Osaka Global E-mail Newsletter NO.58 August 30, 2024
- [등록자]大阪府府民文化部国際課
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]大阪府府 大阪市
- 등록일 : 2024/08/29
- 게재일 : 2024/08/29
- 변경일 : 2024/08/29
- 총열람수 : 43 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- 도쿄만이 한눈에 내려다보이는 리조트 시설 'BAYSIDE KANAYA' ...
글래머러스+코티지 = '그랜드 코티지'라는 새로운 숙박 형태를 체험할 수 있는 BAYSIDE KANAYA는 전 객실 오션뷰에서 도쿄만에 지는 석양을 바라보며 바비큐를 즐기거나 모닥불을 피워놓고 마시멜로를 구워먹는 등 평소에는 쉽게 접할 수 없는 힐링의 시간을 보낼 수 있습니다. ✨
+81-439-27-1415BAYSIDE KANAYA ベイサイド金谷
- 北信濃屈指の豪商 信州須坂田中本家
+81-26-248-8008豪商の館 田中本家博物館
- 당신의 권리, 제대로 지켜지고 있나요? 사고를 당하셨다면 즉시 상담해 주...
교통사고를 당하셨다면 즉시 캘리포니아 교통사고 & 상해사고 무료상담센터로 전화해 주십시오. 저희 센터에서는 교통사고 및 상해사고 피해자들이 언어와 신분의 벽에 주눅 들지 않고 자신의 권리를 지키고 피해를 보상받을 수 있도록 도와드립니다. 24시간 무료상담 접수 중 수신자 부담 전화 : 800-840-0029 자동차 사고 자동차 운전 중 또는 정...
+1 (800) 840-0029MASON LAW GROUP
- 오스틴 다운타운에 위치한 텍사스 주립 역사 박물관입니다.
텍사스 주 오스틴의 역사 박물관입니다.
라는 주제로 관람객 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다. +1 (512) 936-8746Bullock Texas State History Museum
- 「種の保存と環境教育」に力を入れています。
- 川崎市立日本民家園は、昭和42年に開園した古民家の野外博物館です。日本各地から移...
- LA에서 무료 세미나 개최 중 ! 생명보험, 개인연금, 401K, IRA...
미국 생활에 꼭 추천하고 싶은 생명보험 '리빙 베네핏', 이자에 이자가 붙는 '복리' 등 알아두면 유익한 정보가 가득 ! 모르고 손해 본 … 일이 없도록 현명하게 미국 생활을 헤쳐나가지 않겠습니까 ??
+1 (702) 480-1839Kayo Clawson / Financial Professional
- 高知県立歴史民俗資料館は、土佐の人々の足跡を研究し、その成果を現・次世代に伝える...
- NY Long Island City의 '카이요 오마카세'는 친근한 분위기...
뉴욕주 롱아일랜드 시티에 설립된 '카이요 오마카세'는 셰프가 엄선한 제철의 신선한 식재료를 사용하여 고객 한 분 한 분에게 가장 적합한 요리를 제공하는 것을 모토로 특별한 대접을 하고 있습니다.
+1 (347) 507-1400Kaiyo Omakase 海洋
- 교통사고 ・ 인신사고 전문 로펌 【일본어전화】 949-668-9106 담...
교통사고, 기타 사고(부상 ・ 사망 )으로 인한 피해를 입으셨다면 바로 전화주세요. 우리는 1995년부터 고객이 사고 이전의 삶으로 돌아갈 수 있도록 모든 지원을 해왔습니다. 성공보수형이기 때문에 안심하고 의뢰해 주십시오. 고객을 돕기 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.
+1 (949) 668-9106EYL LAW
- SORA에서는 전통적인 오마카세 스타일의 일본 요리에 현대적인 감각을 가...
SORA에서는 세련된 공간과 친근한 서비스로 특별한 다이닝 경험을 제공합니다. 아름다운 예술품에 둘러싸인 차분한 분위기 속에서 미식가들이 만족할 만한 요리를 맛볼 수 있다. 일주일에 세 번 도요스 시장에서 직송되는 신선한 식재료를 사용해 셰프가 정성을 다해 한 접시 한 접시 정성스럽게 조리하고 있다. 본고장의 맛을 그대로 재현하여 행복한 시간을 보내실 수 ...
