Revenue & Grants Finance Officer (BFO I)
- [注册人]King County
- [语言]日本語
- [区]King County, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/07
- 发布日 : 2024/10/07
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/07
- 总浏览次数 : 53 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 好莱坞风格的面部护理,配以正宗的日式指压和指压治疗师。如果您有颈肩僵硬、颞下颌关...
如果您患有颈肩僵硬、头痛、慢性背痛、失眠或唇疱疹,请尝试全身指压疗法。您一定会对效果感到惊喜。好莱坞式小脸护理能调整面部变形,将脸变成您梦想中的小脸。利用对称疗法的原理,对面部左右两侧和头骨进行调整,以改善面部扭曲、变宽、下垂和不平衡。它还有助于治疗颞下颌关节紊乱、下颌锁定和下颌疼痛。 最近,有严重偏头痛、恶心、颈背僵硬疼痛、自律神经失衡和抑郁的人被医生转介接受治疗。现在正是提高免疫力的时候,...
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- 💜每年超过1000例 🌹无痛艺术化妆💚3D眉毛全套课程💛微整形 ・纳米眉毛 ・纳...
每年超过 1000 个案例。!特价!选项不另收费。 💜原创3D眉毛全套课程 $ 300 (微整形 + 纳米着色、粉末混色、纳米眉毛等,根据您的需求量身定制) 💜自然/华丽眼线上
+1 (424) 527-7330BELLUTE beauty studio
- !气功疗法和气功班可在圣何塞进行,由一位在医疗气功方面有 17 年经验的气功师主...
你有这些症状吗? ◎头痛、背痛、坐骨神经痛、疝气痛 ◎无法承受压力、疲倦、烦恼 ◎最近精力不足 ◎抑郁、恐慌综合征 ◎车祸后遗症 ◎抗癌药物治疗的副作用 别担心,你不必放弃。 请咨询我们。
+1 (408) 332-4608Kikoh-in
- 一个学习支持组织,在全国范围内免费提供视频课程。 (2019年4月开始发行)。
我们通过 "视频课程+网络测试+辅导",利用电子学习系统为那些因经济原因无法进入补习班的儿童、孤儿院和儿童病房的儿童提供免费学习机会。 ( 根据Gakken教科书制作的课程)。
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- 诊所在 Costa Mesa 和 Torrens 开业。医生和员工都是日本人,从...
如果您有牙齿问题,无论您是儿童还是老人,在橙县拥有 30 多年经验的室谷牙科诊所都能帮您解决。 日本医生将用日语为您仔细检查。请随时用日语向我们咨询普通牙科、蛀牙预防、神经治疗、儿童牙科、种植牙、美容牙科、美白等问题。
+1 (714) 641-0681室谷歯科医院
- 洛杉矶 ・ 托兰斯日式 PC ・ 普通 MAC 电脑维修店。如遇电脑不稳定或运行...
位于老托兰斯的 PC/MAC 维修店。 我们维修不开机、速度慢、不稳定、病毒感染、显示屏损坏等问题。 如果您正在考虑购买一台新电脑,请与我们联系。 可应要求提供免费电脑健康检查 ! !.
+1 (310) 782-1700TONY'S TECHNOLOGY
- 世界职业选手丸山茂树强烈推荐 ! 等离子电子磁带 天然矿石电子辐照加工 对颈部 ...
等离子电子胶带是一种创新型护理胶带,由五种天然矿石(锗、电气石、钛、太赫兹和黑硅石)经电子辐照处理而成。针对肌肉疲劳和僵硬,电子能量有助于促进血液循环,让身体焕然一新。只需涂抹在肩部、背部或膝盖等需要护理的部位,每次使用效果可持续约 30 天。这款安全有效的护理产品可供运动员、文职工作者甚至宠物使用。 受到高尔夫传奇人物丸山茂树的高度赞扬,在日本大受欢迎的产品已登陆美国 !。
+1 (949) 343-7083ENASUN
- 追溯纸张的历史,了解现在,思考未来
造纸博物馆于1950年((昭和25年))在东京的大寺建立,是世界上领先的综合性造纸博物馆之一,收集・保存・和展示从古代到现代的各种与纸有关的材料,包括日本纸・和西方纸。 大寺被称为纸的发源地",在明治初期,大寺纸业大寺厂)在此成立,开创了现代造纸厂的先河。 1949年( 昭和24年),根据占领政策的经济权力过度集中消除法,王子制纸公司被拆分为三个公司,苫小牧纸业・ 诸城纸业・和本州纸业。借此...
- 美国本地在线辅导学校。它能满足从回国考试到当地学校跟进的所有需求。
我们专门为居住在国外的小学生、初中生和高中生提供高考在线辅导。 VARTEX EDUCATIONS 的教师拥有在美国教授理科和英语的丰富经验,可以为考虑以归国留学生身份申请难度较高的初中、高中和大学或参加普通高考的学生提供支持。 虽然近年来在纽约和洛杉矶等日本侨民家庭较多的大城市开设了日本补习学校,但在农村地区,乘车一两个小时才能找到补习学校,或者根本没有补习学校的情况仍然很普遍。特别是,...
+1 (347) 644-5968VARTEX EDUCATIONS
- 位于卡卡科的H-Mart的韩国餐厅。
丰富的韩国菜阵容,包括砂锅饭、海鲜煎饼、bulgogi、sundubu jjigae等。还提供Jajang面条等。
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- 护理人员每天 24 小时提供服务,因此不仅白天需要护理,早上和晚上需要护理的人也...
