Postmark Center for the Arts: March 2024
- [등록자]City of Auburn
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Auburn, WA, US
- 등록일 : 2024/03/13
- 게재일 : 2024/03/13
- 변경일 : 2024/03/13
- 총열람수 : 119 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
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+1 (949) 788-1133Life IVF Center
- 유치원생부터 초등학생, 고등학생, 대학생, 직장인까지. 하와이 현지 학교...
하와이 과외학원 = ! ! 유치원생부터 초등학생, 중학생, 고등학생, 대학생, 사회인까지. ⧏33⧐塾 ⧏35⧐ 학원 ⧏34⧐ 하와이 현지 학교 보충부터 일본 교육 보충, 각종 영어 자격증 시험과 일본과 미국 명문대 시험까지 ! 공부라면 맡겨주세요 ! ●하와이 현지 학교 보충 ●일본 교육 보충
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알라모아나 쇼핑센터 푸드코트 ( 마카이 마켓 )에 NEW OPEN! 도쿄에 4곳의 매장을 가지고 있으며, 연예인과 유명 인사들도 몰래 방문하는 인기 가게입니다. 미디어에도 많이 소개된 '마늘 스테이크'는 이곳에서만 맛볼 수 있는 맛이다. 꼭 한번 방문해 주세요 ^ ^ 마늘 스테이크 마늘 새우 로코모코
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정통 이탈리안이라면 JOYs로 ! 심야까지 즐길 수 있는 정통 이탈리안 ! 돌가마에서 구운 피자를 비롯한 아쿠아 파스타 ・ 각종 튀김 등 다양한 메뉴는 가격도 저렴해 눈이 돌아갈지도 ? 심야까지 영업. 까지 영업하므로 퇴근 후나 회식 장소로도 편리하게 이용하실 수 있습니다. ! ! 돌가마에서 구운 '마르게리타'를 합리적인 가격으로 정통 이탈리안 요리...
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2023년 6월 개교】기사라즈역 동쪽 출구에서 도보 1분 ! 종합학습학원 ・ 수험준비학원을 찾는다면, 플라자 개별지도학원 기사라즈 교실로 ! 학생 개개인에 맞춘 학습지도로 합격을 이끈다 ! 개별지도의 장점은 학생 개개인에 맞춘 맞춤식 수업이 가능하다는 점입니다. 맞춤형으로 수업을 구성할 수 있다는 점입니다. 자녀의 목표와 목적 ・ 이해도에 맞춰 무리하거나 ...
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- 미국 전역에서 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고, 일본인 커뮤니...
후라토는 뉴욕을 거점으로 미국 전역에서 활동하는 비영리 단체로, 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고 일본인 커뮤니티를 지원하고 있습니다. 미국에서 의료와 보험의 복잡성에 직면한 일본인과 그 간병인, 고령화에 따라 고립되는 시니어가 늘어나는 가운데, 우리는 필요한 정보와 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. 온라인 활동... +1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- 보험은 종합보험대리점 다이와손해보험에 맡겨주세요 ! 자동차보험, 의료보험...
개인용, 기업용 모든 보험을 취급합니다. 보험은 만일의 사태에 대비하여 매우 중요합니다. 다이와손해보험은 고객의 니즈를 파악하여 여러 보험사 중에서 가장 적합한 보험을 찾아드립니다. ! www.daiwainsurance.com 자동차 보험 의료보험 ・ 해외여행보험 생명보험 산재보험 점포 보험
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- 생활클럽에서는 식재료와 생활용품을 매주 정해진 요일에 집까지 배송해 드립...
생활클럽으로 삶을 더욱 풍요롭게 ? 생필품, 식재료 쇼핑뿐만 아니라 육아 지원도 하고 있습니다. 조합원들이 안심하고 식사를 즐길 수 있도록 생산자, 제조법 등의 정보를 공개하고 있다. 메인 요리가 10분 만에 완성되는 밀키트도 판매 중입니다.
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+81-50-3553-0774NPO法人日本農林再生保全センター JAFREC
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- 미국 전역에서 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고, 일본인 커뮤니...
후라토는 뉴욕을 거점으로 미국 전역에서 활동하는 비영리 단체로, 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고 일본인 커뮤니티를 지원하고 있습니다. 미국에서 의료와 보험의 복잡성에 직면한 일본인과 그 간병인, 고령화에 따라 고립되는 시니어가 늘어나는 가운데, 우리는 필요한 정보와 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. 온라인 활동... +1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- Mama Bear Daycare Services는 0세부터 4세까지의 아...
