MV Sustainability: 2025 is Year of the Water Heater
- [注册人]City of Mountain View
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Mountain View, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/12/28
- 发布日 : 2024/12/28
- 更改日期 : 2024/12/28
- 总浏览次数 : 27 人
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+1 (702) 665-4610中田マーケット
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- 欢迎光临位于东村的 SourAji 餐厅。餐厅提供创意十足的日式料理。
餐厅位于日本料理圣地东村,将烹饪艺术与日本传统相结合。餐厅的 Omakase 晚餐采用精心挑选的食材和技术。每道菜都配有优质饮品,让您尽享每道菜的至尊美味。 90 分钟的用餐时间不到 100 美元,是经济实惠的御馔体验的理想选择。阿玛台、帝王鲑,当然还有马鲛鱼切片。 我们期待您的光临。
+1 (917) 561-0895SourAji
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BC网络是,在美国认可的一个非营利组织。 我们是一个非营利组织,向居住在美国和日本的日本妇女宣传有关乳腺癌的最新信息、治疗后的生活举措、乳腺癌的早期检测和提高认识。 知识就是力量。
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婚姻问题、国际婚姻问题、教育、亲子问题、育儿问题咨询;还设有巴伦西亚办事处。 ♥ 您可以在短时间内感受到变化的咨询 ♥ 国际婚姻问题专家 ♥ 男女咨询师可提供两到两次治疗(针对国际婚姻问题) ♥ 所有关注领域\家庭 ・ 教育等)也可以讨论 ♥ 有多年经验的咨询师负责整个过程
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日语,所有手续均可通过电话办理 ! -汽车保险 -家庭保险 -人寿保险 -公寓和租房者保险 -医疗保险 -商业保险 ( 餐厅、酒店、公寓、美容院、美甲店、医务室、其他零售和服务行业 ) -企业保险 -雨伞保险 公寓、美容院、美甲店、医务室、其他零售和服务行业
-公司保险 -伞式保险 -摩托车保险 +1 (949) 333-0271Farmers Insurance - Kitajima Agency
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从Anesaki Sodegaura IC出来后仅2分钟!宽敞的停车场可停放几辆大型车辆。 有一家直销店,有当地农民直接送来的新鲜蔬菜,还有一个受欢迎的美食广场。 该地区交通便利,靠近东京德国村和休闲设施,离市中心只有60分钟的路程。
+81-438-38-3707tassoの森の駅 農産物直売所&フードコート
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Spa Rirakuen 的理念是日式感官疗法。在平和、现代的日式室内装饰和宁静的氛围中,您可以享受按摩浴,还可以享受使用 SGE : 天久石(Tenkutsu Stone)的岩石浴,这种岩石是从日本九州 ( 祖母倾斜山 ) 远道而来的天然矿物质制成的,可以从核心温暖您的身体,放松您紧张的肌肉,同时排出废物。该浴场是美国第一个成熟的基岩浴场。这是美国第一个正宗的岩盘浴。结合按摩、芳香疗法或面部护理...
+1 (310) 212-6408AS-Create LLC. / spa Relaken
Sustainability Newsletter Banner
"Click here [ ] to read this newsletter in Spanish, Chinese, or Russian."
In this quarter's newsletter: (click section name to jump directly to the topic)
* Electrify Mountain View [ #A1 ] [ #A2 ]
* Plant-based Eating [ #A3 ]
* Recycling and Zero Waste Upcoming Events [ #A4 ]
* Biodiversity and Urban Forest Plan Updates [ #A5 ]
Electrify Mountain View
Year of the Heat Pump Water Heater
2025 is the Year of the Water Heater in Mountain View, which means it’s a great time to switch your water heater from gas to an efficient electric Heat Pump Water Heater! The year will be packed with exclusive incentives and prizes for Mountain View residents as well as fun events and resources to learn. It’s the perfect time to upgrade and save!
Sneak peak: Why use a Heat Pump Water Heater?
Icons for safety, water heater, money, and efficency
*Safer:* Less gas means lower fire risk for your family and cleaner air in your home and in your family’s lungs.
