Dialog E-Newsletter 4/12/24
- [登録者]City of East Lansing
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]East Lansing, MI, US
- 登録日 : 2024/04/12
- 掲載日 : 2024/04/12
- 変更日 : 2024/04/12
- 総閲覧数 : 355 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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- グレーターバンクーバー日系カナダ人コミュニティを代表するNPO団体です。
GVJCCAは、日系カナディアンコミュニティを中心に、人々の人権を守るための活動をしています!雑誌、"The Bulletin"には、私たちの想いがレポートされています。ボランティアとして参加されたい方大歓迎!みなさまからのご連絡お待ちしています!
+1 (604) 777-5222Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens' Association
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レイハワイ不動産はワイキキの中心に位置し、ハワイらしい物件を提供する不動産屋です。ハワイらしさは失わず、日系の不動産屋としてしっかりとした清掃や管理を徹底しています。他がやらないこと、でも世界中の方がハワイに対して求める事に答えています。楽しさが売りの日系の不動産管理会社です!賃貸物件は、長期賃貸物件だけでなく、バケーションでハワイに短期間のみ滞在される方にはピッタリの バケレン(バケーションレン...
+1 (808) 922-3008レイハワイ不動産 | Lei Hawaii Realty
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+1 (424) 271-7991Move On Inc.
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+1 (408) 836-5523忍耐塾/パーソナルトレーナー立林宏太(たてばやしこうた)
- JSATタイ日本人学生会です!私たちはタイに留学またはインターンをしてます。日本...
+66 (90) 887-2309タイ日本人学生会
- ベイエリアの野球好きが集まりました!未経験者大歓迎!お気軽にご連絡ください!
+1 (408) 307-2003北カリフォルニアサムライ野球リーグ
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日本14拠点とシンガポールで人材エージェンシーを展開するフェローズが、ハワイにも新たな拠点を開設しました。担当営業:大山 808-268-7003 (日本語でどうぞ)日本国内からLINE希望の方は ID:ohyama-fellowshawaii までご連絡くださいませ。
+1 (808) 268-7003フェローズハワイ(正社員・派遣社員のご紹介)
- 車の修理・塗装・中古車販売など、車のことなら何でもサウスベイのピットラインにお任...
ピットラインでは、修理、板金・塗装施設、すべて自社保有!お客様に納得していただける価格と品質を保証いたします。お気軽にご相談ください。☆ 一般修理☆ オイルチェンジ☆ スモッグチェック☆ 無料点検・見積もり☆ ガラス修理・交換、TINT☆ タイヤ交換☆ 修理中の代車手配☆ エアコンの修理☆ 無料点検・見積もり☆ 事故修理☆ トーイング手配☆ ペイント、フレーム修正
+1 (310) 532-0270pit line international, inc.
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+1 (424) 254-9664つくし園
- 歴史とパイナップルの大地 ドールプランテーションへようこそ。
+1 (808) 621-8408ドールプランテーション | Dole Plantation
** Stay Connected!
Thank you for reading the latest Dialog E-Newsletter! Send this digital newsletter to a friend or neighbor to let them know what's happening in the City of East Lansing. Subscribe for free at www.cityofeastlansing.com/eNews.
** East Lansing Public Library Books, Bites & Bids TONIGHT!
The East Lansing Public Library (ELPL) closed at noon today in preparation for tonight's Books, Bites & Bids fundraiser. The annual event is held each year during National Library Week. This year's theme is "Ready, Set, Library!", which promotes the idea that local libraries provide an inclusive and supportive community where everyone belongs.
Community members who attend Books, Bites & Bids will enjoy a silent auction, appetizers, beer and wine as well as other activities. This year the fundraiser is co-hosted by the Friends of the East Lansing Public Library. The event runs from 5:30-8 p.m. at the ELPL, 950 Abbot Road. Tickets are $35 each or $70 for a couple or family. Buy tickets online (https://www.elpl.org/blogs/post/books-bites-bids-2024/) .
** Human Rights Commission Coffee & Conversation
The City of East Lansing’s Human Rights Commission (HRC) will host a discussion about voting rights on Sunday, April 14 from 1-3 p.m. at Moka & Co., 565 E. Grand River Ave. The HRC Coffee & Conversation series serves as a forum for community discussions on topics of diversity and inclusion. This month's topic is Voting Rights.
** East Lansing Farmers Market Seeks 2024 Vendors, Advisory Committee Members
The East Lansing Farmers Market (ELFM) is accepting applications for vendors for this year's market, which will begin on Sunday, June 2 and run through Sunday, Oct. 27 at Valley Court Park. The ELFM is a 100% homegrown market, meaning vendors either grow their own produce or make their own products. The vendor guidelines and application are available online (https://cityofeastlansing.com/357/Vendor-Application) .
The ELFM is also seeking two applicants for its advisory committee. The East Lansing Farmers Market Advisory Committee advises the market manager and makes recommendations on vendor selection with an eye toward diversity and inclusivity.
