Sci-Fi September, Year in Review, Grow Your Skills with the Digital Library and more
- [注册人]City of Mountain View
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Mountain View, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/01
- 发布日 : 2024/09/01
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/01
- 总浏览次数 : 48 人
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- 您可以将您的 IRA(个人退休账户)转为房地产投资。 我们将用日语温柔细致地教...
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Tokyo Models
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Interior of Library - Row of Books
"Our Library is for everyone. We are a free resource helping our community connect, create and learn."
585 Franklin St.
Mountain View, CA 94041
*Contact Us [ ]
Monday-Thursday: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Friday-Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday: 1 - 5 p.m.
* The Library will be closed on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, September 3.
Sci-Fi September
Sci-Fi September
Sci-Fi September [ ] is back at the Library! All month long, we are offering events that celebrate science fiction, fantasy and the real-life science that inspires the stories. This year, we have another compelling slate of programs for sci-fi aficionados and science buffs of all ages.
*Guest Speakers*
* Enjoy exclusive online conversations with Hugo award-winning science fiction and fantasy author Martha Wells [ ]*, "New York Times" bestselling novelist Sara Wolf [ ], and internationally renowned space opera and military sci-fi writer Jack Campbell [ ].
* Enjoy a fascinating presentation on the early evolution of personal computers and the internet with Computer History Museum co-founder Len Shustek [ ].
* Learn about the progress being made around the world to achieve the first human voyage to Mars with Dr. Pascal Lee [ ]* from the Mars Institute, SETI Institute and NASA Ames Research Center.
* Join us for a fun, interactive presentation and retro gaming exhibition with the Retro Roadshow [ ]*! Discover how science fiction influenced the history of personal computers and video games, then get hands-on with a variety of vintage computers and video game consoles that feature exciting and historically significant sci-fi-themed games.
*For Youth*
* Visit the Children's Room to make sci-fi-themed paper projects while supplies last.
* Take part in the ultimate sci-fi showdown in the Teen Zone by voting for your favorite movies and video games throughout the month.
* Use your science skills to craft a Wobblebot UFO [ ].
* Create your own intergalactic adventure in brick format at LEGO® Time [ ].
* Test your problem solving skills at the two-part, hands-on Robot Challenge [ ] workshop for ages 11-14.
* Dress your little ones in their favorite pajamas or astronaut suits for Sci-Fi Pajama Storytime [ ].
* Discover a playful science fiction reading list for children [ ] and explore a selection of mostly humorous sci-fi titles tailored for teens [ ].
* Browse out-of-this-world book displays in the Teen Zone and Children's Room.
*These events are generously sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library.
2023-2024 Year in Review
frog sculpture in Pioneer Park
The Library published its Year in Review report [ ] for Fiscal Year 2023-24. The report provides an overview of the Library's accomplishments throughout the past year, including the expansion of outreach services, addition of new programs, space improvements, growth in borrowing trends, focus on inclusivity and forming connections, and more.
Some of our favorite highlights:
* Unveiled the new all-electric bookmobile [ ] and implemented a new flexible service model with expanded stops at schools, parks and other community-wide locations.
* Launched the Learners Program [ ] to help residents achieve life goals through reading.
* Implemented the Career Success Allowance Program [ ] to provide monetary support to active students in the Career Online High School Program.
* Completed a refresh of the History Center [ ].
* Added bicycle repair kits [ ] to the collection to support community cyclists.
Grow Your Skills with the Digital Library
person looking at online resources through their laptop
Learn new skills and sharpen old ones with our new and continuing _Career and Skill-Building [ ]_ resources, available for free 24/7 with a library card through our _Digital Library [ ]_.
* Use LinkedIn Learning [ ] to take online courses taught by industry experts in software, creative and business skills to help you achieve your personal and professional goals.
* Receive live tutoring assistance for grades K through 12, expert writing analysis, as well as access to skill-building resources with Brainfuse HelpNow [ ].
* Prepare for your next job with Brainfuse JobNow, [ ] which provides guidance through the entire job search process with features that include expert resume feedback, live interviewing coaches, career assessments and more.
* Ace the college admissions process with Brainfuse CollegeNow, [ ] which offers college interview guidance, SAT/ACT test prep, feedback on admissions essays and also provides information on scholarships, loans and help with FAFSA.
* Find resources, available services, and benefits for veterans through Brainfuse VetNow [ ] including live assistance with navigating the Veterans Affairs systems.
The California State Library will no longer support access to Northstar Digital Literacy and EBSCO LearningExpress starting October 1, 2024.
Past Program Highlights
Digitizing and Documenting Your Family History
Attendees learned how to capture their family history by using artificial intelligence for oral history creation, scanning, photo restoration, photo management, movie making and storytelling.