*Get future-ready:* In 2027, local Bay Area Air Quality Management District rules begin that will not allow new sales of gas water heaters. Get your home future-ready by installing before the rush.
*Incentives are available now*: The cost of installing a Heat Pump Water Heater is about the same, maybe lower, than the cost of installing gas this year. Incentives will not always be available.
*More Efficient*: Heat Pump Water Heaters are up to 70% more efficient than a gas-fired water heater, use less energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
people touring a garden and happy people with bicycles
"Become a “Cool Block” Leader in 2025"
"Do you want to make a difference where you live? "
As a Cool Block Leader, you’ll inspire your neighbors to build a stronger sense of community, reduce carbon emissions and prepare for emergencies. You don’t need to be an expert—just have passion for making a positive impact. The City will provide all the resources you need!
This program is especially designed "for you". Choose from three options: renters, homeowners, or mixed groups (your book club, activity group, or friends). Meet up for five get-togethers covering practical steps to make changes in your home, block, and community.
Attend our 30-minute virtual Cool Block Leader Information Session [ ] on January 15, 2025 at 6 p.m. to learn how it all works or let us know you’re interested in Cool Block here [ ].
Go Electric Advisor
Visit Go Electric Advisor’s website [ ] or call 833-243-4235 to reach an Advisor. Bringing home the benefits of switching to electric is easier than ever with Silicon Valley Clean Energy’s Go Electric Advisors ready to help you make your home safer, more efficient and healthier.
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Plant-Based Eating
"Our plant-based eating program focuses on promoting healthy and sustainable food choices, supporting equitable access to healthy food, and spreading awareness about the positive health and environmental impacts of a plant-based diet."
The Plant-Based Pantry
With videos by SEI Climate Corps Fellow Grace Kann, the City has launched a new monthly video recipe series, “The Plant-Based Pantry.” December’s tasty recipe for Holiday Sugar Cookies [ ] is below and on the City’s YouTube shorts page [ ]. There you’ll find two other Plant-Based Pantry treats, November’s Mashed Potatoes and Gravy recipe [ ] and October’s Veggie and Rice Soup recipe. [ ]
Person holding iced sugar cookies [ ]
*Sugar Cookies*
* 3/4 cup plant-based butter
* 3/4 cup of sugar
* 2 tbsp unsweetened almond milk
* 1 tsp vanilla extract
* 2 cups of flour
* 1/2 tsp baking powder
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 1.5 cups of powdered sugar
* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
* 1-2 tbsp unsweetened almond milk
* In a large bowl, beat the plant-based butter until smooth
* Add the sugar and mix until light and fluffy
* Combine the almond milk and vanilla extract
* Add 1 cup of flour, the baking powder, and the salt and mix well
* Then add 1 more cup of flour and preheat oven to 350 degrees
* On a flat surface, sprinkle flour and roll dough out to 1/4 in thickness
* Use cookie cutters to cut dough and place on an oiled baking sheet
* Place cookies in oven for 8-10 mins and let cool and firm up for 5 mins
* For icing, add the powdered sugar, vanilla extract, and almond milk together in a bowl and whisk
* Then ice and decorate the cookies and enjoy!
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Recycling and Zero Waste Upcoming Events
2024 - 2025 Holiday Trash Collection Schedule
Curbside collection will occur on all holidays except Christmas (Dec. 25) and New Year’s Day (Jan. 1, 2025). If your collection day falls on or after these holidays, collection will occur one day later. See the collection calendar shown here or use the Recology Collection Calendar [ ] widget to see how these holidays may affect the collection schedule for your address.
Holiday Collection schedule
Compost Your Holiday Tree
holiday tree closeup with sphere ornaments
For residents with individual cart service, holiday trees will be collected curbside for no charge on your compost day from December 26 until January 17. Remove all decorations, tinsel, and metal or plastic stands. Cut large trees into pieces no longer than 5 feet and place in the street gutter next to your driveway. Put small trees into your compost cart or cut them to fit in the cart with the lid closed.
