June 2024 Recreation eNewsletter
- [登録者]City of Mountain View
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Mountain View, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/06/04
- 掲載日 : 2024/06/04
- 変更日 : 2024/06/04
- 総閲覧数 : 48 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- アメリカ現地のオンライン学習塾です。帰国受験から現地校フォローまであらゆるニーズ...
当校は海外在住の小学生、中学生、高校生のための受験指導を専門にオンライン個別指導を行っております。帰国子女枠、一般受験枠で難関中学、高校、大学の受験をお考えの皆さまをアメリカでの理系教科と英語授業に豊富な経験を持つVARTEX EDUCATIONS講師陣がサポート致します。NYやLAなど日本人の駐在者家族が多い大都市では、近年日本の塾がどんどん進出してくるにもかかわらず、地方ではまだまだ車で1時間...
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ミータリーボーイはステーキグリルのお店で、アラモアナショッピングセンター内のレストランである「肉太郎」 の派生店です。こだわりのリブロースステーキ、じっくり焼き上げたフリフリチキン、そしてハワイ産ベジタブルを使用したおつまみメニューなどをご提供しています。
+1 (808) 376-0435Meataly Boys
- 💜年間症例1000件以上🌹無痛アートメイク💚3D眉フルコース💛マイクロブレーディ...
年間症例1000件以上。アートメイクは信頼と実績のベルーテにお任せください!スペシャルプライス!オプションの追加料金なし。💜オリジナル3D眉フルコース$300(マイクロブレーディング+ナノシェーディング、パウダーオンブレ、ナノブロウなどご希望に合わせてオーダーメイド)💜ナチュラル/ゴージャス アイライン上$250 上下$300他店修正などもお客様に合わせフルカスタマイズ。常に業界最新のテクニックと...
+1 (424) 527-7330BELLUTE beauty studio
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+1 (808) 921-2882Angels By The Sea Hawaii
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- サンフランシスコ ・ ベイエリアでのリムジンサービスは信頼できます。安心のイシ・...
もっと安全に。 もっと快適に。 あなたの旅をサポート致します。 空港送迎から観光チャーターまで幅広くご要望にお応え致します。 《ナパ ・ ソノマワナリーツアー》 《サンフランシスコ市内観光ツアー》など、お客様のご希望をお聞きしながら、ご一緒にコースを決めていただく観光チャーターも行っています。
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- 房総のお土産に人気の「鯛せんべい」を中心に、四季折々の和菓子を製造しております。
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+81-4-7095-2828和匠 かまた
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【期待を超えた驚きと、その先にある感動を。 】わたしたちは家を売る会社ではありません。家をつくる工務店です。 わたしたちが目指す家づくり、それは、美しいと直感できる家、住宅性能に重きをおいた家づくり。住まいの本質を見つめながら、先悦の技術で革新しつづけるエイトホーム。無駄を省いた独特のシンプルデザインで究極の美しさを実現。量産住宅メーカーの販売する「商品」でもなく、デザイナーの描く「芸術品」でもな...
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・丁寧な掃除: 細部までこだわり、家やオフィスをピカピカにします。・お客様に合わせたサービス: 定期清掃から徹底的な掃除まで、ニーズに応じたサービスを提供します。・信頼と時間厳守: お約束の時間に訪問し、毎回高品質なサービスを提供します。・プロフェッショナルな仕上がり: 高い品質と丁寧な作業で、期待を超える仕上がりを提供。・リーズナブルな価格: 高品質なサービスをお手頃価格でご利用いただけます。
+1 (646) 846-8068Lauri's Cleaning LLC
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+1 (408) 582-3777Takami Hamadani - Compass Hamadani Group
- JAGBはJapanese Association of Greater Bos...
ボストン日本人会は、当地に住む日本人の方々のために、「教育、文化、福祉、慈善、その他の活動を行い、相互の友情を奨励する」目的で設立され、1965年に現在の組織となり、2015年に創立50周年を迎えました。1908年 (明治41年) に「ボストン日本人學生會(留學生之會)」という日本人組織が設置されたことが文献で確認されており、この組織が、その後当会へ継承、発展したと伝えられています。
+1 (781) 643-1061ボストン日本人会 (JAGB)
- Dr.ハイブリッド 修理U.S.A. 米国BAR公認整備資格を取得している日本人...
ハイブリッドバッテリーの修理および点検メンテナンスをお安く整備提供しています。故障またはREADYにならないなどで動かなかった際の出張メンテナンス整備およびロードサービスもしていますのでお気軽にご相談ください。弊社ではハイブリッドバッテリーを新品、中古品、リビルト品を使用して修復、再生、調整バランステストなどすべての修理を行なっております。24時間受付 ロードサービス 出張修理 キャタライザーの盗...
