Toyokawa Anshin Mail とよかわ安心メール
- [登録者]豊川市
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]愛知県 豊川市
- 登録日 : 2024/11/19
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/19
- 変更日 : 2024/11/19
- 総閲覧数 : 73 人
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+1 (925) 289-8296くるみ日本語クラス
Toyokawa City Health Center Scheduled for December 2024.
◎ Dental checkups for pregnant women
Date and time: Monday, December 9th and Monday, December 23rd (reception hours: 1:15pm - 1:30pm)
[Address]Health Center
[Target] Pregnant women, women who have given birth less than one year ago (one time each)
[Things to bring] Maternal and child health handbook, writing equipment
◎Learn in one session! Postpartum Life Class (reservation required)
[Date and time] Monday, December 16th from 1:30 P.M. to 3:45 P.M. (Reception Hours: from 1:15 P.M.)
Please make a reservation via the URL below.
[Address]Health Center
[Target] Pregnant women and their families
[Items to bring] Maternal and child health handbook, writing equipment
◎Pre-mom breastfeeding social gathering (reservations required)
[Date and time] Wednesday, December 18th from 10:00 A.M. to 11:45 A.M. (Reception Hours: from 9:45 A.M.)
Please make a reservation via the URL below.
[Address]Health Center
[Target] Pregnant women
[Items to bring] Maternal and Child Health Handbook, writing utensils
◎ Breastfeeding consultation (reservations required)
[Dates and times] Wednesday, December 4th, Friday, December 13th, Friday, December 20th
9:30AM and 10:30AM on each day (approximately 45 minutes per person per session)
*Please contact the Maternity and Child Health Section (0533-95-4652) to make a reservation.
[Address]Health Center
[Target audience] Those who are less than 3 months postpartum and want to consult about breastfeeding.
*Those who are more than 3 months postpartum must consult.
[What to bring] Maternal and child health handbook, bath towel, items necessary for breastfeeding
[Notes]- Treatments such as breast massage will not be performed.
- In principle, one session per person.
◎ Parenting Safety Class ~Medicine Edition~ (reservations required)
[Date and time] Tuesday, December 17th, 10:00AM-11:45AM (Registration 9:45AM-10:00AM)
Please make a reservation via the URL below.
[Address]Health Center
[Target] Pregnant women, women who have given birth less than one year ago, and their families
[Things to bring] Maternal and Child Health Handbook, writing utensils
◎Childcare consultation
[Date, time and place]
・Wednesday, December 4th, Health and Welfare Center Ikamaikan
・Tuesday, December 10th, Kozakai Kifukan
・Wednesday, December 18th, Otowa Welfare And Health Center
・Monday, December 23rd, Health Center
・Wednesday, December 25th, Mito Welfare And Health Center
(Reception hours : 9:30 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.)
[Target] Children aged 0-6 and their families
[What to bring] Maternal and Child Health Handbook, bath towel for infants
◎ Mogumogu Class (reservation required)
[Date and time] Friday, December 13th
10:00AM-11:00AM (reception hours 9:45AM-10:00AM)
Please make a reservation via the following URL.
[Address]Health Center
[Target] Children born in July 2024 and their families
*If you cannot participate in the program on the designated month, you can participate on another date.
[What to bring] Maternal and Child Health Handbook, writing utensils, bath towel, baby food leaflet distributed at the 4-month checkup, adult spoon
◎Kamikami Happi Class (Late Weaning & Tooth Brushing Class)
[Date and time] Wednesday, December 11th
10:00AM~11:00AM (reception hours 9:45AM~10:00AM)
[Address]Health Center
[Target] Children born in March 2024 and their families
*If you cannot participate in the program on the designated month, you can participate on another date.
[What to bring] Maternal and Child Health Handbook, writing utensils, bath towel
◎Postpartum body conditioning class (reservation required)
[Date and time] Friday, December 6th from 10:15 A.M. to 11:15 A.M. (Reception Hours: from 10:00 A.M.)
"Each person can participate up to two times."
Please make a reservation via the URL below.
[Address]Health Center
[Target] Children born in August and September 2024 and their mothers
[What to bring] Exercise clothes, drink, bath towel (for laying baby down), towel, yoga mat (if available)
*No childcare available.
To ensure the safety of the class, older children cannot be brought along.
◎Refreshing exercises for parenting generation (reservations required)
[Date and time] Friday, December 20th from 10:15 A.M. to 11:15 A.M. (Reception Hours: from 10:00 A.M.)
"Each person can participate up to two times."
Please make a reservation via the URL below.
[Address]Health Center
[Target] Children born in April and May 2024 and their parents
[What to bring] Exercise clothes, drink, bath towel (for laying baby down), towel, yoga mat and baby carrier (if available)
*No childcare available.
To ensure the safety of the class, older children cannot be brought along.
◎ "Psychologist" consultation on how to interact with children (reservation required)
[Date and time] Please call the Infant and Child Health Section (0533-95-4653) to confirm the date and time.
*45 minutes per person
[Address]Health Center
[Target] People who want to ask for advice on how to interact with children aged 0 to 6 years old
[What to bring] Maternal and child health handbook, writing equipment
Those who are unwell, have a fever or cold symptoms will not be able to participate.
Toyokawa City Child Health Department Health Center
Tel :0533-89-0610
【日時】12月9日(月曜日)、12月23日(月曜日)(受付時間 午後1時15分〜午後1時30分)
【日時】12月16日(月曜日)午後1時30分〜午後3時45分(受付時間 午後1時15分〜午後1時30分)
【日時】12月18日(水曜日)午前10時0分〜午前11時45分(受付時間 午前9時45分〜午前10時0分)
【日時】12月17日(火曜日)午前10時0分〜午前11時45分 (受付午前9時45分〜午前10時0分)
(受付時間 午前9時30分〜午前10時30分)
午前10時0分〜午前11時0分(受付時間 午前9時45分〜午前10時0分)
午前10時0分〜午前11時0分(受付時間 午前9時45分〜午前10時0分)
【日時】12月6日(金曜日)午前10時15分〜午前11時15分(受付時間 午前10時0分〜午前10時15分)
【日時】12月20日(金曜日)午前10時15分〜午前11時15分(受付時間 午前10時0分〜午前10時15分)
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