City News: Did You Know...
- [注册人]City of Orlando
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Orlando, MIA
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/04
- 发布日 : 2024/10/04
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/04
- 总浏览次数 : 47 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- \ 招聘 ・ 临时员工 ・ 外包人力资源 / 我们提供全面的支持,并给予慷慨的回...
+1 (310) 993-7325Humina Resource
- 我们是洛杉矶一家历史悠久的海运货代公司。小到汽车・,大到摩托车,我们都乐意提供帮...
我们的日本员工将真诚地协助您将货物从收货到发货运往日本和世界各地。 无论您是出口还是进口,我们都会为您办理所有复杂的手续。 多年来,Interline 已在亚洲所有主要地区建立了自己的办事处和合作伙伴,并将业务扩展到 50 多个国家。 我们致力于为客户提供高质量的服务,如具有竞争力的价格和不断变化的运输行业所需的灵活性。 如需免费报价,请随时与我们联系!(日语)。
+1 (310) 834-5500Interline
- 青少年足球学院和青少年足球队位于基萨拉祖。我们一直在寻找球员。如需了解更多信息,...
在曾执教过各国国家队和 J 俱乐部的吉冈大辅的带领下,2019 年将成立 U-12 足球学校,2020 年将成立 U-15 少年青年队。 我们希望我们的学校和俱乐部不仅能培养出世界级的球员,还能培养出对教练、裁判和其他足球相关家庭感兴趣的孩子。 虽然运动能力和发展因人而异,但我们认为,任何球员最重要的因素是能够确保视野、收集信息、做出决定并将其执行到比赛中。 我们希望培养的不仅是球员,还有教练、...
- 托兰斯的儿科诊所。还提供 PCR 检测。接诊新生儿~和18岁以下儿童。突发疾病,...
加利福尼亚州托兰斯的儿科诊所,日语。该诊所紧邻托伦斯纪念医院。 院长拥有在日本担任儿科医生的经验,非常了解日本和美国在医疗和实践方面的差异,并用日语为患者提供通俗易懂的解释。 我和我们的员工都希望帮助日本人在美国安心生儿育女。 <NEW> 我们医院现在可以进行COVID-19 ・ 流感 ・ 和RS病毒的PCR检测,当天()就可以得到结果,最快一个小时
就可以得到结果。如果您... +1 (310) 483-7880松本尚子 小児科
- 威基基唯一的日本超市】 新鲜食品 ・ 新鲜食品 ・ 化妆品 ・ 药品 ・ 文具 ...
季节性美食用鲜鱼制作的刺身和寿司深受夏威夷居民和游客的喜爱。宽敞的美食广场还配备了微波炉和热水壶。您可以在购物之余来此小憩,享用午餐或晚餐。 威基基的国际市场 ・ 库希欧街二楼的三和超市提供新鲜农产品、速食食品、调味品、婴儿食品(婴儿食品) ・ 冰淇淋 ・ 糖果和其他杂货。还有各种日用品、化妆品、药品、文具和书籍。 我们为夏威夷・游客提供与日本相同的安全・产品。手工制作的便当和日式寿司非常受欢...
+1 (808) 489-9020ミツワマーケットプレイス - ハワイ ワイキキ店
- 当我们玩的时候,我们就会学到东西!
+81-120-198-323東京着物学院 中央校
- 位于鸭川横柳的正宗意大利 CaSa 餐厅为您提供轻松惬意的家外之家、安全的食材和...
在鸭川享用由曾在东京著名餐厅接受过培训的正宗厨师烹制的意大利美食。 在餐厅内,您可以在赭色的柜台座位、俯瞰花园的地板座位以及地下室的梦幻般的包间内,尽情享受如在家般惬意的时光。 比萨、意大利面、单点菜肴、咖啡、无酒精饮料和美味葡萄酒都在菜单上,等着您的光临。 请来品尝只有在这里才能体验到的芳香和美味。
- 环境教育や体験型新入社员研修をご要望なら♪。
荒川クリーンエイド ・ フォーラムは、荒川のゴミを調べながら拾うことを通じて、自然環境の回復と荒川に集い思いを寄せる人々の交流を作り出してきました。1994年から始まったこの活动に参加した人は延べ20万人に达し、川に対する関心が広がっています。 ただいまではじゃないです。<トビハゼ>を守るクラウドファンディングを実施中です ☆
+81-3-3654-7240特定非営利活動法人 荒川クリーンエイド・フォーラム
- 不再有后顾之忧,无需在日本准备 ! 夏威夷婚礼出席服装在本地即可轻松租赁! 我们...
