NR 09-18-24 (First responders, Good Samaritans honored at Fire Commission Tuesday)
- [登録者]County of Kaua'i Public Information Officer
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Lihue, Hawaii, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2024/09/18
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/18
- 変更日 : 2024/09/18
- 総閲覧数 : 50 人
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County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii
*News Release*
For Immediate Release: September 18, 2024
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*First responders, Good Samaritans honored at Fire Commission Tuesday*
LĪHU‘E — At Tuesday’s Fire Commission meeting, the Kaua‘i Fire Department honored the heroic individuals and first responders who carried out life-saving rescues at the Hanalei Pier on July 10 and Brennecke’s Beach on July 14.
“Their swift and courageous actions exemplified the spirit of teamwork,” said Ocean Safety Bureau Chief Kalani Vierra. “These rescues highlight the dedication of our first responders and the importance of community training.”
Shortly after 5:45 p.m. on July 10, bystanders at the Hanalei Pier noticed an unresponsive man floating face down in the water. Among them was an off-duty firefighter. Along with others, they pulled the man from the water and began administering CPR.
Ocean Safety Bureau officers stationed at the Hanalei Pavilion and Waioli lifeguard towers and firefighters from Hanalei Fire Station responded to the scene. Ocean Safety Bureau Officer Kesava Davis and his team continued CPR and used an AED to stabilize the swimmer. Firefighters applied a Lucas Device for consistent chest compressions, and AMR personnel transported the man to Wilcox Medical Center.
Due to the collective efforts of bystanders, Ocean Safety officers, firefighters, and paramedics, the man survived and fully recovered after spending nearly 30 days in the hospital.
Ocean Safety Bureau Officer Josh Linstead emphasized the importance of the extended hours for OSB personnel, which attributed to the success of the July 10 rescue.
“If this was a few months earlier, most of us wouldn’t have been on the beach,” Linstead said. “Thank you to everyone for your support for extending these hours to help save lives.”
KFD Chief Michael Gibson expressed relief for extended hours at lifeguarded beaches.
“Far too often, we received calls for help just after the towers have closed,” said Chief Gibson. “This has been a plus for us, and we are grateful to everyone here for their life-saving efforts.”
The second rescue occurred on July 14, shortly before 7 p.m. Two boys, ages 10 and 12, were caught in a strong rip current while swimming at Brennecke’s Beach. With lifeguard towers closed, their mother called 911, and the Kōloa Fire Station was dispatched.
However, nearby surf instructors and local bodyboarders assisted before the fire crew arrived. Chava Greenlee, Keliimoanakahi Javier, Xaenyn Yamamoto, Talon Morales, and his father, Brian Morales, rescued the boys. Two Good Samaritans were former Kaua‘i Junior Lifeguard Program participants, which helped prepare them for this life-saving moment.
Firefighters and AMR medics arrived shortly after to provide aid, ensuring the family’s safety. The quick thinking and selfless actions of both the Good Samaritans and first responders were critical to the successful outcome of this rescue.
Fire Commission member Alfredo Garces Jr. thanked the rescuers for their bravery and encouraged them to be future first responders.
“Thank you for all you do,” said Garces. “Hopefully, we get to see you as one of our firefighters or Ocean Safety personnel in the future.”
*The Hanalei Pier rescue included the following first responders:*
* OSB Capt. Tyrus Siale
* OSO II Dustin Williams
* OSO II Josh Lindstedt
* OSO II Kanstanstin “Dash” Dashkevich
* OSO II Kesava Davis
* Captain Dane Smith
* Firefighter III Jed Smith (retired)
* Firefighter I Paul Haraguchi
* Paramedic Christopher Whitworth
* EMT Christopher Waite
*The Brennecke’s Beach rescue included the following Good Samaritans:*
* Chava Greenlee
* Keliimoanakahi Javier
* Xaenyn Yamamoto
* Talon Morales and Brian Morales
From left to right: KFD Chief Michael Gibson, Firefighter I Paul Haraguchi, OSO II Dustin Williams, OSO II Josh Lindstedt, OSO II Kanstanstin “Dash” Dashkevich, OSO II Kesava Davis, OSB Chief Kalani Vierra, Fire Commission member Jeff Murray, Fire Commission member Alredo Garces Jr., Fire Commission Vice Chair Gary Pacheco, Fire Commission member Lori Almarza, Fire Commission member Trevor Ford.
From left to right: Fire Commission member Trevor Ford, Fire Commission member Alredo Garces Jr, KFD Chief Michael Gibson, OSB Chief Kalani Vierra, Chava Greenlee, Keliimoanakahi Javier, Talon Morales, Xaenyn Yamamoto, KFD Capt. Aaron Hawthorne, Fire Commission member Lori Almarza, Fire Commission member Jeff Murray, and Fire Commission Vice Chair Gary Pacheco.
*Media Contact:
If you are a member of the media with an inquiry for the County of Kaua‘i, its departments or representatives, please email the County of Kaua‘i's Communications Team at CountyPIO@kauai.gov to ensure a timely response to your request. Mahalo!
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