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June 2024 E-news | 4th of July | Summer Concert Series | Solarize Kenmore | Photo Enforcement
- [Registrant]City of Kenmore
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Kenmore, WA, US
- Posted : 2024/06/27
- Published : 2024/06/27
- Changed : 2024/06/27
- Total View : 97 persons
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- 하와이 상업시설 리모델링부터 주방 ・ 욕실 등 주택 리모델링까지. 인테리...
주방 ・ 욕실 ・ 화장실 ・ 화장실 등 물 주변은 물론, 거실 ・ 창문 주변 ・ 외관 등 주택 리모델링 ( 리폼 ) 플랜 제안 및 시공을 해드립니다. ● 개인 집의 주방, 샤워기가 낡아서 바닥재, 타일을 교체하고 싶으신 분 방을 세련된 인테리어로 바꾸고 싶으신 분 캐비닛을 교체하고 싶으신 분 ● 사업주
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- 먼저 전기 요금 청구서를 이메일이나 문자로 보내주세요 ! 전기 요금이 치...
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+1 (213) 798-2200BTS SOLAR DESIGN Inc.
- 인력 부족으로 곤란한 기업 ・ 단기 ・ 장기 고용 ・ 정규직 ・ 파견직 ...
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+1 (808) 268-7003フェローズハワイ(正社員・派遣社員のご紹介)
- 일본어와 일본에 대해 배우고 싶은 사람은 누구나 입학할 수 있습니다 ! ...
일본어와 일본을 배우고 싶은 사람은 인종과 국적에 관계없이 협동시스템의 학원에 입학할 수 있습니다 ! ! 일본의 언어와 문화를 배우는 일본어 학원 협동시스템은 1948년에 설립된 미국 내에서도 최대 규모의 일본어 학교입니다. 로스앤젤레스를 중심으로 2곳의 학원을 가지고 있는 협동시스템의 전체 학생 수는 2백 명에 달하며, 일본인 학교나 보충학교와는...
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- 전통 일본 가옥부터 현대 주택까지 주식회사 토탈 서포트 서비스에 맡겨주세...
교토 금각사 개축 공사에도 참여한 궁중 목수를 중심으로 오랜 기간 쌓아온 경험과 기술을 바탕으로 거주자의 라이프 스타일에 맞는 제안과 시공을 해드립니다. 전통 일본 가옥부터 현대 주택까지 당사에 맡겨 주십시오. 가까운 수리부터 주택 리폼, 외장, 조경까지 폭넓게 대응합니다. 견적은 무료이므로, 문의 양식 또는 전화로 부담없이 상담해 주시기 바랍니다. 전...
- MANAHOUSEKEEPING은 하와이 오아후 섬을 기반으로 단독주택, ...
'신뢰와 실적' 오아후 섬에서 하우스키핑 - 서비스를 제공하고 있으며, 많은 고객님들의 사랑을 받고 있습니다. 단독주택, 콘도, 사무실 등 다양한 전문 청소 서비스를 제공하고 있으며, 부분 청소로 바닥 ・ 카펫만 청소하거나 곰팡이 제거만 하는 부분 청소도 가능합니다. 바빠서 청소할 시간이 없는 ! 그런 때는 저희 전문 청소업체에 맡겨주세요 ! 단...
+1 (808) 223-5362MANA HOUSEKEEPING
- 스포츠도 인생도 후반전이 재밌다 ! 액티브 시니어의 하와이 라이프를 응원...
하와이 시니어 라이프 협회는 일본어를 구사하는 액티브 시니어들이 하와이에서 더 즐거운 시간을 보내기 위해 설립되었다. 매주 금요일 정기 행사 외에도 강연회, 콘서트 등 다양한 특별 행사를 포함해 연간 200회 이상의 행사를 개최하고 있다. 또한 우쿨렐레 ・ 서클, 기공, 가라오케, 실내 게임 등의 동아리 활동도 활발하며 회원들 간의 교류도 활발하게 이루...
+1 (808) 428-5808NPO ハワイシニアライフ協会
- 바삭바삭한 식감의アジフライ 🐟 】 식감을 살리기 위해 가운데 뼈를 모두 ...
