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City of Tampa works to reduce single-use plastics, provides assistance to small businesses and more...

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The City of Tampa is looking for community input to inform the Resilient Tampa Roadmap on key issues like environmental threats, social equity, infrastructure needs, health & more. Respond at bit.ly/resilienttampa.

Tampa Weekly
Tampa targets foam in first effort to reduce single-use plastics (https://www.tampabay.com/news/tampa/2020/09/03/tampa-targets-styrofoam-in-first-effort-to-reduce-single-use-plastics/)
Tampa Bay Times
The city moved toward limiting some single-use plastics that pollute the environment on Thursday, with council members unanimously supporting a ban on distributing foam cups, plates and other items on public property.

Tampa Weekly Here's how much small businesses in Tampa Bay received from local Covid-19 relief funds (https://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/inno/stories/roundups/2020/09/07/businesses-in-tampa-bay-got-covid-relief-funds.html)
Tampa Bay Inno
The One Tampa Relief Program was the first to launch in early April, offering funds for both individuals and businesses.

Tampa Weekly Tampa, St. Petersburg create unique opportunities to save hometown restaurants devastated by pandemic (https://www.fox13news.com/news/tampa-st-petersburg-create-unique-opportunities-to-save-hometown-restaurants-devastated-by-pandemic)
Across the bay, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said it was the first city in the country to help restaurants create more outdoor seating while still social distancing.

2020’s Best & Worst Places to Retire (https://wallethub.com/edu/best-places-to-retire/6165/)
Tampa is 2020's 2nd Best City to Retire to, in a recent study from the personal finance outlet WalletHub.com.

Tampa Weekly Tampa Mayor, Police Chief address task force findings on community policing (https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-hillsborough/tampa-mayor-police-chief-address-task-force-findings)
ABC Action News
Tampa’s mayor and police chief are outlining the next steps they’re taking following USF’s findings from the Mayor’s Community Task Force on Policing.

Tampa Weekly City leaders are installing a parking-protected bike lane in Downtown Tampa (https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/driving-tampa-bay-forward/city-leaders-are-installing-a-parking-protected-bike-lane-in-downtown-tampa) ABC Action News
"You'll have a vehicle lane, then a parking aisle and then a bike lane," said Calvin Hardie, capital projects manager for the City of Tampa's Mobility Department.

Tampa Weekly Los hispanos somos personas que hemos hecho grande a este país (https://noticiasya.com/tampa/2020/09/06/los-hispanos-somos-personas-que-hemos-hecho-grande-a-este-pais/)
NoticiasYa Tampa Bay
Luis siempre ha realizado su trabajo con vocación, amor y entusiasmo.

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City of Tampa . 306 East Jackson Street . Tampa, Florida 33602 . USA
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  • 掲載日 : 2020/09/08
  • 変更日 : 2020/09/08
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