+1 (310) 961-6655TAKAHITO MOTORS
Recreation Newsletter Banner 3
*Mountain View Community Center*
201 S. Rengstorff Ave.
Mountain View, Ca 94040
650-903-6331 recreation@mountainview.gov
MountainView.gov/Recreation [ https://www.mountainview.gov/recreation ]
*Concerts On The Plaza*
*"Kicks off this Friday!"*
concerts [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/concerts-on-the-plaza ]
Dance into the summer season with Concerts on the Plaza! Join your family, friends and neighbors and bring your blanket or lawn chair down to the Civic Center Plaza, at 500 Castro St., for a variety of musical performances. High energy dance band, The Cheeseballs, will kick off the 2024 lineup.
*Friday, June 7 from * *6 - 7:30 p.m. at* *Civic Center Plaza*
Food, beer, wine and other beverages will be available for purchase at the Bean Scene Cafe. Concerts will take place every Friday from June through September.
For more event details, visit Concerts on the Plaza. [ https://rw2yhkq5.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwww.mountainview.gov%2Four-city%2Fdepartments%2Fcommunity-services%2Fspecial-events%2Fconcerts-on-the-plaza/1/0101018fc6bee98b-4fc7dfb5-6561-4700-9acc-04ca83e16590-000000/YxWc1Ey6ADWGId72NpitA4dKvmQ=377 ]
*"Brings Summer Fun in June!"*
KidStock is a kid-centric festival featuring live children's music from popular Bay Area performers, plus games, arts and crafts, and more! All events are 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and take place on the Civic Center Plaza.
*Dates and Performers:*
* Saturday, June 15
* Saturday, July 20
For more information, visit MountainView.gov/PlazaEvents. [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/kidstock ]
*Community Puzzle Hunt ends June 15*
solving fun [ https://www.solvingfun.com/hunt-structure/mv-24 ]
The Solving Fun Puzzle Pals are busy creating puzzles for the City of Mountain View mini-puzzle hunt which launched at the May KidStock event.
Pick up your puzzles at the Community Center during business hours or online at www.solvingfun.com/mountainview [ https://www.solvingfun.com/hunt-structure/mv-24 ]. The puzzle hunt will conclude on *June 15*.
*Music on Castro*
*"Enjoy some tunes every Wednesday."*
Join us at Music on Castro! Every Wednesday from 5 - 6:45 p.m., singer/songwriters will perform live music while the community shops and dines downtown. Performances are currently scheduled on the 200 block of Castro Street. The series will continue through early fall. For more information, visit Music on Castro [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/music-on-castro ].
*June Performance Schedule:*
* June 5 - Rick Sanders Music
* June 12 - David Landon
* June 19 - The Song Gardeners
* June 26 - Jim Witzel Quartet
Fourth of July Spectacular
*"Resident tickets are now available for purchase!"*
July4 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/06/03/file_attachments/2896971/2024%204th%20of%20July%20Resident%20.pdf ]
The City of Mountain View and Live Nation are proud to present the 2024 Fourth of July Fireworks Spectacular with the San Francisco Symphony on Thursday, July 4 at Shoreline Amphitheatre. Two thousand (2,000) free, lawn seat tickets are available for Mountain View residents. Limitations below.
* Tickets are available while supplies last.
* Residents must print and bring this _4th of July flyer/coupon [ https://www.mountainview.gov/home/showdocument?id=9206 ]_, along with proof of residency (a driver's license AND current utility bill), to the Shoreline Box Office in order to redeem for tickets.
* There is a limit of 4 tickets per household.
* Mountain View residents may purchase discounted lawn and upper reserved tickets for $15 each (limit of 8 tickets per household).
* On the day of the event, parking lots will open at 4 p.m. and doors will open at 5 p.m. for games and activities. An additional parking lot fee of $25 will be collected on the night of the event, in advance at the Shoreline Amphitheatre box office, or in advance online at shorelineamphitheatre.com.
* The Shoreline Box Office is open Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., and on event days starting at 12 p.m.
The coupon along with additional information about parking and approved firework viewing areas in Shoreline Regional Park can be found online at MountainView.gov/FourthofJuly [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/shoreline-at-mountain-view/shoreline-amphitheatre ]. For more information on Shoreline Amphitheatre, please click here [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/shoreline-at-mountain-view/shoreline-amphitheatre ].__
*Teen Happenings*
*"Check out what's happening at the Teen Center! "*
*The View Teen Center: Summer Hours*
The View Teen Center is expanding their hours from June 3 - Aug. 3, giving you a place to hang out with friends! The View Teen Center will be open Monday - Saturday: 1-6 p.m. in the summer for incoming 6th-12th graders! Need a FREE membership? Fill out the form at MountainView.gov/TheViewTeenCenter [ http://MountainView.gov/TheViewTeenCenter ].
*Juneteenth Celebration (6th-12th graders)*
Join us at the Teen Center for an afternoon of Soul Food, a Social Justice Art Workshop, Games, Giveaways, and more as we honor freedom, unity, and progress. ✊????????. Just drop in.
