们的教师秉承大和精神,培养孩子们健康的身心,将日本传统活动・文化・和语言传承给日本儿童。
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婚姻问题、国际婚姻问题、教育、亲子问题、育儿问题咨询;还设有巴伦西亚办事处。 ♥ 您可以在短时间内感受到变化的咨询 ♥ 国际婚姻问题专家 ♥ 男女咨询师可提供两到两次治疗(针对国际婚姻问题) ♥ 所有关注领域\家庭 ・ 教育等)也可以讨论 ♥ 有多年经验的咨询师负责整个过程
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我们是一家位于索德盖拉市仓合台的修剪沙龙🐾,我们的目标是成为一家友好可靠的沙龙,让您可以放心地将珍贵的家庭成员交给我们。・ 高龄犬 ・ 猫请咨询我们 ! 我们为所有犬类使用超细泡泡,不收取额外费用。 当然,我们会尽量满足主人的需求,但我们也会检查皮肤和被毛的状况,并提供建议和剪毛意见。 如果您有任何顾虑或担忧,请联系我们。
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[芭蕾舞學校🩰 足球俱樂部 ⚽ ️在南灣] 我們MK ACADEMY是一個非牟利機構,經營足球俱樂部和芭蕾舞學校。 《芭蕾舞學校🩰 Petit ・ Etoile》 從1歲半到成人的芭蕾舞學校,用日語教授正宗芭蕾舞 ! 小班細心 ・ 安全的課程,美麗的身心。我们培养您美丽的身心。 本月 3 月,我们开设了自己的新芭蕾舞教室 ! 我们使用专为芭蕾舞设计的特殊地板,以减轻身体负担。 http...
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你有这些症状吗? ◎头痛、背痛、坐骨神经痛、疝气痛 ◎无法承受压力、疲倦、烦恼 ◎最近精力不足 ◎抑郁、恐慌综合征 ◎车祸后遗症 ◎抗癌药物治疗的副作用 别担心,你不必放弃。 请咨询我们。
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设施包括特殊疗养院、短期住宿、日间服务、家庭护理支援办公室和护理之家。 在提供宽敞的生活空间和友好服务的同时,我们努力让老年人在熟悉的地方过上自己喜欢的生活。
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未来学园为美国儿童提供日语教育和日本文化体验。 可根据您孩子的日语水平参加课程。 目前提供在线课程和免费试听! ------------------------------------------------------------- \ 我们现在提供 2 岁技能开发课程 ( Mebae 课程 ) ! / ★ 小班授课,额满为止 ★ <開講曜日> 周三 ・ 周五:上午...
+1 (408) 391-3689未来学園 Mirai Gakuen LLC
- 为外籍人士提供全新的一站式服务,集房产中介和汽车经销于一体 ! 🌈🌈🌈🌈 我们可...
为外籍人士提供一站式服务 外籍人士支持中心为外籍人士、研究人员和留学生提供全面、专业的服务,从租房和租车的建议、合同和后续服务到各种故障排除。房屋和汽车是您在美国生活的重要组成部分,我们将为您提供全面支持,确保您在美国生活无忧、舒适惬意。在您逗留加州期间,我们将帮助您建立良好的工作与生活平衡的基础。 🌞🌞🌞我们正在寻找公司和个体经营者作为合作伙伴,以便为我们的客户提供广泛而周到的服务。如有兴趣...
+1 (415) 412-0998駐在サポート, LLC.(シリコンバレー・サンフランシスコ)
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我们福田水道,是一家以千叶县木津・二津・木更津・小菅浦为中心,以 "感谢您 "为座右铭,怀着谦卑之心经营的水道公司。从装修到售后服务,福田自来水厂将竭诚为您服务。 ● 修理和更换各种冲水器 ● 修理和更换马桶水箱和马桶座圈内的配件 ● 修理和更换热水供应设备 ( 燃气和燃油 ) ● 修理和更换家用井泵 ● 修理和更换供水管、排水管和排水槽给水管和热水管、排水管和排水槽的修理和新安装 ...
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一个你可以信任的房地产公司。我们致力于为您的梦想和夏威夷房地产服务。 对于那些希望购买夏威夷别墅的人,对于那些考虑投资房产的人,对于那些没有永久居留证的人,我们将仔细解释在日本购买和出售房地产的所有程序。
+1 (808) 957-0080Plus Seven Realty
- 一个学习支持组织,在全国范围内免费提供视频课程。 (2019年4月开始发行)。
我们通过 "视频课程+网络测试+辅导",利用电子学习系统为那些因经济原因无法进入补习班的儿童、孤儿院和儿童病房的儿童提供免费学习机会。 ( 根据Gakken教科书制作的课程)。
+81-3-3319-5290一般社団法人CAMEL(Child Aid Movement by e-learning)
- 这是一个大力鼓励白手起家的工作场所。我们支持那些在 Kimitsu 市迈出新步伐...
+81-439-29-6440株式会社 WING
- 如果您想念妈妈做的饭菜的味道,那就去加迪纳的 Kotohira 吧。当然还有日本...
价格合理,份量十足。 如果您怀念温馨的家常菜,就来 Kotohira 吧。 ●提供自制土豆沙拉和腌白菜 免费提供丰盛的自制土豆沙拉和美味的腌白菜。 ●提供酒精和啤酒 在营业时间内,您可以随时喝酒。 下午 3 点还可以边吃边喝啤酒 ! ●小平的午餐和晚餐 全天营业,从上午 11:30 到晚上 10:45 ! 欢迎随时光临。
全年营业。 ●卡拉 ... +1 (310) 323-3966琴平
- 在日本继承财产、处理在日本的财产或与我们讨论您父母的事务。当您在美国时,我们可以...
