Maui to mark one year after the wildfires with community-driven special events For www.mauicounty.gov
- [登録者]County of Maui
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Maui, HI
- 登録日 : 2024/07/05
- 掲載日 : 2024/07/05
- 変更日 : 2024/07/05
- 総閲覧数 : 110 人
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A number of special events marking one year after the August 8, 2023, wildfires will pay tribute to the 102 victims and the two that remain missing. The events are designed to honor the resiliency of a community that has faced crisis and heartbreaking tragedy, and offer residents opportunities to gather in healing and shared support.
The series of remembrance events, presented as Kuhinia Maui, will take place August 8 – 11, 2024.
“Kuhinia Maui takes its name from a line in a traditional Maui chant that proudly speaks of the unequaled beauty and richness of Maui, highlighting that Maui and its people will rebound from tragedy,” Mayor Richard Bissen said. “Our community is strongest when we’re able to support each other, and I’m grateful for those involved who are helping to put together a remarkable number of gatherings that will give our community a chance to be among each other in care and aloha during a week of remembrance. I’m pleased that the County is able to offer support for these community-driven events.”
Information is available at https://www.KuhiniaMaui.org. The website will be updated regularly and signing up for text notifications is encouraged.
The scheduled events are subject to change.
Thursday, August 8
Paddle Out
An ocean gathering off the shores of Hanaka‘ō‘ō Beach Park. Due to limited parking and public safety needs, equipment drop-off with shuttle use from Lahaina Civic Center is required. Shuttle details and Hanaka‘ō‘ō drop-off instructions to be posted on https://www.KuhiniaMaui.org website.
9 a.m. - Hanaka‘ō‘ō Beach Park, Lahaina
Upcountry Aloha Luncheon
For residents of Upcountry Maui to gather in recognition of community resiliency during and in the aftermath of the August 8th wildfire that impacted Upcountry.
10 a.m. - Hannibal Tavares Community Center, Pukalani
One-Year Tribute and Remembrance
A community gathering in reverence of loved ones who perished in the August 8th tragedy. Out of respect for the community’s request for sensitivity and dignity, this event is not for media attendance.
5 p.m. - Lahaina Civic Center
Friday, August 9
Aloha for Kūpuna of Lahaina
Kūpuna are a cherished anchor of the community. The gathering brings kūpuna of Lahaina together to enjoy camaraderie and time to talk story. Sign-up required for participation; please visit https://www.KuhiniaMaui.org for more information.
9 a.m. – Lahaina Civic Center
Puana Aloha No Lahaina
Paying tribute through music, this event brings together entertainers including Lahaina musicians to perform traditional and contemporary songs of Lahaina.
6 p.m. – Lahaina Civic Center
Saturday, August 10
Kamehameha Schools, Kapālama student performance of Ka Malu ‘Ulu o Lele
Kamehameha School Kapālama students return to Maui in an encore performance of their live stage production of Ka Malu `Ulu o Lele: The Shaded Breadfruit Grove of Lele. Over 100 sixth- graders traveling from the school’s Oʻahu campus will perform in the student-led show that tells the history of Lahaina’s legacy from revered ali`i to modern-day aloha ‘āina champions.
1 p.m. – Baldwin High School, Auditorium
Lahaina Obon Festival
To give the community the annual tradition of Obon despite the loss of their temples, Lahaina Hongwanji Mission, Lahaina Jodo Mission and Lahaina Shingon Mission have combined efforts to host a special Obon Festival event that honors ancestors through traditional Japanese dance and music.
5 p.m. – To be announced
Sunday, August 11
A Day of Hope and Prayer
Led by faith leaders of churches and temples that were lost in the fire, this interfaith gathering brings forward hope as recovery efforts continue. A worldwide moment of silence will be held at noon.
10 a.m. – Lahaina Civic Center
Upcountry Aloha
To give aid to farm and ranch animals in danger of the wildfire, Oskie Rice Arena opened its grounds to give safe shelter in the midst of the crisis impacting Upcountry Maui. This special event will welcome Upcountry residents to gather and share in an evening that honors community resilience and spirit.
5 p.m. – Oskie Rice Arena, Makawao
For more information, email coordinator Daryl Fujiwara at aloha@kuhiniamaui.org.
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