Mama Bear Daycare Services는 0세부터 4세까지의 아이들을 부모님을 대신하여 소중히 돌보고 있으며, 매일의 인연에 진심으로 감사하고 있습니다. 아이 한 명 한 명에게 감사의 마음을 담아 사랑과 따뜻함으로 감싸며 성장을 지켜보고 있습니다. 가족, 스태프와 함께 감사하는 마음으로 키우는 멋진 하루하루를 보내시길 바랍니다.
+1 (424) 221-0580Mama Bear Daycare Services
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Postmark Heading Logo
Gallery and Gift Shop Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
*Poetry at the Postmark [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=20009787 ]*
Wednesday, April 3rd | Free
6:30 - 8:30PM
Join us for Poetry at the Postmark! The City of Auburn is hosting a poetry reading series on the first Wednesday of each month at Postmark Center for the Arts on Auburn Avenue.
We hope you can join us at the Postmark - bring a poem for the open mic!
*Featured Reader: Patrick Dixon [ http://www.patrickdixon.net/ ]* is a retired educator and commercial fisherman living in Olympia, Washington. Published in Cirque Literary Journal, Panoplyzine, Raven Chronicles, National Fisherman magazine, The Smithsonian and the anthologies FISH 2015, WA129 (2017), and I Sing the Salmon Home (2022). He was also included in the Washington State Book Award anthology, Take a Stand: Art Against Hate (2020). Dixon is on the Board of Directors of the Olympia Poetry Network. He is a past poetry editor of National Fisherman magazine’s quarterly, North Pacific Focus (2010-2019). He received an Artist Trust Grant for Artists to edit Anchored in Deep Water: The FisherPoets Anthology (2014). His poetry chapbook Arc of Visibility won the 2015 Alabama State Poetry Morris Memorial Award. In June of 2023 he won the Cirque Poetry of Place competition. His memoir, Waiting to Deliver, about his 20 years fishing for salmon on Cook Inlet, Alaska, was published in 2022.
Classes & Workshops
*The Manga Portrait: Proportions and Features - 58075 [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19711628&objectId.786619=19941920&contextId.786619=19711630&parentId.786619=19711631&localStartDate=2024-03-14T17:30&localEndDate=2024-03-14T19:30&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogPU9pl7GVDZBLA0HB4mRThU%3d ]*
Thursday, March 14
Postmark Center for the Arts
Want to learn how to draw manga? This lesson will teach how to construct a manga face and features! Focus will be given to proper proportion as well as how to mix-and-match facial features like eyes, nose, and mouth. All ages and skill levels welcome, bring your own paper and drawing implements.
*Ages:* 10+, Mixed
*Fee*: $16/$20 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor:* *Amanda Jenkinson*
*Date:* Thursday, March 14, 2024 | 5:30-7:30PM
*"@ The Postmark Center for the Arts. [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19727603 ]"*
"*Register Now! [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8320?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]*"
*Creativity and Flow with Greg Bartol [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8943?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]
*Thursday, March 21st
6:00PM - 7:00PM
Postmark Center for the Arts | 20 Auburn Ave*
Join the Postmark’s newest series: Art Talks! (name still in the works) This week we welcome speaker Greg Bartol who will guide you in learning about CREATIVITY and FLOW. Use unique ways to expand ideas. Discover how to access Flow, for the peaks in your life. Integrate Science, Design, Technology, Education, and Art into how you Create and Think at your Best. Use Creativity as a way to think, work, and move through whole life.
*Ages:* 18+
*Fee:* $5
*Instructor:* Greg Bartol
*@ The Postmark Center for the Arts. [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/parks_arts_recreation/arts_and_entertainment/postmark_center_for_the_arts ]
**"Register Now! [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8943?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]"*
Muckleshoot Logo
* [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8324?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]Muckleshoot Studio Tour [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19725576&objectId.787103=20112565&contextId.787103=19725577&parentId.787103=19725578&localStartDate=2024-03-30T11:00&localEndDate=2024-03-30T14:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogLOk8y%2fDiAKoO32ZvB2jFwA%3d ]
*Saturday, March 30
11:45AM - 2:00PM
Postmark Center for the Arts
Sam Obrovac, featured artist in Postmark Center for the Arts’ gallery exhibition “Muckleshoot: Alive & Strong” will be touring two groups through the Muckleshoot Carver Studio. Meet Auburn City Staff at the Postmark Center for the Arts and carpool to the Muckleshoot Studio to get an insider look at the artistic space processes of the Muckleshoot Studio artists.
