Mountain View Public Library Improving Access for Adult Learners
- [登録者]City of Mountain View
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Mountain View, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/06/14
- 掲載日 : 2024/06/14
- 変更日 : 2024/06/14
- 総閲覧数 : 74 人
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News Release
*June 14, 2024
*Lenka Wright
Chief Communications Officer
*Mountain View Public Library
Improving Access for Adult Learners*
*"New library programs help residents learn and grow
including through monetary support"*
*"Mountain View, Calif."*" — "The Mountain View Public Library is making it easier for adult learners to expand their knowledge through new programs. The Library recently launched the Career Success Allowance Program, which provides monetary support for adult students who are earning their high school diploma through the Career Online High School [ https://library.mountainview.gov/learn/career-skill-building/earn-your-high-school-diploma ].
Through the allowance program, active COHS students can qualify to receive a monthly cash allowance as they earn their accredited high school diploma and credentialed career certificate. Students who meet progress parameters may receive up to $720 per month while in the COHS program for up to 18 months. This unrestricted funding can be used to provide some income and child care to free up time for school.
“The Mountain View Public Library continues to invest in enriching people’s lives and reducing barriers for gaining knowledge,” said Library Director Tracy Gray. “Through the Career Success Allowance Program, more residents can work to achieve their high school diploma and open up more career opportunities. Now, these adult learners won’t have to choose between lost wages and finishing their high school education.”
To qualify for the Career Success Allowance Program, participants must be:
* Age 19 and older.
* A Mountain View resident.
* Currently enrolled in the Library’s Career Online High School program or completed the pre-requisite courses.
Learning is self-paced, and students are expected to spend approximately 10 hours per week on coursework.
In September 2023, the City Council approved funding for the allowance program as part of the City of Mountain View’s workforce development and small business assistance initiatives. Funding is available for up to 10 students. For more information, visit MountainView.gov/CSAP [ http://www.mountainview.gov/CSAP ].
*Seeking Participants for Learners Program*
Another Library program that is helping adults improve their skillsets is the Learners Program, which got underway in April. This program, which provides free and confidential one-on-one tutoring for adults with low literacy, is currently accepting learner applicants. The Library is seeking both adult learners and tutors. This is not an English as a Second Language program.
The Learners Program takes place in-person at the library, located at 585 Franklin St., and helps adults improve their reading and writing skills. The tutoring is structured to help participants achieve goals such as being able to read to their kids at night, fill out a job application, or apply for a driver’s license. The Library provides training to the volunteer tutors before they are assigned to an adult learner.
The requirements for learners are:
* Must be 18 years old or older.
* Must not be enrolled in high school or another degree granting program.
* Must live in Mountain View, CA.
* Must seek literacy services for themselves.
* Must be willing to be assessed to determine current literacy level.
* Must complete an intake interview in English.
* Must have established one or more personal learning goals.
* Must commit to six months or more of learning.
For more information, including how to apply as an adult learner or as a tutor for the Learners Program, visit MountainView.gov/LearnersProgram [ http://www.mountainview.gov/LearnersProgram ].
*About the City of Mountain View*
Located between the Santa Cruz Mountains and San Francisco Bay, Mountain View is a diverse community with an estimated population of 86,535. Mountain View covers just over 12 square miles, featuring over 1,000 acres of park and wildlife areas including the 750-acre wildlife and recreation area called Shoreline at Mountain View. In the heart of Silicon Valley, Mountain View is home to a vibrant downtown and headquarters to many nationally and internationally known corporations including Google, LinkedIn, Intuit and NASA’s Ames Research Center. For more information, visit MountainView.gov [ https://www.mountainview.gov/ ].
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