2023년 여름, 이치하라의 산속에 전갱이튀김 전문점이 하나 문을 열었다. 식감과 기름이 남지 않도록 신경 써서 만든 전갱이튀김 외에도 인기 메뉴인 믹스튀김 정식에는 국산 닭다리살 ・ 무말랭이 ・ 제철 토종 채소인 무말랭이 씨앗이 세트로 구성되어 있어, 방문하시는 고객님들께 "지금까지 먹어본 어떤 전갱이튀김보다 맛있다 ! !"라고 만족해하고 있습니다. 저희...
- '이 지구나무를 훌륭한 나무로 키우겠다'는 소망을 담아 씨앗을 뿌려 20...
'매일매일 방문할 수 있는' 그런 곳을 원했다. 특별하지 않아도 되고, 허세 부리지 않아도 된다. 공간과 제공하는 모든 것이 소박하고 진정성 있게, 사람들의 일상의 일부가 될 수 있는 그런 공간. 소비가 아닌 뿌리를 내릴 수 있는 것을 항상 창조한다. 이것이 저희의 생각이고 전하고 싶은 것이기도 합니다.
+81-4-7094-5267Earth Tree Cafe
- ♪ 클래식 발레 교실 ♪ 어린이부터 시니어까지, 미경험자도 환영. 임산부...
아름다운 클래식 음악에 맞춰 유연하게 몸을 단련해 보세요 ? Foster와 SF에서 진행 중 ! Monique ・ 발레는 아이와 어른 모두 개인에게 타겟을 정하여 즐겁고 활기차게 연습할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 조금씩 조금씩, 꾸준히 오래 지속하다 보면 몸은 몇 센티미터씩 빠지고, ・ 목 근육이 탄탄하게 만들어진다. 그리고 아름다운 클래식의 선율에 ...
+1 (415) 240-5377モニーク・バレエ
- 上質なスタイルには、髪の健康がかかせません。 髪のクリニックを主体としたメニュー...
+81-439-87-5551髪をキレイにするサロン eFFort
- Japanese Student Association at California State University, Fresno
- 일본어로 부담없이 상담해 주십시오. 샌디에이고의 부동산 매매는 저희에게 ...
샌디에이고의 부동산 매매는 저희에게 맡겨 주십시오. 처음부터 끝까지 일본인 특유의 세심한 서비스로 고객을 지원합니다. 또한 미국 최대의 Active realty의 방대한 네트워크와 최신 툴이 뒷받침합니다. 부동산 투자를 생각하시는 분들도 부담없이 상담해 주십시오. 귀국 후에도 정기적으로 연락을 드리고 있습니다.
+1 (310) 525-0615JohnHart Realty / Hitomi Gruenberg
- 五感で感じる“癒しのテーマパーク”夢二の世界へぜひお越しくださいませ。
- LA, OC, Las Vegas의 부동산, 주택 구입 및 매매, 사무실 ...
미국 내 주택을 구입 또는 매각하거나, 사무실, 소매점, 식당 공간, 공장, 창고 등 ( 사업용 공간을 찾고 계신다면 ) 저희에게 연락주세요.
+1 (949) 385-0153THE LEE TEAM | eXp Realty of California
june 2024 banner [ ]4th of July fireworks 2024 [ ]
Fireworks and Fun at Log Boom Park
A spectacular fireworks show will be returning to Log Boom Park this 4th of July, thanks to event sponsors Amazon and Kenmore Air. This free event kicks off at 7:30 p.m. with music, food trucks, free face painting, games, and crafts, and the fireworks show will begin at 10:00 pm. The fireworks show is 20 minutes. Here are some helpful event details:
*Shuttle and Parking Information:*
* Log Boom Park parking lot will be closed all day on July 4 for setup and the event*. *
* *To minimize traffic congestion and environmental impact, we encourage attendees to bus, carpool, bike, use the shuttles, or walk to this event. *
* *NEW this year, two ADA accessible shuttle buses will run from the Kenmore Park & Ride to the drop off point on 175th/entry to the park. See the event website [ ] for details.*
* There will be ~10 ADA spots available on 175th for this event.
