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Technology Matching Fund grant cycle is open

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*Applying for a 2025 Technology Matching Fund grant? *

Attend an information session to help strengthen your proposal

older asian man talks to younger asian woman with a laptop in between them

Information Sessions are available to help Technology Matching Fund (TMF) applicants apply for funding for their 2025 projects to promote digital equity in Seattle. Optional preliminary applications are due November 13.

For more information about the 2025 TMF grant cycle, see the funding announcement here [ ].

Seattle IT will host three virtual information sessions for community groups interested in applying for a 2025 TMF grant.  

*Information session dates, topics, and links:*

*Monday, October 28, 10-11 a.m.: Seattle IT Digital Equity Team*

This session provides a basic overview of the TMF grant process. Topics will include the 2024 Technology Access and Adoption Study [ ]: Learn about how Seattle’s research can help your organization show that there is a need for your project to bridge the digital divide.

We will provide a grant overview to help you better understand the grant application and scoring criteria. You will also learn about community engagement opportunities, get information about low-cost internet and how you may address barriers to accessing the internet, and receive information on community Wi-Fi projects and how you might implement a project to provide free Wi-Fi to residents. Link to session [ ].

* *

*Wednesday, October 30, 1-2 p.m.: Community Partners*

In this session, we will hear from the following community partners about their experiences applying for, receiving, and implementing TMF grants.

*Digital Equity Learning Network of King County (DELN):* DELN is a collaboration of community-based organizations, public and private institutions, and individuals invested in digital equity in our region.  Organizations are welcome to join DELN for general information or take a more active role. 

*Literacy Source:* Literacy Source provides training for digital skills instructors. Learn how you might partner to train staff implementing your project.

*Seattle Housing Authority (SHA):* SHA has developed a robust digital equity environment. SHA has seven computer labs and seven mobile labs for an organization to provide digital skills classes at SHA sites using these existing labs.

*InterConnection:* InterConnection works to increase access to technology and decrease the environmental impact of e-Waste through community and corporate e-Waste recycling and computer refurbishment. They are device partners, able to provide computers for organizations' classes, projects, and programs.

Link to session [ ].


*Friday, November 1, 10-11 a.m.: City and Library Partners*

In this session we will hear from the Seattle Public Library (SPL) and other City departments on how they are working to support digital equity across Seattle communities and the resources they provide.

SPL provides public access computers, Wi-Fi printing, free Wi-Fi, access to Northstar and LinkedIn Learning, hotspot lending. The Library Equal Access Program (LEAP) provides assistive technology for library patrons with disabilities. SPL has flexible meeting room space and offers promotional support. LEAP services are available for any organization that would like to utilize assistive technology and receive staff support with the technology.

Seattle Human Service Department will inform us about Age Friendly Seattle, advocates for digital equity for older adults who host monthly events in the community called Civic Coffee. This program helps older adults who attend these events apply for and access the resources that event panelists share. Link to session [ ].

Visit [ ] to create an account and apply for this grant. For questions or help joining the information sessions, email

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Suite 2700

Seattle, WA 98104

*Phone: 206-684-0600*

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  • [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]Seattle Information Technology
  • [ภาษา]日本語
  • [แอเรีย]Seattle, WA
  • วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/10/25
  • วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/10/25
  • วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/10/25
  • จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 51  คน
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