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July 2024 E-news | National Night Out | Photo Enforcement Expa nsion | Back to School Resources | Love Note Events | and more!

Your monthly Kenmore news updates

july enews banner [ ]Hank at the Market [ ]

City mascot Hank Heron loves to shop local at the market.

Farmers Market [ ]
Family Fun at the Farmers Market

With just a few weeks left of the Farmers Market, now is the time to head down to Town Square on Wednesdays to enjoy fun for all ages. There will be a kids pop-up booth at the market on July 31, August 21, and August 28. Free kids activities will include paper hats, bookmarks, watermelon fans, popsicle stick flowers, and more. 

The Kenmore Farmers Market runs every Wednesday through August from 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Shop local, visit with friends and neighbors, and grab a bite to eat at the market - you may even see Hank Heron! 

National Night Out [ ]

*National Night Out at the Farmers Market on August 7*

Join us for National Night Out at the Kenmore Farmer's Market on August 7. National Night Out is a community-building event that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. Meet with officers, check out special police equipment, and speak with many of our community partners. There will be great giveaways while supplies last. Stop by between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Town Square!

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Locarno [ ]

downtown kenmore
Planning for the Future of Downtown Kenmore

On March 6 and 7, the City welcomed 10 expert panelists from various disciplines (architecture, economic development, planning/placemaking, real estate, sustainability, and diversity, equity and inclusion). These panelists made up the Downtown Kenmore Technical Advisory Panel (TAP), which was sponsored by Urban Land Institute (ULI) Northwest and paid for through grant funding provided by the Washington State Department of Commerce. The ULI TAP was tasked with helping the City identify potential investment and redevelopment opportunities throughout the downtown area, and to inform the next phase of Kenmore’s Downtown Plan.

The ULI panelists gathered information from City staff, toured downtown, interviewed community collaborators and business owners, and presented their preliminary observations and recommendations at the end of the two-day event. The recommendations focused on three key areas to support and enhance Kenmore’s unique identity and foster a vibrant downtown:  Social, Physical, and Economic Infrastructure. 

A final report [ ] was presented to the City Council on July 15, 2024 [ ]. Beginning in 2025, City Council and staff will begin discussing and preparing next steps for the next iteration of the Downtown Plan. The complete report can be found on the City's website [ ]. For any questions, please contact Todd Hall, Principal Planner,

*Learn More* [ ]


under construction [ ]
Rechannelization Goes Into Effect on 68th Avenue

Earlier this week there were night closures on 68th Avenue north of 175th for rechannelization work to address safety and operational issues with how traffic moves between downtown and Bothell Way. The new channelization will reduce conflicts, improve transit speed, increase downtown parking, and reduce crossing distances for pedestrians. Read more about the project and see a visual diagram of the changes. [ ]

170th Street/Simonds Road Speed Reduction to 30 MPH

At the July 22 City Council meeting [ ], a resolution [ ] was approved to reduce the speed limit on 170th Street/Simonds Road from 35 MPH to 30 MPH. The extent of this change will be from Juanita Drive to 92nd Avenue (Kenmore/Kirkland city limits). These speed limit signs will be changed as part of the current restriping and sidewalk improvement projects happening on 170th Street and Simonds Road. The new speed limit will go into effect once the new speed limit signs have been installed. 

New Sidewalk Along NE 170th Street

New sidewalk along the north side of NE 170th Street approaching Juanita Drive is now under construction. Along with sidewalks, new bike lanes will also be installed as well as intersection safety enhancements at NE 170th  Street and Juanita Drive. View a map of the project area. [ ]


play day [ ]

school supplies [ ]
Back to School Resources

Back to school is just around the corner, and the Northshore School District (NSD) and Northshore Schools Foundation have two resources available to help students get ready:

* *The Foundation’s annual Backpacks for Kids [ ] program* is accepting requests for assistance [ ] for a backpack and school supply kit for the 2024-2025 school year until August 9. The Foundations anticipates more than 800 requests this year from Northshore students, and the program is supported by community program donations. [ ] The 30 drop off location sites [ ] are open until August 2.
* *The School District will be holding their annual School Resource Fair [ ] *on August 8 from 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. at Pop Keeney Stadium. The Center for Human Services, Teenlink/Crisis Connections, and Northshore School Foundation – all recipients of Kenmore Human Services grant funding – will be present along with other community organizations and NSD departments to provide resources and referrals to NSD students and families.

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kenmore cares kits

*"Do you need a mental health pick me up?"* *Kenmore Cares!* Kenmore Cares Mental Health Kits are now available at the front desk of City Hall and at the Senior Center in Rhododendron Park. Anyone can come by during regular business hours and request a free kit for themselves or for someone else. 


boys in the boat [ ]

Automated Photo Enforcement [ ]
City Council Approves Photo Enforcement Expansion

At the June 24 meeting, the City Council gave staff direction to expand the Kenmore Automated Photo Enforcement (KAPE) program. The KAPE program was first approved by Council in 2022, and launched in 2023 with school zone speeding violations in the Kenmore Elementary school zone on 73rd Avenue and the Arrowhead Elementary school zone on Juanita Drive.

The KAPE school zones have now completed their first whole school-year of normal operations, and the number of drivers traveling 6+ mph over the school zone speed limit has reduced from more than 95% of drivers to only 1.5% of drivers. The average speed of travel in these school zones exceeded 30 mph before photo enforcement began, and with photo enforcement in place the average speed has fallen to 20 mph. 