Kobe Legal Partners 律师事务所拥有超过 25 年的经验,专门从事继承和遗产管理业务。该事务所尤其专注于跨国界的国际案件,其国际业务是该事务所有别于其他事务所的一大特色。在美国,您可以就日本的财产继承手续、空房等在日财产的处置、父母留在日本的财产管理以及老年痴呆症・的继承对策等问题向我们咨询。如果您已决定不再回国,并希望将您在日本的根留给您的子孙,我们还可以为您制作家谱。 1...
+81-78-262-1691司法書士事務所 神戸リーガルパートナーズ
National Training Program
June is Men's Health Month
Men's Health Month
On average, men in the U.S. die nearly 6 years earlier than women and are at higher risk for many serious diseases, including heart disease, lung cancer, and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). In addition, men experience unique health problems that don’t affect women, like prostate cancer.
Men’s Health Month is an opportunity to remind men about health problems that can affect them and encourage them to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease.
This year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is focusing on improving health outcomes for racial and ethnic minority and American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) men through its theme “Be the Source for Better Health: Improving Health Outcomes Through Our Cultures, Communities, and Connections.” This theme calls on each of us to better understand how the unique environments, cultures, histories, and circumstances (known as social determinants of health, or “SDOH”) of racial and ethnic minority and AI/AN men impact their overall health. For more information about SDOH, visit [ ].
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers preventive services, like yearly wellness visits and prostate cancer screenings [ ]. For a list of these services, visit [ ].
Registration is Now Open for the 2024 CMS National Training Program (NTP) Workshops
Events will be 2 full days (Tuesday & Wednesday) and a half-day (Thursday), in each location.
* August 6–8 in Colorado Springs, Colorado [ ]
* August 13–15 in Woodbridge, New Jersey [ ]
*How to Register:*
* Select the hyperlinked workshop location(s) for more information and/or to register.
* Email if you have questions.
If you can’t travel in-person, join us for any of these virtual options:
* Tuesday, July 23 – “Working Together: Medicare & Social Security” [ ]
This workshop will explain retirement, disability, survivors, and supplemental security income benefits; how these benefits can affect Medicare and who’s eligible for Medicare coverage; how and when you can enroll; and Medicare Part A and Part B services and costs.
* Wednesday, July 24 – “Understanding your Medicare Health Plan Options” [ ]
This workshop will explain Medicare health plan options other than Original Medicare with a primary focus on Medicare Advantage (sometimes called Medicare Part C).
* Thursday, July 25 – “Medicare & Other Insurance: Who Pays When?” [ ]
This workshop will explain different payers’ responsibilities when people have both Medicare and certain other types of health and/or prescription drug coverage, sometimes referred to as coordination of benefits.
* Tuesday, July 30 – “CMS Programs: Current Topics” [ ]
This workshop will explain some of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS’) current topics, priorities, initiatives, and recent programmatic updates.
* Wednesday, July 31 – “Using Plan Finder to Find the Medicare Coverage that’s Right for You” [ ]
This workshop will demonstrate how to shop and compare Medicare plan options using Plan Finder on
* Thursday, August 1 – “Helping with Original Medicare Costs: Medigap” [ ]
This workshop will discuss how Medicare Supplement Insurance policies (also known as Medigap) work with Medicare, what Medigap policies cover, how they’re structured, and when to buy a Medigap policy.
Webinars will start at 1:00 p.m. and end no later than 3:30 p.m. (ET).
*How to Register:*
1. Select the hyperlinked event title(s) to register for each virtual workshop you’re interested in attending.
2. You’ll be prompted to log into the NTP webpage.
* To log in, use the same email address and password you use to register for all NTP webinars.
* If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to create one before registering.
3. After you register, you’ll get an email confirmation and calendar appointment.
4. Email if you need help with your account.
Updated NTP Training Materials
* Drug Coverage When Using Medicare [ ]
* Medicare & Medicaid Fraud, Waste, & Abuse Prevention [ ]
* Medicare Supplemental Insurance (Medigap) Policies [ ]
Visit [ ] to view our training materials.
NTP Webinar Recordings
NTP Monthly Updates & Education Webinar (recorded 5/9/2024) [ ]
This recorded webinar presents “Medicare & Other Programs for People with Disabilities” and information about:
* What’s happening in Medicare – May 2024
* NTP announcements & resources
* Women’s Health Week (5/12–5/18)
* National Osteoporosis Prevention Month
* World No Tobacco Day (5/31)
* Older Americans Month
* Arthritis Awareness Month
* Mental Health Awareness Month
* Coverage to Care
New/Updated CMS Products
* Medicare Rights & Protections [ ]
* How Medicare Works with Other Insurance [ ]
* Your Medicare Benefits [ ]
* Staying Healthy: Medicare’s Preventive Services [ ]
Did You Know?
*June is:*
* *Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month* – The National Institute on Aging (NIA) has many resources about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia [ ], brain health [ ], and caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease [ ].
* *Pride Month* – CMS celebrates this month by highlighting the unique health care challenges and barriers faced by members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and Two Spirit (LGBTQI+) community and sharing resources to help promote equity. You can review the resources [ ].
You can find the latest news about Medicare by visiting the CMS Newsroom [ ].
National Training Program, Office of Communications
You're getting this message because you subscribed to get email updates from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) [ ].
Update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page [ ]. You will need to use your email address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please contact [ ].
This service is provided to you at no charge by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) [ ].
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