Classical Guitar and Clarinet Performance
We enjoyed a moving concert by classical guitarist Bowen Zheng and clarinetist Renzo DeCarlo, whose performance featured compositions by Sergio Assad and Pedro Caldeira, music from well-known films by Ennio Morricone, and two movements from Astor Piazzolla’s “Histoire du Tango.”
PAH Pals Read to a Dog
Kids practiced reading aloud to therapy dogs at our PAH Pals Back to School Reading Buddy program in collaboration with the Palo Alto Humane Society.
Landscape Photography
Attendees learned how to create stunning landscape photographs by using the right equipment, timing and composition.
Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese Calligraphy Workshop
We celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with a hands-on Chinese calligraphy workshop presented by Jojo Liu.
Upcoming Programs
Upcoming Programs 2
* Tuesdays, Sept. 3, 10, 17 & 24: Outdoor Storytime [ ].
* Wednesdays, Sept. 4, 11, 18 & 25: ESL Conversation Club [ ].
* Wednesday, Sept. 4: Bilingual Storytime: Mandarin/English [ ].
* Thursday, Sept. 5: Individualized Education Program: Discussing IEP (Parents Zoom at Noon) [ ].
* Thursday, Sept. 5: Sci Fi STEAM [ ].
* Thursday, Sept. 5: Author Talk with Martha Wells [ ].
* Fridays, Sept. 6, 13, 20 & 27: Baby Storytime [ ].
* Saturday, Sept. 7: LEGO® Time [ ].
* Mondays, Sept. 9 & 16: Robot Challenge [ ].
* Tuesday, Sept. 10: Capturing the Human Drama Through History with Garrett Graff [ ].
* Tuesday, Sept. 10: Growing Culinary Herbs in Santa Clara County [ ].
* Wednesday, Sept. 11: Bringing Computing to the People: The History of Personal Computers, Handheld Computers, and the Internet [ ].
* Thursdays, Sept.12 & 26: Let's Create [ ].
* Thursday, Sept. 12: Author Talk with Sara Wolf [ ].
* Wednesday, Sept. 18: Living with an Expansive Mind in a Distracted World–with Nate Klemp, PhD [ ].
* Wednesday, Sept. 18: Birthday Storytime [ ].
* Thursday, Sept. 19: Calmer Connections: Supporting the Anxious Child [ ].
* Thursday, Sept. 19: Author Talk with Jack Campbell [ ].
* Thursday, Sept. 19: Sci-Fi Pajama Storytime [ ].
* Saturday, Sept. 21: Drop-in Bike Clinic [ ].
* Saturday, Sept. 21: Trio Sol de Mexico: Mariachi Concert [ ].
* Saturday, Sept. 21: A Deep Dive in Character Development with Global Sensation Liane Moriarty [ ].
* Tuesday, Sept. 24: The Future Human Exploration of Mars [ ].
* Wednesday, Sept. 25: Ukulele Jam: Sing and Play Along [ ].
* Thursday, Sept. 26: Hispanic History in Mountain View [ ].
* Saturday, Sept. 28: Retro Gaming with The Retro Roadshow: Science Fiction's Role in Video Game History [ ].
History Center
photo of old Mountain View Library
Have you visited California Revealed? California Revealed is a California State Library initiative that assists libraries and museums in California with preserving, digitizing and providing access to their collections.
California Revealed is a wonderful portal into the history of local communities throughout California. In the past, Mountain View Public Library has partnered with California Revealed to provide online access to photos and oral history interviews in the Mountain View History Center collection [ ].
Online Author Series
September OAS
Every month, the Library hosts virtual events with best-selling authors and renowned thought leaders covering a wide range of topics. Watch the live-streamed events or view past recordings at [ ].
Online Authors in September:
* *Tuesday, Sept.10 [ ]*: Join us for a moving chat with "New York Times" bestselling author Garrett Graff, who will speak about his body of work with particular focus on his oral histories, "The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 [ ]" and "When the Sea Came Alive: An Oral History of D-Day [ ]".
* *Wednesday, Sept. 18 [ ]*: Converse with "New York Times" bestselling author and philosopher Nate Klemp as he helps us explore pathways back to openminded living while talking about the core tenets in his new book, "Open: Living with an Expansive Mind in a Distracted World [ ]".
* *Saturday, Sept. 21 [ ]*: You're invited to a chat with mega-bestselling author Liane Moriarty about her newest novel "Here One Moment [ ]", a brilliantly constructed tale that looks at free will and destiny, grief and love, and the endless struggle to maintain certainty and control in an uncertain world.
For more information and to browse all upcoming Online Author Series events, visit [ ]. This program is made possible by the generous support of the Friends of the Mountain View Library [ ].
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Mountain View Public Library | 585 Franklin St, Mountain View, CA 94041
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