Mayor Ralph's Weekly Update
- [登録者]City of Kent
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Kent, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/05/24
- 掲載日 : 2024/05/24
- 変更日 : 2024/05/24
- 総閲覧数 : 158 人
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Mayor's Update
May 24, 2024
Memorial Day Weekend
memorial day
Happy Friday, Kent!
Memorial Day is an important day to honor the service men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. I'm eternally grateful to those who have made that sacrifice for the safety of our communities here at home.
As a reminder, our offices will be closed this Monday. This includes Kent City Hall, the Centennial Center, the Kent Commons and Senior Activity Center.
Hope you enjoy this week's update and have a great weekend!
Dana Ralph, Kent Mayor
I attended the Pediatric Interim Care Center luncheon on Thursday afternoon with Rep. Tina Orwall, Councilmember Troutner, and Events and Community Manager Cynthia Boyd. PICC does such amazing work for babies.
Because of PICC, babies who are born drug-addicted have a chance to grow up strong and healthy. I am grateful they are a part of the Kent community and honored to be here supporting their work.
Thank you, Kent Station, for sponsoring our table.
Maggie's on Meeker holds a very special place in my heart. On Thursday we celebrated that the legacy that is Maggie's will continue on with Raman, the new owner, Jessica and Michelle and all the amazing staff.
Thank you Sue and Steve, for the building a space for community, a place where all the world's problems were solved (AKA The Table of Gnawledge) and the heartbeat of downtown.
Raman, thank you for your commitment to downtown and making sure Maggie's remains a very special place.
mayor top pot
Earlier this week, I toured the Top Pot offices and warehouse with our team from Economic and Community Development.
We're thrilled to have Top Pot Donuts in Kent!
Their decision to lease warehouse space is an exciting development that speaks volumes about the attractiveness of our city as a place to do business.
*Read more about their decision to come to Kent here! [ https://www.bizjournals.com/seattle/news/2024/05/03/top-pot-doughnuts-leases-kent-warehouse-space.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Public Works Week
Public works week
This week on our social platforms, we shared pictures of our Kent Public Works team and some tidbits about how they bring the city to life every single day.
These essential employees dedicate themselves to making all of our lives better by providing vital services we rely on.
They work hard to improve the quality of life for all residents in our community and we are so grateful for their work.
pub works week
At Tuesday night's Kent City Council meeting, I presented Public Works Director Chad Bieren, Transportation Engineering Manager Rob Brown and Transportation Planner David Paine the proclamation for *Public Works Week* in the City of Kent!
We recognize that the men and women in Kent who provide and maintain public works infrastructure, facilities and services are of vital importance to sustainable communities and to the health, safety and well-being everyone who lives here.
Kent Kitty Hall
kitty hall
We are kicking off Paw-Fest weekend, where Kent City Hall becomes Kent Kitty Hall!
It's where all the cuddliest, cutest adoptable kittens and cats will be available for adoption thanks to Regional Animal Services of King County.
This is a purr-fect time, to find your furever friend! No kitten around!
?? Thursday, May 30
⌚ 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
?? Kent City Hall
Paw Fest
Join us and Regional Animal Services of King County at PawFest! Animal rescues will have sweet animals up for adoption and we'll have licensing help on-site.
There will be a pet parade, best pet costume contest, pup cups, demonstrations from dog agility teams and dog trainers.
?? Saturday, June 1
⌚11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
?? Kent Station
blood drive
Blood banks across the United States are reporting critical shortages, with donor levels lower now than they were before. Let's help patients in our community by making an appointment at the *pop-up blood drive happening at Kent Station. [ https://www.kentstation.com/promotions/bloodworks?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Kent City Council
Here's the recap on what the Kent City Council has been working on!
*You can also see the full meeting agendas, minutes and livestream recordings on our website. [ http://kentwa.iqm2.com/citizens/default.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
sen kaiser
Senator Karen Keiser stopped by our Kent City Council meeting on Tuesday to provide her last legislative update for our district.
Senator announced earlier this year that she will be retiring later this year. We appreciate all she has done and wish her the absolute best in her retirement!
City employees host a Spring fundraiser to support a local non-profit and provide a great opportunity for staff to purchase flowers for loved ones before Mother’s Day.
City staff chose NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) to receive funds from this event and raised over $2600.
In prior years we had a nursery putting our flower baskets together. This year, we asked Kentwood High School students to work with our Public Works’ vegetation experts, to grow beautiful flowers.
charitable giving
Recycling Event
Summer Recycling Event
We have another FREE recycling collection event that allows residents to dispose of recyclable items not typically accepted at the curb.
Instead of going to the landfill as trash, all collected items will be reused or recycled!
*Here's the list of items accepted tomorrow!* [ https://www.kentwa.gov/departments/public-works/environmental/talking-trash-recycle-and-clean-up-events-for-residents/recycling-collection-events?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
?? Saturday June 8
⌚ 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
?? Canyon Ridge Middle School
KDP Nerd Party
*Get ready for the Kent Nerd Party! [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kent-nerd-party-2024-tickets-794676939117?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
The Nerd Party is a street-wide event with a cosplay contest, Lego museum, indoor and outdoor vendors, and more. Small businesses on 1st Ave S and Meeker St will host local makers, artists, authors, and exhibits.
All nerds are welcome—whether you love anime, science fiction, fantasy, horror, or another geeky pursuit.
?? Saturday, June 1
⌚ 2 p.m.- 7 p.m.
?? Downtown Kent
Kent International Festival
International Festival
International Festival is back at ShoWare Center this year! This event is a celebration of the cultural diversity represented in our city, and it's a great way to come together, celebrate various heritages and build respect, understanding and a sense of inclusivity in our community.
