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Bakeware company faces $182K in fines following 2 worker amputations because of unguarded machines
- [Registrant]United States Department of Labor
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Washington, DC
- Posted : 2024/12/09
- Published : 2024/12/09
- Changed : 2024/12/09
- Total View : 19 persons
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Bakeware company faces $182K in fines following 2 worker amputations because of unguarded machines [ ] 12/09/2024 07:00 AM EST
CLEVELAND – U.S. Department of Labor inspectors found a Cleveland bakeware manufacturer failed to prevent two workers from suffering injuries that resulted in amputations, incidents that could have been avoided with proper safety measures. The department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigated the two incidents that led to the amputation injuries and found G&S Metal Products Co. did not equip its machinery with adequate guarding or enforce critical safety protocols, including establishing proper lockout/tagout procedures, and failed to provide effective employee training in machine safety.The first incident occurred on June 25, 2024, when a 37-year-old employee sustained an amputation injury while operating a power press. The press cycled unexpectedly as the worker was servicing the machine, exposing the operator to hazardous moving parts. Inspectors determined the press’s pullbacks were not properly secured, contributing to the injury. Two weeks later, on July 11, 2024, a 64-year-old worker – on the job just four months – suffered an amputation while clearing scrap from a mechanical power press. The die on the machine closed without warning, leading to the injury. Investigators found that the machine lacked adequate guarding and was not locked out to prevent operation during maintenance. OSHA cited G&S Metal Products Company Inc. for one willful violation and five serious violations, assessing $182,293 in proposed penalties.“These two workers must live with permanent injuries because their employer failed to ensure that adequate guarding was in place,” explained OSHA Area Director Howard Eberts in Cleveland. “G&S Metal Products Co. Inc. must take immediate action to evaluate and address machine safety across its operations. Employers have an obligation to adhere to basic safety standards to ensure every worker returns home safely.”In 2017, the company was cited after another worker suffered amputation injuries while adjusting a mechanical power press. Learn more about OSHA, the agency’s National Emphasis Program for amputations and lockout/tagout procedures. Founded in 1949, G&S Metal Products Co. Inc. manufactures commercial and consumer bakeware pans, kitchen gadgets and accessories for worldwide distribution.The company has 15 business days from receipt of its citations and penalties to comply, request an informal conference with OSHA’s area director, or contest the findings before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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