Tampa Weekly: FY 2025 budget, history, and more...
- [登録者]City of Tampa
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Tampa, Florida, US
- 登録日 : 2024/07/22
- 掲載日 : 2024/07/22
- 変更日 : 2024/07/22
- 総閲覧数 : 108 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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痛みの治療は正確な診断から始まります。日米両国にて医師免許を持つ日本人ドクターが、日本語で丁寧に診察・治療いたします。からだの痛みでお困りの方、ぜひお気軽にご相談ください。* 腰痛 * 下肢の痛み * 臀部の痛み * 尾てい骨の痛み * 首の痛み * むち打ち * 顔の痛み * 胸壁の痛み * 肋骨痛 * 関節痛(膝、股関節、肩、肘、手) * 筋肉痛 * 神経痛 * 帯状疱疹痛 * 頭痛 * ...
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温暖で風光明媚、豊かな自然に培われた、柔らかな県民性と、アジアや西洋から異文化を受け入れ吸収しながら、伝統や風習に融合してきた大分県。 大分市の中心に大分のユニークな文化風土にちなんだ「出会いと五感のミュージアム」が生まれました。 設計は、世界的に活躍する建築家 坂 茂(ばん しげる)さん。透明度の高い、フレキシブルで可変性に富んだ爽快な空間は、まさしく「常に変化しながら成長するミュージアム」。 ...
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(04) 7096-7307CAMA Kitchen
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高級車、ラグジュアリーカーを買うなら当店が断然お得!!ローン、分割払いできます。異なる仕様状況や年式、車種、価格などの中から、お客様が求めるクルマを探し、買って納得していただけ、乗って安心していただける中古車をお届けしたい。これがWestern Motorsのポリシーです。近頃では日本でもリースをされる方が増えてきているようです。そこで、リースとは何か?リースとはお車の契約時に契約期間後のお車の買...
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+1 (972) 385-0168Mr. Sushi Japanese Restaurant
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Local leaders & community members gathered to unveil a historical marker recognizing Memorial Park Cemetery and its rich history. Presented by Councilwoman Henderson, Mayor Jane Castor proclaimed the day (July 19, 2024) as “Memorial Park Cemetery Historical Marker Dedication Day” in the City of Tampa. Established in 1919, this cemetery is the final resting place of more than 1,000 African American veterans.
Local leaders & community members gathered to unveil a historical marker recognizing Memorial Park Cemetery and its rich history. Established in 1919, this cemetery is the final resting place of more than 1,000 African American veterans. Presented by Councilwoman Henderson, Mayor Jane Castor proclaimed the day (July 19, 2024) as “Memorial Park Cemetery Historical Marker Dedication Day” in the City of Tampa.
Community Fitness in the Park
Did you know that the Tampa Downtown Partnership offers free fitness classes in Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park every week from Sunday - Thursday? See the schedule and updates here (https://www.facebook.com/CommunityFitnessTPA) .
Hurricane Preparedness Event
Ensure you and your family are prepared this hurricane season. Join a hurricane preparedness event on July 29 at 6:30 pm, located at Temple Crest Community Center, to learn important safety measures and more from the Tampa Fire Rescue Emergency Management Team.
Rock the Park
The Tampa Downtown Partnership and Brokenmold Entertainment have produced a free monthly music series (https://www.tampasdowntown.com/events/rock-the-park/?occurrence=2024-08-01) showcasing musical talents of all genres for the past 13 years. Attend the next Rock the Park event in Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park on August 1 at 6:30 pm to check out Persephone’s Choice, Swamp Poney, and Mwiza Trio. Food will be available for purchase from JAM DISH and This Little Pig food trucks.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training: New Tampa
Register today for upcoming CERT Basic Training in New Tampa on August 2 – 4. Be a Hometown Hero by learning basic disaster response, fire suppression, first aid, and much more! To register, visit tampa.gov/CERT (https://www.tampa.gov/CERT) or contact Riley Tuff at 813-695-9440 or TampaCERT@tampagov.net (mailto:TampaCERT@tampagov.net) .
Ybor City Saturday Market
Centered in Tampa’s Ybor City Historic District, the Ybor City Saturday Market (https://www.tampa.gov/events/ybor-city-saturday-market/132011) is one of the most popular shopping destinations for locally produced items unique to the Tampa Bay Area. Join the next event on August 3 from 9 am – 1 pm, located in Centennial Park.
Mayor’s Food Truck Fiesta
Grab lunch from a local food truck in Lykes Gaslight Square Park from 11am – 1pm on August 7. Participating trucks include: Polar Barry’s Shaved Ice, Slammer Shop, Charm City Eats, Divinos Tacos, and Wheelin N’ Grillin.
Tampa Home Show
Produced by the East Coast Consumer Shows, the Tampa Home & Garden Show (https://www.tampa.gov/events/tampa-home-show/144846) returns to the Tampa Convention Center on August 17 – 18, bringing vendors such as landscapers, pool/spa professionals, builders, and contractors who all specialize in home improvement.
Tampa Bay Comic Convention
The Tampa Bay Comic Convention (https://tampabaycomicconvention.com/) returns to the Tampa Convention Center on August 23 – 25. Attend to explore comic books, toys, cosplay, art, panels, and more.
Tampa Heat Resilience Playbook
Created in collaboration with the University of South Florida and Resilient Cities Catalyst, the newly released Tampa Heat Resilience Playbook (https://tampa.gov/document/tampa-heat-resilience-playbook-152091) outlines actionable policies, projects, and programs to help protect Tampa residents from the effects of extreme heat.