?? Saturday, June 1
⏰ 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
?? accesso ShoWare Center
It will feature performers, cultural and informational booths and so much more! They are still looking for volunteers, so if you're interested *head over to their website to learn more. [ https://kentinternationalfestival.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
bike everywhere
It's National Bike Month! Whether commuting to work, running errands, or enjoying an easy ride with friends and family, every pedal stroke counts.
The Kent Bicycle Advisory Board presents "The Ride of the Month," a monthly recommended bike course in Kent. You can find all of the previous Rides of the Month *HERE. [ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RkYLnrPm6oZeuXUjBVKGsy9d2j64fKKToodsQ6Ru1cE/edit?usp=sharing&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Kent Police Teen Academy
teen academy
The Kent Police Department is hosting a 3-day teen academy for students who may be interested in law enforcement or just want to learn more and have fun.
Students will learn about the job of a police officer, get an in depth look at many specialty assignments officers can have, how to prepare to work in law enforcement and more! The academy is open to 2024-2025 school year sophomores, juniors, seniors and 2024 graduates. *Applications are due Wednesday, May 29th. [ https://www.kentwa.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/21546/638484298690930000?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
kherson movie night
Our Parks team is excited to announce that more movie showings are coming to Kherson Park!
First up is Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, showing Saturday, June 1! Stay after the Kent Downtown Partnership’s NERD Party to watch or pack up the family and enjoy a movie night under the stars.
Movie is scheduled to start at dusk. Stay tuned for more information about upcoming showings and all details.
?? Saturday, June 1
⌚ Dusk
?? Kherson Park (307 W. Gowe St)
Morrill Meadows Park
morill meadows park
We are so excited to announce that Morrill Meadows Park has officially re-opened!
Check out the expanded playground with improved ADA access and new swings, a brand-new nature play area, updated park furnishings, improved lawn space, and a permanent stage.
These renovations offer a beautiful, refreshed space for our community to gather and play outdoors. Bring your family to explore and experience this beautiful new space.
Mark your calendars for the Grand Opening celebration: Saturday, June 29
Stay tuned for more details!
Kent Summer Concerts
summer concerts
The Kent Summer Concert Series kicks off July 10. We are so excited to bring you another season of FREE music and entertainment with Kent Station! Check out the line-up online now at *KentWA.gov/SummerConcerts [ https://www.kentwa.gov/departments/kent-parks/arts/summer-concert-series?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
fishing experience
The 2024 Fishing Experience was a such a great time - no trout about it!
Last weekend, over 130 kids ages 4-14 took part at the free event at the Old Fishing Hole, where they learned how to fish and be safe around water.
Participants worked with their families and volunteer guides to become a master of the pond! Thank you to all who joined us, especially our long-time sponsors, the Rotary Club of Kent.
*Registration is open [ https://www.kentwa.gov/departments/kent-parks/events/kent-cornucopia-days-5k?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* for the Cornucopia Days 5k!
This year's event will take place on Saturday, July 13 at Three Friends Fishing Hole with the race kicking off at 9 a.m. The deadline to sign up and order a shirt is June 14.
corn days run
The King County Wastemobile is coming to Kent! It offers residents and eligible businesses a safe, convenient opportunity to dispose of household hazardous waste at no cost.
?? May 24-26
⌚ 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
?? Fire Station 75, 15635 SE 272nd St
*You can see the full schedule on their website. [ https://kingcountyhazwastewa.gov/en/news-articles/2024-wastemobile-schedule-and-announcement?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Transportation Safety Plan
target zero [ https://engage.kentwa.gov/kent-target-zero-action-plan?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
We are developing an action plan to improve transportation safety in Kent, working toward eliminating fatalities and serious injuries due to crashes.
*Please take this brief survey to share your experience on city streets and areas you feel may be unsafe.* [ https://engage.kentwa.gov/kent-target-zero-action-plan?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Spring & Summer Parks Guide
Registration Open
Registration for Spring/Summer programming through Kent Parks is open!
From preschool classes and free summer concerts to youth sports and programs for adults aged 50 and older, there is something for everyone in the family to enjoy.
*If you haven’t received a guide, browse a digital copy to check out upcoming events and all available programs. [ https://online.flipbuilder.com/ixcy/mstl/mobile/index.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
jobs of the month
We're hiring! Check out our featured jobs and find great opportunities on our hiring page at *jobs.kentwa.gov [ https://jobs.kentwa.gov/jobs?page_number=2&page_size=10&sort_by=headline&sort_order=ASC&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Are you interested in the construction trades?
ANEW offers free training in OSHA 10, Flagging, and Forklift certifications at no cost to students! Learn more about the free training at *anewcareer.org [ https://anewcareer.org/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Get your furry friends licensed with *Regional Animal Services of King County [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/regional-animal-services.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* to help get them back to you if they're ever lost!
Your license also helps fund RASKC's life-saving animal shelter work. They reunite lost pets 24/7 and provide shelter pet care 365 days a year.
Don't forget to check out the KentNOW podcast! Tracy, Kyle and special guest Kevin talk to Long Range Planning Manager Kristen Holdsworth about the Kent Comprehensive Plan, and Maria Tizoc from our Race and Equity team jumps in to recap Space for All at accesso Showare Center earlier this month.
Listen to new and previous episodes on:
?? Apple Podcasts *apple.co/3J2UMkd [ https://t.co/kiMUAwAMdU?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
?? Spotify *spoti.fi/3GNCeli [ https://t.co/MccBJhOIlp?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
?? Amazon Music *amzn.to/3jjaOvU [ https://amzn.to/3jjaOvU?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
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City of Kent, Washington
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