Earlier this year the City also began red-light enforcement at the 61st Avenue and Bothell Way intersection for eastbound-to-northbound left turns – red light violations related to this turning movement previously resulted in 80% of pedestrians crossing the north leg having near-misses with drivers running the red light during high traffic hours. Although this location is still in its warning period, red light violations for this movement have dropped to less than one per week.

Based on the established success of the KAPE program, the City Council directed staff to expand the KAPE program as follows:

* *Expand photo enforcement at all KAPE school zones to also enforce the regulatory speed limit (30 mph) when the school zone is not active.* 
* *Implement photo enforcement for the Inglemoor High school zone on Simonds Road for the enforcement of the school zone speed limit as well as the regulatory speed limit.* 
* *Adjust fines by $10 in 2025 to offset increases in program expenses.*

An ordinance to adopt changes to the Kenmore Municipal Code which support expansion of the KAPE program will be brought to City Council at the September 16 City Council meeting. Changes to existing KAPE school zones are expected to be implemented before the end of 2024, and photo enforcement in the Inglemoor High school zone is expected to begin in the first half of 2025. Read the full article [ ] here or visit the KAPE webpage [ ] for additional information.

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kenmore love notes [ ]
Kenmore Love Notes:

Here in Kenmore, a Love Note is a simple act or gesture by an individual or group (i.e., co-creators) that engages the community and creates fun, beauty, or a collective sense of community and place. Here are some Love Note updates and activities for the entire community to enjoy:

magic show [ ]

*Free Magic Show July 30 hosted by KCLS*
Prepare to be amazed at a free Jeff Evan's Magic Show at the Hangar in Town Square on July 30 from 4 p.m - 5 p.m. This event is hosted by the King County Library System.

salsa [ ]


*Salsa & Bachata Festival August 3
*Just Hire a Mom invites all ages to the Hangar in Town Square for a Salsa and Bachata Festival [ ] including free dance lessons, performances, social dance, and a lineup of DJ's on Saturday, August 3 from 4 p.m. - 9 p.m.

nexus [ ]

*Mental Health Resource Fair August 22*
Learn about the new Nexus Mental Health Hub created by local teen, Taanvi Arekapudi, and visit with local mental health organizations at this free community event [ ] on August 22 from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. at the Hangar.

nature walks [ ]

*Wallace Swamp Creek Park Nature Walk August 24*
Join Volunteer Linda Phillips for a 1.5 hour guided tour and explores two miles of paved and primitive trails through Wallace Swamp Creek Park. Tours focus on plants and animals found in the park. rain or shine! Upcoming Nature Walks dates are August 24, September 21, and October 19, and space is limited Sign up in advance [ ].

business fair [ ]

*Kenmore Children's Business Fair August 24*
The Children's Business Fair hosted by Thoughtful Citizens is an opportunity for kids of all ages to learn important business skills. This year's fair will feature 70 youth vendors and aspiring entrepreneurs. Find more information on the event webpage [ ] and come meet and support these amazing young leaders on August 24 at the Hangar and Town Square from 12 p.m. - 4 p.m.


kenmore art show 2024 [ ]

Meetings and Events Calendar

* *June 30 | The Amazing Magic Show | 4 p.m. [ ]*
* *July 31 | Blood Drive at Station 51 | 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. [ ]*
* *July 31 * | Kenmore Farmers Market | 3 p.m. [ ]**
* *August 1 | Summer Concert Series at Saint Edward State Park | 6 p.m. [ ]*
* **August 3 | Salsa Dancing in the Square | 4 p.m. [ ]**
* *August 7 | Kenmore Farmers Market | 3 p.m. [ ]*
* *August 7 | National Night Out in Town Square | 3 p.m. [ ]*
* *August 10 | Play Day! | 10 a.m. [ ]*
* *August 14 | Kenmore Farmers Market | 3 p.m. [ ]*
* *August 14 | Movies @ the Square: The Boys in the Boat | 8 p.m. [ ]*
* *August 16 - 18 | Kenmore Art Show [ ]*
* *August 20 | Planning Commission Meeting | 7 p.m. [ ]*
* *August 21 | Kenmore Farmers Market | 3 p.m. [ ]*
* *August 22 | Nexus Kenmore Mental Health Fair | 5 p.m. [ ]*
* *August 24 | Kenmore Quad 2024 | 9 a.m. [ ]*
* *August 24 | Nature Walks at Wallace Swamp Creek Park | 9 a.m. [ ]*
* *August 24 | Kenmore Children's Business Fair | 12 p.m. [ ]*
* *August 28 | Kenmore Farmers Market | 3 p.m. [ ]*

**Visit the City calendar to see more events here [ ].**


FindKenmore banner [ ]

"Thank You, Special Events Sponsors!"

all decks [ ]

*All Decks* was the Presenting Sponsor for the Summer Concerts series in 2023 and 2024. The City is so thankful for the support and partnership from our local decking company.

"All Decks [ ] is a family-owned business with over 50 years of experience in deck building in Kenmore and beyond. We are a full service deck contractor specializing in deck repair, replacement, or rebuilds. We take value and pride in the work that we do, guaranteeing customer satisfaction with every service." 

croasdale [ ]

*Eva Croasdale with Windermere Real Estate* was the Presenting Sponsor for the 2024 Movies @ the Square. We appreciate her supporting this series and the showing of Wonka earlier this month was a hit! Willy Wonka himself showed up, handing out chocolate and candy.

"Eva Croasdale [ ] is a dedicated member of the Kenmore Community who is here to help with your real estate goals".


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