*Wednesday, June 19 *
*4-6 p.m. *
*The View Teen Center*
June19 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/06/03/file_attachments/2896994/SUMMER%202024%20-%20Teen%20Center%20Flyers%20%282%29.pdf ]
Pride [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/06/03/file_attachments/2896995/PRIDE.pdf ]
*PRIDE Celebration (6th-12th graders)*
Join us at the Teen Center for an afternoon of fun, inclusion, and celebration of pride! ??️????✨ Activities include Snow Cones & Rainbow Snacks, Pride Bingo with Prizes, Button Making and Crafts, and more Happy Mayhem! FREE Pride Stickers, Flags, and LGBTQIA+ Graphic Novels, while supplies last. Just drop in.
*Friday, June 28 *
*4-6 p.m. *
*The View Teen Center*
*Summer Sizzle (Ages 55+)*
"*Show us your best dance moves!*"
summersizzle [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/06/03/file_attachments/2896974/Summer%20Sizzle.pdf ]
Summer is heating up and so is our dance floor! Join us at the Summer Sizzle for a night of music, fun and great company on *Wednesday, June 26, 4 – 6 p.m.* DJ and light refreshments provided. 55 and older welcome.
Location: Senior Center - Social Hall
For more information, call the Senior Center at 650-903-6330, stop by the Front Desk or email senior.center@mountainview.gov.
*Upcoming Workshops (Ages 55+)*
*"All workshops will take place at 1 p.m. in the Social Hall at the Senior Center."*
Effective Communication Strategies by Alzheimer's Association
*Thursday, June 6*
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center SVILC Housing Workshop
*Thursday, June 13*
Understanding Dementia and Brain Wellness*
Thursday, June 27*
To sign-up for an upcoming workshop, call the Senior Center at 650-903-6330, stop by the Front Desk or email senior.center@mountainview.gov.
For more information about the workshops, visit MountainView.gov/Seniors. [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/special-events-workshops ]
*Aquatics *
"*Recreation Swim is back!*"
Recreation Swim is open weekends at Eagle Park Pool from 1:30-5:30 p.m. Recreation Swim will be available Monday to Sunday starting June 17 until Fall. Stay tuned for Recreation Swim hours at the new Rengstorff Park Aquatics Center - opening this summer!
Checkout our Family Recreation Swim pass for that gives unlimited access during recreation swim times at Eagle Park Pool or Rengstorff Park Aquatics Center. The pass will allow immediate family members access to recreation swim for 2 adults and 7 children. Purchase your season family pass online at MountainView.gov/ActiveNet [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/register-for-classes ] or at the aquatic facilities.
For more information, please visit our website at MountainView.gov/RecSwim [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/aquatics-pools/recreation-swim ].
Upcoming Events
June 5: Music on Castro: Performer- Rick Sanders Music [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/music-on-castro ]
June 6: Workshop: *Effective Communication Strategies by Alzheimer's Association (Ages 55+)* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/special-events-workshops ]
June 7: Concerts On The Plaza: Performer- The Cheeseballs [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/concerts-on-the-plaza ]
June 12: Music on Castro: Performer- David Landon [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/music-on-castro ]
June 13: Workshop: *Silicon Valley Independent Living Center SVILC Housing Workshop** (Ages 55+)* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/special-events-workshops ]
June 14: Concerts On The Plaza: Performer- Johnny & June Forever [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/concerts-on-the-plaza ]
June 15: KidStock Festival: Performer- Martin and The Green Machine [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/kidstock ]
June 19: *Juneteenth Celebration (6th-12th Graders)* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/9250/638526726875770000 ]
June 19: Music on Castro: Performer- The Song Gardeners [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/music-on-castro ]
June 21: Concerts On The Plaza: Performer- Business Casual A Cappella [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/concerts-on-the-plaza ]
June 26: Music on Castro: Performer- Jim Wetzel Quartet [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/music-on-castro ]
June 26: Summer Sizzle (Ages 55+) [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/special-events-workshops ]
June 27: Workshop: *Understanding Dementia and Brain Wellness** (Ages 55+)* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/special-events-workshops ]
June 28: *PRIDE Celebration (6th-12th Graders)* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/9250/638526726875770000 ]
June 28: Concerts On The Plaza: Performer - Pop Fiction [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/concerts-on-the-plaza ]
*July 4: Fourth of July Spectacular [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/shoreline-at-mountain-view/shoreline-amphitheatre ]*
*RECREATION* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation ]
*AQUATICS* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/aquatics-pools ]
*SENIOR SERVICES [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center ]*
*TEEN SERVICES* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/youth-teens/teen-programs/the-view-teen-center ]
*COMMISSIONS [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/city-council/boards-commissions-and-committees ]*
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