Two groups will visit the studio for a period of 45 minutes, with the opportunity to ask questions and observe.
*Ages:* 16+
*Fee:* $5 ( Youth Scholarship Opportunity available upon request. Please email ahyde@auburnwa.gov )
*Instructor:* Sam Obrovac
*@ The Postmark Center for the Arts. [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/parks_arts_recreation/arts_and_entertainment/postmark_center_for_the_arts ]
**"Register Now! [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19725576&objectId.787103=20112565&contextId.787103=19725577&parentId.787103=19725578&localStartDate=2024-03-30T11:00&localEndDate=2024-03-30T14:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogLOk8y%2fDiAKoO32ZvB2jFwA%3d ]"*
*The Art of Collage* [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8715?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]
Thursday, April 4th
A collage can be many things. Magazine and newspaper clippings, paint, bits of colored or handmade paper, portions of other artwork or texts, photographs and 3 dimensional found objects. It can be a notebook page, a framed show piece, or it can fit in the back of your phone case. In this class learn about the endless scope of collage work and make your own (or many!). Materials will be provided, but as always, we encourage you to bring anything that inspires YOU!
*Ages:* 15+, Mixed
*Fee:* $16/$20 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor:* Aidyn Dervaes
*Date:* Thursday, April 4, 2024 | 5:30-7:00PM
*@ The Postmark Center for the Arts.
[ https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/parks_arts_recreation/arts_and_entertainment/postmark_center_for_the_arts ]"Register Now! [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8715?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]"*
Painting with Coffee
*Painting With Coffee [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8716?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]*
Friday, April 5th
Come experience coffee painting. Experiment and explore different techniques with coffee to create interesting results. Come away with unique coffee paintings. Bring regular watercolor supplies and paper (supply list available). Coffee and other supplies provided.
*Ages:* 18+, Mixed
*Fee:* $55/$69 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor:* JoAnne Iwasaki
*Date:* Friday, April 5, 2024 | 12:00-4:00PM
*@ The Postmark Center for the Arts. [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=19713036&portalid=11470638 ]
**"Register Now! [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8716?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]"*
free community programming
*Introduction to Muckleshoot Carving: Demonstration by Sam Obrovac [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?pageid=19713036&portalid=11470638 ]
*Thursday, March 28th | Free
4:00PM - 7:00PM
Postmark Center for the Arts
Join the Postmark in welcoming Muckleshoot Carvers for a demonstration in Muckleshoot carving. In this pop-up, artist Sam Obrovac will introduce traditional tools and processes in wood carving. Visitors will be able to ask questions and observe.
*Artist Open Studio [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529092 ]
*Every Wednesday | Free
10:00-11:00 a.m.
Postmark Center for the Arts
Stop by the Postmark for our Artist Open Studio! Join us for a cup of coffee with whatever art project you might be working on! A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to gather... you can talk with other artists, ask for feedback or critique from on-site staff if available, bring your sketchbook to work out ideas, or just quietly draw in the gallery or work on your art! Intended for ages 18+.
Drop-In Painting with Amy Sie
*Drop-In Painting with Amy Sie [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19725576&objectId.787103=19943126&contextId.787103=19725577&parentId.787103=19725578&localStartDate=2024-01-19T10:00&localEndDate=2024-01-19T12:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogLqleUsfpO0rBNwYdFfQy9Y%3d ]
*Every Friday | Free
10:00 -11:00 a.m.
Postmark Center for the Arts | 20 Auburn Ave
Amy Sie is offering Drop-In Gongbi Painting sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for you to start a new painting, or work on an old one. Please bring your own tools and materials. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. Intended for ages 18+.
[ http://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8458?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ]
Drop In
*Drop-In Drawing* [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19713036 ]
Every Friday | Free
10:00 -12:00 a.m.
Postmark Center for the Arts | 20 Auburn Ave
Come stop by for our Drop-In Drawing sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to drop-in to draw from a still life or the gallery. Stay for whole two hours or only 10 minutes. Bring tools to either shade or color with, and your own sketchbook or drawing pad. There will be on-site help for critique/questions/advice. Intended for ages 18+.