设施包括特殊疗养院、短期住宿、日间服务、家庭护理支援办公室和护理之家。 在提供宽敞的生活空间和友好服务的同时,我们努力让老年人在熟悉的地方过上自己喜欢的生活。
+81-438-30-9611社会福祉法人 慈心会 木更津南清苑
- 东信安保公司主要在君津市的道路建设和土木工程工地提供安保服务 ! 我们负责工地周...
我们的总部设在千叶县,在全县范围内提供安保服务。我从事交通警卫工作已有 20 多年,负责保护建筑工地和周围居民的安全。在我们的工地工作的人不分年龄、经验和性别。千叶地区的安保工作就交给我们吧!。
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Kodomo Loop Sodegaura旨在创建一个社区,让Sodegaura市及其郊区的儿童和成人能够以丰富的方式共同成长,方法是创造一个让不同年龄的儿童能够互动的地方,并通过积极的・文化体验,支持不孤立的育儿。
+81-438-63-2850NPO法人 子どもるーぷ袖ケ浦
- 纽约 ・ 新泽西家庭医生。请随时用日语与我们联系。本诊所位于新泽西州,提供全方位...
(201) 581-8553ひばりファミリーメディカル
*King County International Airport – Boeing Field (KCIA)* is looking for a Business and Finance Officer I. This position will report to the Accounting Business and Finance Officer IV and be responsible for a variety of tasks associated with tracking, billing, and projecting revenue. We are looking for a detail-oriented, critical thinker with strong financial & interpersonal skills who can work with minimal supervision.
KCIA is one of the busiest primary non-hub general aviation airports in the nation. Located just four miles south of downtown Seattle, it averages 180,000 aircraft operations each year. In 2001, it was named by the National Air Transportation Association as one of the "100 Most Needed Airports" in the United States.
KCIA ranks among the most successful public investments in state history. The airport's annual economic impact is $3.5 billion - supporting more than 16,000 jobs and providing $1.8 billion in labor income in the county. The airport's 150 tenant businesses also directly support more than 5,000 jobs in the local economy. KCIA promotes the health of the aviation industry by establishing pipelines for employment and for employee development.
As a general aviation airport, KCIA serves small, commercial passenger airlines, cargo carriers, including UPS, private aircraft owners, helicopters, corporate jets, and military and other aircraft. It is also the final delivery center for the Boeing Company's 737 aircraft and serves as the company's military flight center along with other Boeing operations. The Museum of Flight is located on the airport property with a wide variety of aircraft and exhibits showcasing aviation history. KCIA frequently is host to celebrities and dignitaries, including the President of the United States, who prefer Boeing Field because of its proximity to downtown Seattle and convenient connections to other business districts in the region. Due to its proximity to Lumen Field, T-Mobile Park, and other sports venues, many teams prefer to use KCIA when playing in Seattle.
To learn more about King County International Airport please visit [ ].
As the only jurisdiction in the world named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most influential civil rights leaders in our nation's history, King County is a vibrant international community with residents that represent countries from around the world. It is a region with increasing diversity that cherishes the traditions of many cultures.
We have a deep commitment to equity and social justice and advancing practices, strategies, and policies that promote fairness, justice, and opportunity for all – in our workplaces and our communities. With this commitment, King County has adopted a pro-equity agenda to advance regional change.
To learn more, please visit
*KEY DELIVERABLES AND EXPECTATIONS: "To be considered minimally qualified for this position, you must demonstrate skill and ability to:"*
* Assist in revenue projections for King County International Airport.? Provide complex analysis of revenue streams and make recommendations for updates to maximize efficiency and revenue for the airport.
* Track revenue grants for the Airport. Maintain complex spreadsheets for financial compliance with Federal, State, and other granting agencies. Monitor and analyze expenses for all Airport grants. Make corrections as necessary for grant expenses. Work with Finance, Maintenance and CIP staff to ensure accurate and timely grant reporting is completed. Work with budget staff to ensure grants are accurately budgeted and projected for future needs.
* Primary position for revenue tracking, billing, conflict resolution and monitoring for airport revenue generating activities. Airport revenue activities include but are not limited to lease payments, adjustment, landing fees, hanger fees, wait list, badge fees, fuel flowage fees, reimbursable utilities etc.
* Knowledge in FAA standards for revenue generation, diversion, and compliance. Coordinate with BFO IV for recommendations on process improvements related to FAA standards and compliance.
* Monitor all revenue to ensure accuracy and consistency. Track trends and notify BFO IV & Finance Manager of any trending/inconsistencies/irregularities in revenue streams.
*We are looking for candidates who:*
* Have knowledge and skills in developing, tracking, projecting, and dashboarding revenue.
* Can demonstrate experience with tracking, analyzing, billing, and working with federal grant agencies.
* Have experience with enterprise financial systems such as Oracle, excellent excel and power BI skills.
* Knowledge and understanding of enterprise funds, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and Annual Comprehensive Financial Reporting (ACFR).
* Skilled in working with internal teams/committees where employees feel heard and inspired. Effectively engages with a diverse set of employee teams and workplace cultures including those in skilled trades.
* Strong oral and written communication skills, including the ability to communicate technical information to non-technical audience.
This exciting opportunity is open all applicants. Please apply online at We highly recommend that you also provide a cover letter detailing your experiences as it relates to this position and a resume. If you have any questions, please contact DES Talent Solutions at
This position performs work remotely and onsite." "
This recruitment is an effort to fill our immediate vacancies as well as create a hire list that will be used for any positions that become vacant within the next 6 months. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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