* Parking on 175th will take a while to exit after the fireworks show due to pedestrian and event traffic. Please practice patience.
* The website [ ] will be updated with detailed parking information and additional parking lots for this event.
"Win VIP fireworks viewing tickets!"
Amazon is offering 20 VIP viewing pier tickets for the fireworks show to community members. At the July 3 Farmers Market, visit one of the City of Kenmore tents between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. to pick up a trivia card. *Complete the trivia card by 5 p.m.* and you will be entered into the raffle to win 5 pier tickets for the fireworks show! We will be raffling off 4 sets of 5 tickets at 5 p.m. You must be present to win. See you at the market [ ]!
*Learn More* [ ]
Fireworks are Prohibited [!/Kenmore08/Kenmore0810.html#8.10 ]
Fireworks Are Illegal in Kenmore
With the 4th of July approaching, here is a reminder that per Kenmore Municipal Code 8.10 [ ], *ALL fireworks are illegal in Kenmore*. Even if you can buy fireworks at a stand outside of the city, they are still illegal in Kenmore and therefore you can’t possess or fire them off in Kenmore.
Police will be on patrol responding to illegal fireworks calls. If there's an emergency involving an immediate threat to life or property (such as a fire or injury), dial 911. If you are reporting fireworks that are not an immediate threat, please call the non-emergency line at 206-296-3311. "Thank you for celebrating safely!"
Summer Concert Series Poster 2024 [ ]
The 22nd Annual Summer Concert Series [ ] presented by All Decks is returning to Saint Edward State Park this July and August! Come enjoy free, outdoor music in a beautiful natural setting, with food trucks and fun for the whole family.
*Concert Schedule: 6 p.m. - 8p.m.*
* *July 11 | JigJam | *Bluegrass and American Folk
* *July 18 | Annie J | *Retro Soul and Modern Pop
* *July 25 | Kupono + Hula O Lehualani | *Hawaiian
* *August 1 | Locarno | *Mexican Folk, Colombian Son and African Rhythms
*Learn More* [ ]
trees [ ]
Exceptional Tree Ordinance Revision Considered
Next month the Kenmore City Council will consider revisions to the Exceptional Tree Ordinance [ ] it adopted in October 2023. In practice, a portion of the original ordinance may conflict with the City's obligations to allow for new housing stock. To remedy this unforeseen issue, amendments are proposed which allow exceptional trees to be removed in order to build new dwelling units where there is no feasible alternative. Under this proposal to amend the ordinance, exceptional trees will still be protected in other circumstances.
*Learn More* [ ]
solarizekenmore [ ]
Don't Miss Out on the Sunshine!
Solarize Kenmore, our residential solar program, is coming to a close soon. This program makes going solar easier and more affordable than ever. Over the last 3 months more than 700 people across Washington have signed up to be part of this limited time solar group-purchasing campaign, and we want to make sure you don’t miss your chance to join in the final weeks. There’s still some time to sign up for a free home assessment before July 4 at [ ].
*Learn More* [ ]
Movies @ the Square 2024 [ ]
*Catch a Flick at Movies @ The Square *
"Presented by Croasdale Homes"
Come to Movies @ the Square [ ] this summer for two free outdoor movies. The community voted for this year's movies: Wonka (playing July 17) and The Boys in the Boat (playing August 14). The events begin at 8 p.m. with crafts, games, and free popcorn. The movies begin at dusk. Bring a blanket/chair and the whole family down for some cinematic fun!
*Learn More* [ ]
let's talk farmers market [ ]
Let's Talk Kenmore: Farmers Market
The most recent episode of the City's podcast, Let’s Talk Kenmore, [ ] has great information and new updates about the Farmer’s Market [ ]. Host, Amber Clifton, sits down with Market coordinator Nicole Suarez along with the Woodinville Farmer’s Market President, Torrey Edwards, to discuss the exciting new partnership with the City of Woodinville. Listen to “Let’s Talk Kenmore” on any of the platforms listed below.
