NR 10-19-24 (Ke Ala Hele Makālae inducted into Rails to Trails Hall of Fame at Lydgate Be ach Park on Saturday; former Mayor Maryanne Kusaka recogniz
- [登録者]County of Kaua'i Public Information Officer
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Lihue, Hawaii, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2024/10/19
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/19
- 変更日 : 2024/10/19
- 総閲覧数 : 82 人
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County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii
*News Release*
For Immediate Release: October 19, 2024
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(808) 241-4460
*Ke Ala Hele Makālae inducted into Rails to Trails Hall of Fame at Lydgate Beach Park on Saturday; former Mayor Maryanne Kusaka recognized for her vision of the path*
LĪHU‘E – Ke Ala Hele Makālae, Kaua‘i’s renowned coastal path, was officially inducted into the Rails to Trails Conservancy’s Hall of Fame Saturday, Oct. 19, during a special ceremony at Lydgate Beach Park as part of Make a Difference Day 2024.
Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami, along with community leaders and dignitaries, gathered to honor this prestigious recognition. A highlight of the event was the special recognition of former Mayor Maryanne Kusaka, whose visionary leadership helped bring the trail to life.
“Ke Ala Hele Makālae is more than just a trail. It’s a space where we see public health benefits, community connections, and the natural beauty of our island come together,” said Mayor Kawakami. “Mahalo to all the volunteers and all the youth who made it here today. We especially want to honor former Mayor Kusaka for her foresight and vision in creating this pathway for future generations. Today, we proclaim Oct. 19, 2024, as Maryanne Kusaka Day in recognition of her extraordinary vision, leadership, and service, and urge the people of Kaua‘i to join me in celebrating the remarkable legacy of Maryanne Kusaka and her enduring impact on our island home.”
Mayor Maryanne Kusaka’s vision for the trail laid the foundation for what has become a beloved asset for the island. She envisioned a space that would benefit Kaua‘i’s keiki, kupuna, families, and visitors, encouraging outdoor activity and community engagement. Her legacy, continued by former mayors Bryan J. Baptiste and Bernard Carvalho Jr., culminated in the trail’s present form—a prime example of collaboration between government, private entities, and the community.
Mayor Kusaka acknowledged and thanked numerous organizations, families, and individuals for their efforts and generous contributions to making Lydgate Beach Park, the surrounding area, and Ke Ala Hele Makālae the gems they are today.
“My vision of Kaua‘i is beautiful, green, and prosperous,” said Mayor Kusaka. “You, as volunteers, please continue your great work. Whatever way you help, it makes a difference. Thank you to everyone here for helping and guiding our youth properly in caring for our island. I’m so thrilled that the kids and volunteers are here today because it’s important that they take care of our environment. Kaua‘i is their home.”
The Rails to Trails Conservancy celebrated Ke Ala Hele Makālae as one of the top trails in the United States, noting its contribution to health, mobility, and the quality of life for Kaua‘i residents and visitors alike. The 8-mile multi-use trail, whose name means “The Path that Goes by the Coast,” was selected for its stunning scenic value, accessibility, and community connection.
“Thank you for investing in this ongoing vision and dedication to this dream,” said Suzanne Matyas with the Rails to Trails Conservancy. “Ke Ala Hele Makālae offers the inspiration to move for projects for future trails so more people can access these incredible spaces and enjoy those benefits as well. Ke Ala Hele Makālae is a true role model. Thank you, everyone, and welcome to the Hall of Fame!”
Ke Ala Hele Makālae joins an elite group of Hall of Fame trails, selected for their national significance in providing not only recreational opportunities but also enhancing local economies and promoting sustainability. The trail was chosen from among three nominees in a public vote conducted between July 26 and August 4, 2024, securing nearly 45% of the votes. The other contenders were the Razorback Greenway in Arkansas and the Santa Cruz Loop in Arizona.
Over 250 people joined Make A Difference Day 2024 at Lydgate Beach Park on Oct. 19, 2024.
Former Mayor Maryanne Kusaka (right) thanks everyone for contributing to the success of Ke Ala Hele Makālae and Lydgate Beach Park on Saturday. Mayor Kawakami (left) looks on after proclaiming Oct. 19, 2024, as Mayor Maryanne Kusaka Day.
Suzanne Matyas with the Rails to Trails Conservancy joined over 250 people on Make a Difference Day 2024, which included the induction of Ke Ala Hele Makālae into the Rails to Trails Conservancy Hall of Fame.
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If you are a member of the media with an inquiry for the County of Kaua‘i, its departments or representatives, please email the County of Kaua‘i's Communications Team at CountyPIO@kauai.gov to ensure a timely response to your request. Mahalo!
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