如果您计划参加夏威夷的婚礼,您一定会喜欢夏威夷风格的服装 ☆ 我们有各种简单到正宗的夏威夷礼服和伴娘礼服。 从威基基的主要酒店步行即可到达,交通便利,您的家人・和所有朋友都可以在当地轻松租到♪ 租赁是明智的选择,因为您不会在日本穿! 您可以轻松选择自己喜欢的礼服,因为这是租赁! 。! 您还可以在有着装要求的餐厅用餐,或盛装出席巡游晚宴 ♪ 您可以尽情享受正宗的夏威夷时尚。☆
+1 (808) 921-8118ムームーレインボー・ハワイアンドレレンタル
- 我们是一家在萨克拉门托拥有超过28年经验的护理院。我们主要关心的是日本人、日裔美...
房间是完全私人的,并且有美丽的日光 ! 膳食也提供日本食品。 我们以合理的价格支持你和你的家人的退休生活。来吧,在萨克拉门托与我们一起度过您的退休生活。
American River Care Home
- 自己思考、自己决定、自己行动 "是我们的教育目标。学生可以选择人数有限的面授班(...
一位拥有 18 年海外儿童教育机构校长经验的魅力数学教师,开设了一间让孩子们放心的教室。 我们采用独特的 "螺旋式学习法",并与日本专门的海外儿童教育机构合作,迄今为止,我们在早稻田庆应高中入学考试中取得了 100% 的通过率。 我们掌握着大量有关接收归国留学生的学校的信息,对高等教育方面的建议绝对有信心。 补充学校制定了每月 "德育目标",不仅加强学习指导,还加强生活指导,使学生成长为受...
+1 (949) 932-0858ひのき補習校・学習塾Hinoki
- MOM在怀孕、分娩、育儿、母乳喂养按摩和医疗方面为您提供支持。
+1 (604) 980-8539MOM Family Support
- 我们深受大家的喜爱! 我们可以帮助您解决所有清洁需求,从日常清洁到大清洁和局部清...
夏威夷的好客之道 ! 我们将为您提供彻底的日式清洁服务。 请先向我们咨询您的清洁需求。我们将根据您的需求制定计划。 老年人、产前产后、同事、单身人士等,都非常喜欢我们的服务。 夏威夷度假屋、住宅、公寓、办公室、商店等的清洁。 根据客户需要,提供入住前和入住后清洁、装修后清洁、住宅定期清洁、别墅定期清洁、办公室定期清洁、灯具内部和水区(厨房、浴室、盥洗室、厕所)等小区域的特殊清洁、空调清洁...
- [ 小学、初中、高中一体化教学 ] 如果您正在寻找辅导学校,努力学校 ( 努力学...
努力 ( 努力 ) 课后辅导班 保过制度 高中生自习室 语言学校 大泽美卫星预备学校
+81-439-50-8633進学予備校エフォート 君津校
News from the City of Orlando
** October 4, 2024
Photo credit: State Archives of Florida
Before it became an official park in 1888, Lake Eola was known as “Sandy Beach!” (check out this @OrlandoFPR social post ( to see exactly where this photo was taken). It was the local watering hole for settlers to cool off and have some fun in the sun.
Now, Lake Eola Park is the most-known landmark in the city proper. It’s our signature park, home to Fireworks at the Fountain, Spring and Fall Fiesta, swan boat rides, holiday markets and events and so much more. It’s the place where we go to gather and be together as fellow Orlandoans.
The amount of change since 1888 is quite staggering and we’re not even done yet! With our upcoming Lake Eola Park Master Plan ( , we’re looking to the future and how the park will continue to serve our community moving forward.
** The budget was approved
Just like Lake Eola, our city is ever evolving. Last week, the Orlando City Council approved a budget to support our growing city, including:
* The addition of 26 new police officers and 29 firefighters
* Funding for sanitary sewer improvement projects, sidewalk repairs and the repaving of roads
* Funding for amenities like parks and recreation facilities
* Investment in multi-modal opportunities, such as SunRail, to allow residents and visitors to be less reliant on their car.
You can learn more about the budget and the investments being made throughout our community on
Learn more (
** We’re helping ease challenges for our most vulnerable
Our commitment to providing safe and affordable housing for all continues. Orlando City Council recently approved plans for the use of over half a million dollars in federal funding to support affordable housing and homelessness initiatives.
These funds will be used by more than a dozen local community partners for the following:
* Homebuyer education and counseling
* Services for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking
* Outreach services, temporary housing and permanent supportive housing
* Case management for individuals on the path to self-sufficiency
We are grateful to these partners for helping advance our shared priority that every resident has a safe place to sleep, and their basic needs are met.
** You can make an impact
We're excited to announce the return of the Community Engagement Group (CEG) and we're looking for YOU to join!
Want to make a difference in Orlando? The CEG gives you a chance to share your voice, on your own schedule, on issues that matter most to you. Your feedback through surveys can help impact the policies that shape our city.
Here's what you get:
* Convenience: Provide input on your terms, just a few minutes a month.
* Impact: Your feedback helps us improve programs and better serve Orlando's diverse communities.
* The Future: Be a part of shaping the future of Orlando!
Ready to get involved?
Sign up today at (
** There’s still time to enjoy summer weather
The calendar says it’s officially fall, but Florida says we’ve still got time to enjoy our favorite summer outdoor activities (with an iced pumpkin spice latte in hand, of course).