Flocked trees are considered trash. You can put flocked trees in your trash cart if it fits with the lid closed or at the street curb following the same instructions as above for the non-flocked trees.
Apartment managers and businesses may arrange for on-site tree collection services by calling Recology Mountain View at 650-967-3034.
For more information, visit: [ ].
Holiday Lights Take-Back
holiday lights
Got burnt out or broken holiday string lights? For the health and safety of our community and the environment, these lights don’t belong in the trash or recycling carts. They become tangled at recycling centers and can damage equipment and/or cause delays. Find the disposal option that works for you:
* Drop-off at the SMaRT Station at 301 Carl Road, Sunnyvale. Look for the e-waste collection container in the Buy-Back and Drop-Off Center.
* You can mail them in to the Holiday LEDs recycling program [ ], and receive a coupon to use on future light purchases.
* Dispose of them safely by making a free drop-off appointment at [ ] or call 408-299-7300.
compost presentation with large bin [ ]
Save the Date: Compost Basics Workshop
"Saturday, February 22, 2025, 10 a.m. – noon at the Community Center, 201 S Rengstorff Avenue"
Discover backyard composting basics and how compost provides nutrients for your plants at this FREE event for Santa Clara County residents. Learn more at [ ].
loading paper shredding [ ]
Save the Date: Paper Shredding Event
"Saturday, March 1, 2025, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the SMaRT Station, 301 Carl Road, Sunnyvale"
Protect your privacy by securely shredding and recycling confidential papers such as bank statements, pay stubs, cancelled checks and credit card offers at this free event for Mountain View and Sunnyvale residents. Proof of residency is required. The event line closes at 3:00 p.m. sharp. Late arrivals will be turned away. Limit of five bags or banker size boxes per household.
For more information visit [ ].
people repairing an electronic device
Save the Date: Repair Café
"Sunday, March 16, 2025, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Senior Center, 266 Escuela Avenue"
Get help repairing electronics or small appliances, fixing bicycles, mending clothes, and more! Repair Café Silicon Valley is a free alternative to landfilling things in need of repair. At Repair Café, volunteers will assist you to tackle the repair yourself or try to fix it while you watch and learn. For more information, visit [ ]*.*
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Biodiversity Strategy and Urban Forest Plan
Community Engagement to Help Drive the Development of the Biodiversity and Urban Forest Plan
The City of Mountain, in partnership with SFEI, recently completed the robust public input process for the Biodiversity and Urban Forest Plan (Plan). Over several months, many opportunities were provided to ensure residents and stakeholders could voice their priorities and thoughts to help shape the Plan. The outreach process began by establishing a project page at [ ] where people could find information and updates about the Plan, and share ideas, pictures and ask questions.
Workshops for Collaborative Planning
The City hosted multiple workshops that brought together residents, local organizations and stakeholders and accommodated a variety of audiences including the general public, youth and families, teens, and Spanish and Mandarin language speakers. The workshops provided an overview of biodiversity and the urban forest, followed by group discussions and idea sharing around key themes such as preserving and enhancing nature, tree canopy and public green spaces.
photo collage people giving feedback on plan
Pop-Up Events for Accessibility
The City also organized pop-up events at the Farmer’s Market, Senior Center, neighborhood socials and special events to make it easy and convenient for people to casually learn about the plan and provide input. Activities included interactive mapping exercises, idea boards, and one-on-one conversations with project team members.
Community Survey for Broad Input
An online and paper-based survey was launched in multiple languages to gather feedback from a wide audience with questions about the benefits, challenges, and opportunities related to wildlife and trees in urban environments.
Next Steps
We encourage the public to continue the conversation at [ ]. The input collected through the project webpage, workshops, pop-ups, and surveys will be integral to shaping the draft Plan. A draft Plan is expected to be provided by SFEI in spring 2025. A public review period will follow to provide additional opportunities for feedback, including presentations and recommendations at Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) and Environmental Planning Committee (EPC). This process will ensure that the Plan reflects the community’s values and aspirations. By combining all these diverse engagement methods, we’ve built a foundation of collaboration that will guide us in creating a greener, more resilient future together.
collage community workshops
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