Job of the Week
The Tampa Police Department is hiring Public Safety Telecommunicators (https://www.jobapscloud.com/Tampa/sup/bulpreview.asp?b=&R1=231207&R2=007500&R3=001) to perform an efficient response to emergency and non-emergency calls. This level of work is typically used as a training classification. Applicants must successfully complete and maintain the State of Florida 911 Public Safety Telecommunications certification.
Tampa Mayor Jane Castor unveils $1.8 billion budget. Here’s what’s in it.
Mayor Jane Castor unveils $1.8 billion budget. Here’s what’s in it. (https://www.tampabay.com/news/tampa/2024/07/18/mayor-jane-castor-city-council-fiscal-2025-budget-proposal-look-inside-summary/)
Tampa Bay Times
The budget covers existing services “with very little left over.”
Tampa ‘heat playbook’ outlines plans to revamp east city neighborhoods
Tampa ‘heat playbook’ outlines plans to revamp east city neighborhoods (https://www.tampabay.com/news/tampa/2024/07/17/tampa-heat-playbookheat-vulnerability-indexuniversity-south-floridausftree-planting-tampa/)
Tampa Bay Times
Officials intend to start tree planting projects and build shaded areas around East Tampa to help deal with blistering temperatures.
Tampa offers $1,000 vouchers for e-bikes for residents in second round of voucher program
Tampa offers $1,000 vouchers for e-bikes for residents in second round of voucher program (https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/local/hillsboroughcounty/ebike-tampa-voucher-program-city/67-bc028570-1feb-4974-be5f-33f9f40a3e56)
10 Tampa Bay
The city is offering vouchers worth up to $3,000 for residents who wish to buy an e-bike and apply to the voucher's lottery.
Tampa leaders vote to widen budget for Riverwalk expansion project: ‘It certainly moves us forward’ (https://www.fox13news.com/news/tampa-leaders-vote-widen-budget-riverwalk-expansion-project-it-certainly-moves-us-forward)
The Tampa Riverwalk expansion project has been years in the making.
City of Tampa’s weekly camp teaching kids how to skateboard
City of Tampa’s weekly camp teaching kids how to skateboard (https://www.fox13news.com/news/city-tampas-weekly-camp-teaching-kids-how-skateboard)
"Zero experience just to us equals foundation," he said.
Tampa to designate Memorial Park Cemetery with historical landmark
Tampa to designate Memorial Park Cemetery with historical landmark (https://www.wfla.com/video/tampa-to-designate-memorial-park-cemetery-with-historical-landmark/9880716/)
WFLA NewsChannel 8
City of Tampa leaders, Belmont Heights neighbors and advocates held a dedication ceremony for Memorial Park Cemetery.
Tampa is one of the top 3 best cities for recreation in America, according to WalletHub
Tampa is one of the top 3 best cities for recreation in America, according to WalletHub (https://thatssotampa.com/tampa-recreation-best-city/)
That’s So Tampa
WalletHub compared the 100 largest U.S. cities across 47 key indicators of recreation-friendliness.
Meet Janalise Lopes, a Water Distribution Planner/Scheduler in the Water Department. She has worked for the City of Tampa for eight years and loves that every day is different in her position. “The Water Distribution Planning office is truly one-of-a-kind, as each day brings a fresh and exciting adventure. We never encounter the same scope of work with each water main break, service line renewal, or hydrant replacement. The ever-changing weather, events, and consumers constantly keep us on our toes, ensuring that we are never stuck in a monotonous routine,” she said.
What do you like to do in your free time? I spend my free time with family and friends. We do car shows, play video games, and adventuring out into the local springs on warm days.
What’s your favorite holiday? My favorite holidays would have to be our family’s birthdays. I enjoy making my kids’ birthday a special day that is all about them. Birthdays are not really a holiday, but we take time to make sure they feel special and loved during that one time each year we celebrate them.
What is your dream vacation? My dream vacation has always been to travel to Rome, Italy. I was blessed enough to have the opportunity this summer. There is so much to do, I cannot wait to go back and explore even more of that beautiful city.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen on the job? The craziest day I have ever had with the water department was when there was catfish walking all over the parking lot at the 40th Street building. We saw the catfish after days of rain, which flooded a nearby retention pond. Growing up in Pennsylvania, it was very surprising for me to witness fish taking a walk around the parking lot.
** (https://www.tampa.gov/budget)
Mayor Jane Castor & City of Tampa Chief Financial Officer Dennis Rogero presented the proposed ** Fiscal Year 2025 Budget (https://www.tampa.gov/budget)
to Tampa City Council last week. The budget reflects Mayor Jane Castor’s mission of Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow by addressing our community’s priority areas of critical need: transportation, infrastructure, resilience, housing & public safety.
** (https://www.tampa.gov/WaterRestrictions)
Our area is currently on once-a-week lawn watering restrictions due to drier-than-normal weather. Our community has saved over 1 billion gallons of water since December 2023. See your watering day here at ** tampa.gov/WaterRestrictions (https://www.tampa.gov/WaterRestrictions)
** (https://www.tampa.gov/ebike)
The ** eBike Voucher Program (https://www.tampa.gov/ebike)
is back! It seeks to provide qualified & approved Tampa residents with an upfront discount towards the purchase of a new eBike from a participating local bike shop. This not only helps overcome some of the existing barriers to eBike ownership, but will also provide access to reliable transportation to jobs, promote sustainable transportation, and improve the City’s carbon footprint. Accepting applications from August 16 at 8 am – August 30 at 5 pm.
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