Postmark BRAVO heading
**New Age Flamenco [ https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=193529 ]
**Saturday, March 23| 7:30 PM*
*Postmark Center for the Arts, 20 Auburn Ave.
Tickets: $20/$17
The music of New Age Flamenco was influenced by the work of Gipsy Kings, Carlos Santana, Ottmar Liebert & others. Their sound reflects a strong Latin connection, with Mediterranean folk, European roots, jazz, and a Gypsy soul blended with the infectious rhythms of modern music. New Age Flamenco integrates these influences by combining them to create a new, personal sound of their own to bring you an exuberant stage experience!
*BRAVO at the POSTMARK - 2024 Performances*
* Saturday, March 23 | *New Age Flamenco [ https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=193529 ]*| 7:30pm
* Friday, April 19 | *Zan Fiskum [ https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=193535 ] |* 7:30pm
* Friday, May 10 | *Champagne Sunday [ https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=193539 ]* | 7:30pm
Postmark Main Gallery
* Gallery Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays | 12-4pm
Winter Exhibition:*" Muckleshoot: Alive and Strong"
*Exhibition Dates:* January 17 - May 1, 2024.
*Closing Reception:* Tuesday, April 23rd, 5:00-6:30PM*
Muckleshoot Header
The Postmark Center for the Arts is proud to present ”Muckleshoot: Alive & Strong,” a group exhibition featuring nine contemporary artists from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. Artwork in a variety of mediums, sizes, and themes will be on display in the gallery from January 17 through the May 1.
*Featured artists include: *Isiah Corwin, Sam Obrovac, K. Saladin, Tyson Simmons, Julie James, Joyce Starr, Donny Stevenson, Keith Stevenson, and Gail White Eagle. *
* [ http://www.dianecdavis.com/ ]
In Other News
*VIDEO: Historic Postmark Center in Auburn | Spellman Award [ https://vimeo.com/showcase/10918912/video/896371893 ]*
The Auburn Post Office was built in 1937, an elegant structure that served a growing community. Starting in 2016, the City of Auburn transformed the building into the Postmark Center for the Arts, a vibrant space for public music and dance programs, visual arts exhibits and classes, and other cultural gatherings.
The 2023 John D. Spellman Award for Excellence in Adaptive Reuse goes to the City of Auburn for their stunning rehabilitation of the Auburn Post Office as the Postmark Center for the Arts.
*Art Corner: More than a reception for Muckleshoot Indian Tribe at Auburn’s Postmark Center for the Arts [ https://b-townblog.com/art-corner-more-than-a-reception-for-muckleshoot-indian-tribe-at-postmark-center-for-the-arts-2/ ]
by Raymond Street
"By 5:30 p.m. there were only over 100 people at the event. Then a city representative used a mic and welcomed everyone. There were thanks given to the artists, a sincere land acknowledgement recognizing the connection and history to the land. They acknowledged Auburn City Councilmembers and Commissioners present in the crowd and their contributions to the arts. Then each artist was given the chance to say a few words and talk about their art."
Postmark Rentals
The Postmark Center for the Arts is available as a venue for your next gala, work conference, reception, or event. Visit auburnwa.gov/postmark [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19727603 ] for rental rates and information. Beautiful hardwood floors, a terrazzo entryway, and historic windows create a stunning setting for your next event. The space is equipped with a small catering kitchen, audio visual equipment, and a large pull-down screen. Capacity varies based on room set-up.
Postmark Gift Shop
* Gift Shop Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
The Postmark Center for the Arts is happy to be featuring local artists in our Gift Shop [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=19727769 ]! Come by to find a unique gift or maybe a handmade item for yourself!
Interested in having your work in the Postmark Gift Shop in the future? Make sure you sign up for the "Call to Artist [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WAAUBURN/subscriber/new?topic_id=WAAUBURN_163 ]" list so you can get information about application opportunities for the Postmark Gift Shop.
Other Art Heading 2023
The City of Auburn offers a variety of cultural arts programming for performing arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529138 ], visual arts [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529095 ], public art [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529274 ], special events [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12529890 ] and more!
Check out auburnwa.gov/arts [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/arts ] for a full list of programming.
Stay Connected!
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Postmark Center for the Arts
20 Auburn Ave. | Auburn, WA 98002
auburnwa.gov/postmark [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/postmark ] [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/seniors ]
City of Auburn Arts Division
253-931-3043 | auburnwa.gov/arts [ http://www.auburnwa.gov/arts ]
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