** City Seeks Applicants for 2024 East Lansing Emerging Leaders Program
The City of East Lansing is currently accepting applications for its 2024-25 East Lansing Emerging Leaders Program, a civic engagement course designed to support today’s emerging leaders.
Participants will attend seven sessions from September 2024 through April 2025 and spend additional time on projects, assignments and discussion groups. Courses will be taught by a range of local business, community and government leaders at a variety of locations throughout East Lansing. Many past graduates have gone on to serve as active members of neighborhood associations, City boards and commissions and even elected public office, including the East Lansing City Council.
The application and more information are available online at www.cityofeastlansing.com/emergingleaders. Applications must be submitted by 11 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1 for consideration.
** City Hosts First Annual Canopy Champions Challenge
The first ever Canopy Champions Challenge will celebrate East Lansing’s unsung heroes: trees in private yards. Every yard tree beautifies neighborhoods, cools streets, provides habitats for wildlife and even manages stormwater runoff. Community members can learn more and nominate their favorite neighborhood tree www.cityofeastlansing.com/canopychamp (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/2434/Canopy-Champions-Challenge) by Friday, April 19.
The winning tree will be chosen by City staff and announced on Arbor Day (Friday, April 26).
** Izzo Legacy 5K Run/Walk/Roll to Result in Some Street Closures on April 20
Community members are advised that the Izzo Legacy 5K Run/Walk/Roll will bring 4,500 people to the streets of East Lansing on Saturday, April 20. This will result in some lane closures on East Lansing streets from approximately 7 a.m.-noon.
The following streets will see lane closures: Harrison Road, Michigan Avenue, Grand River Avenue and Bogue Street (see map for exact route).
Signage will be in place to direct traffic, and motorists are advised to seek alternate routes. Officers with the East Lansing Police Department and Michigan State University Department of Police and Public Safety will be onsite to assist with traffic control and race safety.
This is the fifth anniversary of the race, which serves as a fundraiser for charities selected by the Izzo family. Learn more at www.izzolegacy.com (http://www.izzolegacy.com/) .
Recycle Rama Returns to Greater Lansing on April 20
Community members are invited to participate in this year's Recycle Rama, to be held in the parking lot of the Ingham County Health Department, 5303 S. Cedar St., Lansing on Saturday, April 20 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. All vehicles will enter from northbound Cedar Street and exit onto Jolly Road to manage the flow of traffic. learn more about what will be accepted, any charges and how to volunteer at www.cityofeastlansing.com/elrama.
** Extra Curbside Recycling for Earth Day
The City will offer a bonus recycling day in honor of Earth Day this year. Place recycling bins at the curb by 7:30 a.m. on Monday, April 22 to take advantage.
** Regular Yard Waste Collection
Regular collection of yard waste begins on Monday, April 15. Community members should remember to use a yard waste sticker, request advanced collection online (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/FormCenter/Public-Works-6/Yard-Waste-Bulk-Item-Collection-Request-46) and place yard waste at the curb by 7:30 a.m. on Monday mornings. Learn more at www.cityofeastlansing.com/yardwaste (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/347/Yard-Waste-Collection) .
** Deadline for Filing City Income Tax is April 30
City Now Accepting Tax Payments Online
Taxpayers are reminded that the deadline for filing 2023 City income tax returns is Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Community members can now make online payments for taxes owed to the City. Visit michigan-east-lansing.insourcetax.com (https://michigan-east-lansing.insourcetax.com/#/) to make an online tax payment.
** Comprehensive Plan Updates
Dream Play Build, a community engagement workshop related to the City's Comprehensive Plan Update, was held last night (Thursday, April 11). John Kamp and James Rojas, who authored a book of the same name (https://www.hookedlansing.com/book/9781642831498) , facilitated the interactive meeting to help East Lansing community members find ways to build common ground around shared values.
The next community event will be a brown-bag lunch meeting on Thursday, May 9 with Dr. Rex Lamore from Michigan State University's Center for Community and Economic Development. More information to come!
The East Lansing Art Festival will take place this year on Saturday, May 18 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday, May 19 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. More info to come!
** City Seeks Election Inspectors, Offers Pay Increase
Community members with an interest in fulfilling their civic duty as an East Lansing election inspector are needed for the May 7 special school bond election as well as the state primary election in August and the November general election.
Inspectors must be registered to vote in the state of Michigan--although not necessarily in the City of East Lansing--or they must be a student aged 16-17.
Election workers will now earn $20 per hour including during required training. Precinct chairs and co-chairs earn $25 per hour.
Fill out the online application to become an election inspector here (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/FormCenter/City-Clerk-4/Election-Inspector-Application-80) . Those who have previously served do not need to reapply, but they should email cityclerk@cityofeastlansing.com (mailto:cityclerk@cityofeastlansing.com) to indicate their interest and availability in serving once again.
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