+1 (646) 883-0700SORA
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- Come and Learn from the Experts! 당신도 프로 ...
프로용 그루밍 용품도 다양하게 구비하고 있습니다. ●전문가에 의한 최고의 기술을 전수합니다. ●실무에 도움이 되는 실용적인 지도를 하고 있습니다. ●기본적인 것부터 전문적인 것까지 친절하게 가르쳐 드립니다. ●그루머 ・ 트리머로서 필요한 지식을 배울 수 있습니다. ●캘리포니아 주 인증 학교 수료증이 발급됩니다. ● 초보자부터 프로페셔널까지 스킬 ...
+1 (310) 320-94444Dogs Grooming Academy
- $ 47, 매월 17명 한정 ! 상담, 검진, Dr.'s report (...
스무 살 때 일본에서 카이로프랙틱을 배우고 졸업 후 카이로프랙틱 사무실, 침술, 정골원 등에서 일했다. 더 많은 지식과 기술을 연마하기 위해 미국으로 건너가 Doctor of Chiropractic을 취득. 통증의 근본 원인을 찾아 통증 없는 삶을 살 수 있도록 돕고 있습니다.
+1 (424) 235-6005藤井カイロプラクティック研究所
- 텍사스 주 전역 (휴스턴 ・ 달라스 ・ 오스틴 ・ 플라노 등)에 거주하시...
텍사스에는 매년 많은 일본인이 거주하고 있지만, 낯선 타국에서의 생활은 결코 쉬운 일이 아니다. 텍사스에 거주하는 많은 일본인들이 문화와 언어의 장벽, 생활 습관의 차이, 일본 가족이나 친구와의 이별, 현지 학교나 직장에의 부적응 등 다양한 스트레스에 노출되어 있다. 강한 스트레스는 자신도 모르는 사이에 다양한 심신의 불건강을 유발합니다. 스트레스는 만병의...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
Osaka Global E-mail Newsletter NO.58 August 30, 2024
Hello, Osaka Global E-mail Newsletter readers! We are sending you 18 topics this time.
Table of Contents
◆Top News
* Calling for participants! Hello-Expo International Exchange Project
◆Event Information
* Osaka Prefectural Chikatsuasuka Museum 2024 Summer Special Exhibition“The Fifth Anniversary! Amazing! Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group!” is now open!
* Osaka Prefectural Museum of Yayoi Culture 2024 Summer Special Exhibition ”Possibility of Clay Pot Study-New Analysis and the Yayoi-period Society” is being held.
* ”Peace Osaka,” the Osaka International Peace Center Special Exhibition ”The Curaçao Visa - Dutch Consul Zwartendijk and the hidden origins of Visas for Life” is being held!
* NEW! The 13th Osaka 8.8 Million Drill is coming soon!
* NEW! [Overview of Application Process] Call for proposals from the private sector for the formulation of the Yumeshima Second Master Plan
* NEW! ”Eeyan! Osaka Shotengai Digital Stamp Rally” is now being held!
* NEW! [Accepting Web Applications] Inviting Children in Osaka to the Expo! Let’s go to Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai
* Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai is approaching.The admission tickets are now on sale!
* Calling for ideas on how to not throw things away (”Hokasan” in Osaka dialect)! ”Hokasan Style Collection” welcomes your ideas!
* Please utilize the Osaka Disaster Prevention app.
* ”Eco-style Summer in Kansai” initiatives in Osaka Prefecture
* Have you heard of #Instagrammable Osaka – Scenic Viewpoint Osaka?
* Please use the Osaka Labor Consultation Center!
* Free anonymous HIV testing and counseling for foreign nationals
* Information and free advice about daily life in many languages for foreign residents in Osaka!
