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City Council Adopts Wilburton Comprehensive Plan Amendment

Updates to the land use code are underway

Illustration of Wilburton Neighborhood
Wilburton Comp Plan Amendment Adopted

On July 23, 2024, the City Council adopted the Wilburton Vision Implementation Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA), which will facilitate the transformation of the west edge of Wilburton into a walkable, vibrant, sustainable, and mixed-use neighborhood.

This work is a culmination of a decade of planning and community input, beginning with Council setting guiding principles for the Wilburton-Grand Connection planning initiative in 2015, a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) study in 2017-2018 that provided a land use, urban design, and transportation vision, and Council direction to implement this vision on April 25, 2022.

*What’s New?*

* The Wilburton/N.E. Eighth Street Subarea Plan [ https://bellevuewa.gov/sites/default/files/media/pdf_document/2024/sp14.wilburtonne8th2024_07.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] is updated with a vision, goals, and policies for the Wilburton Transit-Orinted Development (TOD) area – encouraging more development around public transit, the Eastrail, and the Grand Connection, encouraging further housing and job opportunities in the area.
* The Comprehensive Plan land use map is updated with land use designations supporting higher-density mixed-use development in the Wilburton TOD area.
* The boundaries of the Wilburton/N.E. Eighth Street and BelRed Subareas are amended.

The CPA is just one component of the Wilburton Vision Implementation initiative. The Comprehensive Plan captures the vision for the future of Bellevue, sets policy that directs city actions and decisions, and guides capital investments such as infrastructure and parks. This CPA provides a guiding framework for land use code amendments, affordable housing approaches, sustainability, and multimodal transportation in the Wilburton TOD area.

*What’s Coming Up?*

The city is gathering input on the land use code amendment (LUCA), which will come to the Planning Commission and the City Council later this year. A public review draft of the LUCA was shared in late May, and staff anticipate sharing an updated draft in the coming weeks. You may reach out to Caleb Miller, Senior Planner, with questions, comments, and other feedback at cwmiller@bellevuewa.gov or (425) 452-4574. Additionally, visit our project webpage [ https://bellevuewa.gov/city-government/departments/community-development/planning-initiatives/wilburton?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] and Engaging Bellevue [ https://www.engagingbellevue.com/wilburton-vision-implementation/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] for information regarding the public review LUCA drafts, project milestones, and upcoming meetings.



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  • 登録日 : 2024/07/29
  • 掲載日 : 2024/07/29
  • 変更日 : 2024/07/29
  • 総閲覧数 : 84 人
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