* City Website [ ]
* Amazon Music [ ]
* YouTube [ ]
* Apple Podcast [ ]
*Listen Now* [ ]
under construction [ ]
61st Avenue NE Sidewalk Replacement Project Phase 1 Update
61st 19nd intersection [ ]
At the June 10 City Council meeting, City staff presented a proposed design and updated project costs to complete the 61st Avenue NE Sidewalk Replacement Phase 1 improvements. This project includes new re-aligned sidewalk to preserve existing street trees, sidewalk panel repair on the east side of the roadway and new bike lanes along 61st Avenue NE from NE 190th Street to the north city limits.
Also included are safe pedestrian crosswalks off of 61st Avenue NE at NE 193rd Street and 60th Avenue NE, and improvements to the 61st Avenue NE and NE 193rd Street intersection (pictured above). Design is ongoing and construction is scheduled for the summer of 2025. When complete, these new enhancements will provide many added safety benefits. To learn more, visit the project website [ ].
Rechannelization on 68th Avenue from 175th Street to 181st Street Coming Soon
Later this summer, rechannelization work will begin on 68th Avenue north of 175th [ ] Street to address safety and operational issues with how traffic moves between downtown and Bothell Way.
*Northbound Traffic:* Heading north on 68th Avenue from 175th Street towards Bothell Way, the rightmost lane will be changed to buses-and-right-turns only. The second-to-the-right lane will remain a through-lane, and the leftmost two lanes will remain left-turn lanes. Continuing north of the Bothell Way intersection heading towards 181st Street, the rightmost lane will receive only buses and will be dedicated to buses-and-right-turns only. The second lane will receive all vehicles and carry through-moving traffic through the 181st Street intersection. A new left-turn pocket will carry left-turn traffic through the 181st Street intersection. North of 181st Street the lanes will retain the same configuration, but will be re-aligned to provide several additional parking spaces on the curb in front of City Hall.
*Southbound Traffic:* Heading south on 68th Avenue from 181st Street, the receiving lanes for southbound traffic at the intersection will be reduced to a single receiving lane. Continuing south to Bothell Way, the lane will split into the existing configuration with the rightmost lane for right-turns and through-movements, the second lane will remain a through-lane, and the leftmost lane will remain a left-turn lane. From Bothell Way south to 175th Street, 68th Avenue will remain unchanged from its current configuration.
The new channelization has many benefits, including reducing conflicts, improving transit speed, increasing downtown parking, and reducing crossing distances for pedestrians. *See a visual diagram of the changes. [ ]*
New Sidewalk Along NE 170th Street
New sidewalk along the north side of NE 170th Street approaching Juanita Drive is now under construction. Along with sidewalks, new bike lanes will also be installed as well as intersection safety enhancements at NE 170th Street and Juanita Drive. These improvements will safely guide cyclists through the intersection. In addition to the new bike lanes, the bike lanes east along NE 170th Street/Simonds Road will be refreshed with more durable pavement markings. Pavement marking work is expected to be completed in July or August. *View a map of the project area. [ ]*
*See more city projects* [ ]
Automated Photo Enforcement [ ]
Automated Photo Enforcement: Successes and Program Expansion
Given the City’s automated photo enforcement program’s success in reducing speeds and increasing safety in school zones, the City Council discussed expanding the program at their June 24 meeting. New state law has expanded speed zone authority from school zones only to other streets where speeding is a problem.
As a result of the June 24 discussion, the City Council directed city staff to return in September with a plan to add photo enforcement at the Inglemoor High School school zone. Before the IHS school zone is added, the City Council directed staff to implement a reduced speed limit on Simonds Road from 35 mph to 30 mph.
In addition, the City Council directed staff to bring back a plan to enforce the non-school zone speed limit (i.e. the regular speed limit when the school zone time is not activated) all day every day (24/7) at the following three locations:
* Arrowhead Elementary School Zone on Juanita Drive (30 mph non-school zone speed limit)
* Kenmore Elementary School Zone on 73rd Avenue (30 mph non-school zone speed limit)
* Inglemoor H.S. School Zone on Simonds Road (future 30 mph non-school zone speed limit)
In addition to the two existing photo enforcement zones at Kenmore Elementary and Arrowhead Elementary, the City utilizes photo enforcement for red light running at the left turn signal (eastbound turning northbound) at 61st Avenue and Bothell Way. No new red light running photo enforcement locations are proposed at this time.