Vanessa Salazar and her mother, Madeleine Matheus, opened DePalma World in 2020, a sustainable swimwear boutique specializing in stylish resort quality, handmade pieces that celebrate their vibrant Venezuelan culture and community. While the boutique opened just four years ago, Vanessa and Madeleine’s love of designing bathing suits began almost 25 years ago, when Madeleine handmade suits for her children. Later, while Madeleine opened swimwear stores in Venezuela, Vanessa went to fashion school to better hone her craft and learn the ins and outs of running a fashion-related business.
Both Vanessa and Madeleine moved to the United States for a new start, and after a few years of selling their products at local markets, they made the move to open their brick-and-mortar storefront in Ivanhoe Village. Today, the two enjoy creating bright, Caribbean-inspired bathing suits that instill confidence in every customer who walks through their doors. To visit DePalma World, head to 619 Virginia Drive or check out their website at
** Things You Should Know
* We’re launching a newly created market, Luminary Market (
* Need a break? Take a stroll at Park Lake ([0]=AZXzp45_iI22ceIVXM04vUfj2Sip5I9Cq3dhsfEQ1f8lBqsHepDNM14XiOEp4d_Rld3zOll_m6XjHEkZGItfNL-5AQuMyjv6Y6VSlRICnZBNrHNBG_VqUJUwGM5fQvcMIdQjP8ChmFPf4yK0C8cddCGu4aMz5fFFY1YdBLt3iiij2RHdui9yUMzJm9ih7gbVstIIf69ZjSQFnvLgzDF34w9rIZjeNi6p34cuNtzRw5r59Q&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R&utm_source=City+News&utm_campaign=504a8d689f-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_07_03_07_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c482f52094-504a8d689f-80648119&mc_cid=504a8d689f&mc_eid=UNIQID)
* Welcome Back, Downtown Rec! (
* Get your boo on at Leu Gardens (
* Get your electronics and textiles ready to be recycled (
* Just in case you forgot it was Hurricane Season... (
* Sign up for the Fall session of the Food and Livability Lesson Series at McQuigg Urban Farm (
* Join Mayor Dyer at Boards and Brews (
* The 2024 State of Downtown is set (
* Can you fix things? Help us help others (
* You can still view the Hispanic Heritage Month Art Exhibit at City Hall (
* Lake Fairview Park is getting a huge makeover (
* Stay safe and get your paperwork shredded (
* Check those fire alarm batteries! (
* October is Energy Efficiency Month (
* The next Pulse Memorial Advisory Committee Meeting is October 7 (
** Now Hiring
Are you in the market for a new job that is meaningful and offers challenging work? Are you looking to fill your cup with work that makes your community better? Check out these positions with the City of Orlando:
* Audio Visual Producer ( – Orlando Fire Department
* Closed-Circuit TV Supervisor ( – Parking
* Youth Employment Coordinator ( – Children, Youth and Families
* Temp/Seasonal Worker ( – Capital Improvement and Infrastructure
View all jobs (
** Events
Public Board Meetings
Visit (
for more meetings and location details
* City Council Meeting and Agenda Review
October 7, 1 p.m.
* Pulse Memorial Advisory Committee Meeting
October 7, 4 p.m.
* Appearance Review Board
October 8, 1 p.m.
* Pulse Memorial Advisory Committee Meeting
October 8, 4 p.m.
* Nominating Board and Committee Meeting
October 9, 8:30 a.m. (Virtual)
* Code Enforcement Board
October 9, 9 a.m.
* Downtown South Neighborhood Improvement Dist. Adv. Council
October 9, 9 a.m.
* Development Review Committee
October 10, 3 p.m.
* 2nd Committee Meeting for RQS24-0365
October 10, 3 p.m.
* SEIU Meeting
October 11, 1 p.m.
Hispanic Heritage Month Art Exhibit (
September 17 - November 3
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
City Hall - Terrace Gallery
400 South Orange Avenue
Happy Frights Haunting Nights (
September 27 - October 31
Harry P. Leu Gardens
1920 North Forest Avenue
Baldwin Park First Fridays (
October 4
5:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Harbor Park
4982 New Broad Street
TPD Market (
October 4, October 10
6 - 10 p.m.
Osceola Circle
432 East Central Boulevard
Walk to End Alzheimer's (
October 5
7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Lake Eola Park
195 North Rosalind Avenue
Orlando Farmers Market (
October 6
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Lake Eola Park
20 North Eola Drive
City District Community Clean-Up (
October 6
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Gertrude's Walk
63 W. Washington Street
Milk Mart Spooky Soirée (
October 6
12 - 6 p.m.
The Nook on Robinson
2432 Robinson Street
Audubon Park Community Market (
October 7
5 - 8 p.m.
Stardust Video & Coffee
1842 East Winter Park Road
Fall Music in Mills 50 (
October 9
7 - 9 p.m.
The House on Lang
1308 Lang Avenue
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