2024/7/31 - 2024/8/23 / Indianapolis / Otros

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Dirección Indianapolis
Fecha 2024/7/31 - 2024/8/23
[Detalle Hora]


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Acceso Web No.1610589


Nearly 1,000 community members voted online for their favorite works on paper over the summer, and then our exhibition team collaborated with students from Indianapolis Public Schools and Herron School of Art and Design to inspect the top choices, finalize a selection, and record thoughts for the object labels.
Nearly 1,000 community members voted online for their favorite works on paper over the summer, and then our exhibition team collaborated with students from Indianapolis Public Schools and Herron School of Art and Design to inspect the top choices, finalize a selection, and record thoughts for the object labels.
  • [Registrante]Indianapolis
  • [Idioma]日本語
  • Fecha registrada : 2024/01/24
  • Fecha de Publicación : 2024/01/24
  • Fecha de cambio : 2024/01/24
  • Vista de Página. :