At the June 24 meeting, other locations with speeding problems were discussed, including sections of Juanita Drive outside of the Arrowhead Elementary school zone and Simonds Road/170th Street east/south of Rhododendron Park. These locations will continue to be monitored and may be considered for future photo locations if speeding persists.
At the June 24 City Council meeting the City Council directed staff to increase the photo enforcement fine amount from $100 to $110 in 2025 and $135 in 2029 in order to keep pace with the increased operating costs of the program. Traffic Engineer Tobin Bennett Gold confirmed that the firm that operates the camera system does not get a commission or percentage of fines collected. Instead, the firm is paid a flat fee for operation of the cameras, and a small pass-through cost for the printing and mailing of violations.
The Financial Sustainability Task Force recommended expanded photo enforcement as part of their recommendations to help pay for public safety costs. Revenue from the photo enforcement program is intended to help pay for 1) pavement preservation and street repairs, 2) traffic safety improvements, and 3) police department time spent on traffic safety and enforcement of traffic laws.
Expansion of the KAPE program is an important safety tool to encourage drivers to moderate driving speed which reduces both crash risk and the severity of crashes that do occur. The program is fair, equitable, transparent, and safety-driven and the revenue from KAPE supports important City services as recommended by the Financial Sustainability [ ] Task Force.
*Learn More* [ ]
Arts of Kenmore Youth Contest [ ]
The Kenmore Art Show Returns this August
Arts of Kenmore is excited to announce the return of the beloved Kenmore Art Show [ ] after a seven year break. The Kenmore Art Show will bring local artists and the community together to enjoy photography and 2D artwork on August 16 - 18 at Kenmore Camera.
*"Now accepting submissions! "*Artists ages 16+ are invited to submit their work for the Kenmore Art Show.
*Learn More & Apply* [ ]
findKenmore [ ]
Find Local Businesses With the New Kenmore Business Directory
Are you looking to stay, play, dine, shop, or find a local business or community organization to support or engage with?
*Introducing your new local business directory, [ ]!*
Kenmore has a surprising variety of businesses serving our local community and you can learn more about them at, a brand new, easily searchable business directory and community calendar. Support local businesses and help them grow!
*Are you a local business that has registered for a Kenmore City Business License?*
Registered Kenmore businesses can join the directory for free and are encouraged to request an account to manage an existing listing or submit a new listing.
*Visit* [ ]
Meetings and Events Calendar
* *June 30 | Kenmore in the Seattle Pride Parade | 11 a.m. [ ]*
* *July 1 | Coffee with Council | 7:30 a.m. [ ]*
* *July 2 | Planning Commission Meeting | 7 p.m. [ ]*
* *July 3 | Kenmore Farmers Market | 3 p.m. [ ]*
* *July 4 | 4th of July - City Hall Closed*
* *July 4 | 4th of July Fireworks at Log Boom Park | 7:30 p.m. [ ]*
* *July 6 | **Adopt-A-Park Work Party at Wallace Swamp Creek Park | 11 a.m. [ ]*
* *July 8 | City Council Meeting | 7 p.m.*
* *July 10 | Kenmore Farmers Market | 3 p.m. [ ]*
* *July 11 | Summer Concert Series at Saint Edward State Park | 6 p.m. [ ]*
* *July 13 | **Adopt-A-Park Work Party at Wallace Swamp Creek Park | 11 a.m. [ ]*
* *July 15 | City Council Meeting | 7 p.m.*
* **July 16 | Planning Commission Meeting | 7 p.m. [ ]**
* *July 17 | Kenmore Farmers Market | 3 p.m. [ ]*
* *July 17 | Movies @ Town Square | 8 p.m. [ ]* [ ]
* *July 18 | Summer Concert Series at Saint Edward State Park | 6 p.m. [ ]*
**Visit the City calendar to see more events here [ ].**
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