* Let’s support hardworking students! -Osaka Prefecture Global Human Resource Development Fund-
* Wahha Kamigata, the archive of kamigata comedy and performing arts that is the only of its kind in Japan!
◆Top News
* Calling for participants! Hello-Expo International Exchange Project
Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai is approaching!
Why don’t you learn about diverse cultures and values before this major event which will be joined by over 150 countries and regions?
”Hello-Expo International Exchange Project” provides senior high school students with the opportunity to discuss with overseas students from eight countries worldwide, fostering deeper understanding of social issues and individual country contexts.
We welcome those interested in overseas experiences, social issues, and the Expo, as well as those hoping to connect with people from around the world. Join us at the event!”
URL: https://hello-expo-kokusaiosaka.jp (in Japanese only)
◆Event Information
* Osaka Prefectural Chikatsuasuka Museum 2024 Summer Special Exhibition ”The Fifth Anniversary! Amazing! Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group!” is now open!
This special exhibition commemorates the fifth anniversary of the Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group’s inscription on the World Heritage List.
Approximately 230 items including important cultural assets and clay figures, never before seen by the public, are on display.
Display Period: Until Sunday, September 8, 2024
*Days Closed: Every Monday
Hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (Entry by 4:30 pm)
Admission: General: 650; Age 65 and over, senior high school students and university students: 450
(junior high school children and younger, those with a disability certificate and one of their caregivers: Free)
URL: https://chikatsu-asuka.jp/global-pages/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chikatsu_asuka_official/
Facebook: https://ja-jp.facebook.com/ChikatsuMuseum/
* Osaka Prefectural Museum of Yayoi Culture 2024 Summer Special Exhibition ”Possibility of Clay Pot Study-New Analysis and the Yayoi-period Society” is being held.
The Osaka Prefectural Museum of Yayoi Culture will have a display focusing on ”clay pots”.
The latest study of clay pots will be introduced and examined together with chocolate-colored clay pots produced in the west foot of Mt. Ikoma (currently, the area from Higashiosaka City to around Yao City).
Display Period: Until Sunday, September 8, 2024
*Days Closed: Every Monday
Hours: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm (Entry by 4:30 pm)
Admission: General: 650; Age 65 and over, Senior high school students and University students: 450
(Junior high school children and younger, those with a disability certificate and one of their caregivers: Free)
URL: https://yayoi-bunka.com/exhibition/919/ (in Japanese only)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yayoihaku/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YayoiMuseum/
* ”Peace Osaka,” the Osaka International Peace Center Special Exhibition ”The Curaçao Visa - Dutch Consul Zwartendijk and the hidden origins of Visas for Life” is being held!
Peace Osaka is co-organizing a special exhibition with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Japan from August 24.
You are invited to also enjoy related events, including a movie show and an exhibition introduction by the embassy.
The exhibition introduction will take place at a symposium held in Sunday, September 15.
Please check the website and visit Peace Osaka!
Period: Saturday, August 24 to Sunday, September 22, 2024
*Days Closed: Every Monday and Tuesday, September 3
Venue: Peace Osaka, Exhibition Room on the First floor
Co-organized by: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Japan
Osaka International Peace Center (Peace Osaka)
Admission:Adults: 250; Senior high school students: 150
(Junior high school children and younger, age 65 and over, those with a disability certificate and one of their caregivers: Free)
URL: https://www.peace-osaka.or.jp/ (in Japanese only)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oipc0917/
X (former Twitter): https://x.com/oipc0917
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@user-iw4fy6hi7y
* NEW! The 13th Osaka 8.8 Million Drill is coming soon!
The drill will start at 15:00 on Tuesday, September 3.
On the day of the drill, an emergency message for the drill through the Area Mail/Emergency Alert Mail will be sent out by the prefecture.
Please visit the websites below and see the leaflets in multiple languages for further details.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/o020090/shobobosai/880kunren/reiwa6nen.html (Select languages)
Osaka Disaster Prevention app: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/shobobosai/odp-app/index.html (Select languages)
* NEW! [Overview of Application Process] Call for proposals from the private sector for the formulation of the Yumeshima Second Master Plan
In the Yumeshima second phase area, which will be the former site of the Expo, we will continue the Expo philosophy by introducing large-scale entertainment and recreation options.
