Happening Today: Spooky Saturday in Culver City’s West Washington District!
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]City of Culver City
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[ http://www.culvercity.org/ ]
Spooky Saturday Culver City Image of kids dressed up for halloween with orange background [ https://www.culvercity.org/Events-directory/Love-Local-Spooky-Saturday ]
*Spooky Saturday*
*Music, Crafts, Trick or Treating and More!
*Saturday, October 19th*
*2 PM to 5 PM*
On Washington Boulevard between Centinela Avenue and Wade Street*
The City of Culver City Invites You to a Spooky Saturday in the West Washington District!
Halloween is almost here! Join us for a Spooky Saturday in the West Washington Business District today, October 19th from 2 PM to 5 PM. The fun will occur at select businesses on Washington Boulevard between Centinela Avenue and Wade Street. We'll have music, family fun and more. Make crafts, play games and find other specials throughout the afternoon. Come early or stay late and dine at one of the amazing restaurants nearby!
*Live Music and Performances (2:30 PM – 4:30 PM) *
Enjoy the sounds of local Doug Gochman and the Desperate Measures from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM at the intersection of Washington Boulevard and Boise Avenue (near 12517 Washington Boulevard) bringing classic country and 70’s light rock, the band will keep your feet dancing and voices singing well after the song ends.
Delight in the capoeira stylings of the amazing instructors of Brasil Brasil at 2:15 PM at the intersection of Washington Boulevard and Neosho Avenue (near 12550 Washington Boulevard). Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian cultural practice that can be interpreted as a tradition, a sport and even an art form.
*District Happenings and Specials
*Games, Giveaways and Photo Opportunity*
Enjoy games, mask-making, crafts and photo opportunities while listening to live music. Instagram your afternoon with a spooky photo, grab your free trick or treat bag (while supplies last) and follow the candy crawl to select businesses in the district. Follow the @CulverCityGov Instagram account and tag us! [ https://www.instagram.com/culvercitygov/ ]
Don't miss the costume contest at 4 PM! (Kiddos and furry friends only)
*Trick-or-Treating and District Specials*
Look for the orange and yellow pinwheels to fill your bag with treats! Don't miss area specials along the way.
Hatchet Hall [ http://www.hatchethallla.com/ ] - Discover a wood fire cookery with an emphasis on ingredients and old American techniques.
Corner Door [ https://www.the-corner-door.com/ ] - Stop by and enjoy some special spirits for the grown-ups and treats for the kids and pups, too.
Sunny Blue [ https://www.sunnyblueinc.com/ ] – Enjoy boba drink specials and fresh Japanese croquettes, while checking out free omusubi prizes in their claw machine.
Humble Potato [ https://humblepotato.com/ ] - Down-to-earth neighborhood eatery, serving comfort food with a Japanese flavor twist. Post your Halloween costume on social media, tag @humblepotato #humblepotato and order any HP entrée to claim an order of free french fries.
Tangaroa Fish Market [ https://www.tfmraw.com/ ] - Enjoy fresh seafood and raw bar offering inspired by New Zealand Maori culture.
Ginger's Divine Ice Cream and Pops [ https://www.gingersicecreams.com/ ] - Delightfully delicious! Handmade ice cream and divine pops, cookies, fudge and caramel all made on the premises.
Chocovivo [ https://chocovivo.com/ ] – Visit this eco-chic venue offering dark-chocolate product being produced onsite from Mayan cocoa from the Jesus Maria Plantation in Tabasco, Mexico. Enjoy dark chocolate chips with different chocolate sweetness levels and spooky hot chocolate, while supplies last.
Brasil Brasil Cultural Center [ https://brasilbrasil.org/ ] – Local non-profit that transports you to the streets of Rio, beautiful and serene, with the sites, sounds, moves and people. With various classes including capoeira to samba, yoga to drums, something for the entire family.
*Arriving to Washington West Business District*
Consider taking the bus or using other mobility options to visit Washington West. Culver CityBus Line 1 [ https://www.culvercitybus.com/Bus-Schedules/Line-1-Washington-Blvd ] will bring you to the festivities! Plan your trip by calling (310) 253-6500, visiting the Culver CityBus website [ https://www.culvercitybus.com/Home ], or using Next CCBus [ https://www.nextccbus.org/home ], which provides real time bus locations, trip planning and bus occupancy levels. Please avoid parking in residential neighborhoods.
*#ChooseCulverCity Campaign*
As part of the #ChooseCulverCity [ https://www.culvercity.org/News/Choose-Culver-City-Buy-Local-Campaign ] campaign, the City of Culver City is spotlighting *local* musicians to enhance economic recovery efforts, enrich commercial corridors, and support neighborhood businesses.
For more information about these programs, please email Economic Development Director Elaine Warner <elaine.warner@culvercity.org> or call (310) 253-5777. The City of Culver City’s facilitation of the #ChooseCulverCity Buy Local Campaign is intended to support the business community at large and should not be construed as a recommendation, certification or endorsement of any business or employer. You can learn more about the campaign on the City's website. [ https://www.culvercity.org/News/Choose-Culver-City-Buy-Local-Campaign ]
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