Along with this, by utilizing cutting-edge technology and the IR-centered urban development from the first phase area, we aim to develop the area into an international tourism hub.
We have decided on the general framework of the application process for the second phase area, and would like to provide an overview of the application process.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/o140030/daitoshimachi/yume-saki/yumeshima2kigaiyou-english.html (Select languages)
* NEW! ”Eeyan! Osaka Shotengai Digital Stamp Rally” is now being held!
The Digital Stamp Rally was well received last year, and we are holding it again this year with even more powerful content and prizes.
Please participate in the stamp rally and enjoy the unique charms of Osaka!
URL: https://osaka-shotengai-info.com/news/stamprally2024/ (Select languages)
* NEW! [Accepting Web Applications] Inviting Children in Osaka to the Expo! Let’s go to Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai
Starting Friday, September 13, web applications for Expo admission tickets (ticket IDs) will be accepted via the application form on the special website (URL shown below)!
Please check the details on the special website such as eligibility requirements and apply!
URL: https://expo2025-kodomosyoutai-fukushi.jp/ (Select languages)
* Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai is approaching. The admission tickets are now on sale!
A diverse range of discounted advance tickets are currently available.
Please check out the options that suit your needs.
URL: https://www.expo2025.or.jp/en/ (Select languages)
X (former Twitter): https://twitter.com/expo2025_japan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/expo2025japan/
* Calling for ideas on how to not throw things away (”Hokasan” in Osaka dialect)! ”Hokasan Style Collection” welcomes your ideas!
”Hokasan Style Collection” is calling for your daily practices on how to avoid waste by not discarding things or for your experiences implementing the three Rs (Reduce/Reuse/Recycle).
Applications are accepted until September 6! Please join the collection.
URL: https://www.osaka-hokasan.jp/collection/ (in Japanese only)
X (former Twitter): https://x.com/osaka_hksn_map
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/osaka_hksn_map/
* Please utilize the Osaka Disaster Prevention app.
Osaka Prefecture is now offering a new app providing disaster prevention information in Osaka Prefecture for your daily use.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/o020090/shobobosai/odp-app/index.html (Select languages)
* ”Eco-style Summer in Kansai” initiatives in Osaka Prefecture
Osaka Prefecture implements ”Eco-style Summer in Kansai” initiatives, which encourage people to strictly maintain the office and meeting room air-conditioning at an appropriate temperature (28 degrees Celsius) during the initiative period to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by further promoting energy savings.
They also promote wearing lightweight casual clothes in the workplace and meeting rooms.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/chikyukankyo/jigyotoppage/ecostyle2015.html (Select languages)
* Have you heard of #Instagrammable Osaka – Scenic Viewpoint Osaka?
Osaka’s beautiful landscapes are publicly being collected, selected, and then shared with the name, ”VIEW SPOT OSAKA”.
Please visit the real sites to admire a variety of Instagram-worthy sites in Osaka such as historic landmarks, natural beauty, and urban infrastructure.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/kenshi_kikaku/viewspotosakaproject/index.html (Select languages)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/osaka_landscape/
* Please use the Osaka Labor Consultation Center!
Free consultation is available about your worries, problems, and troubles. Interpretation service is also available (Advance reservation is required).
Please feel free to seek support via phone, online, through face-to-face counseling, or with a chatbot!
URL: https://roudou-soudan-center.pref.osaka.lg.jp/ (Select languages)
Chatbot: https://embed.chatbot.digital.ricoh.com/shokorodo/app/index.html
* Free anonymous HIV testing and counseling for foreign nationals
Once a month, HIV testing will be conducted with interpretation services in both Chinese and Vietnamese.
URL: http://www.smartlifeclinic.com/?page_id=1788
X (former Twitter): https://x.com/chotcast
* Information and free advice about daily life in many languages for foreign residents in Osaka!
In order to support foreign residents’ ability to have safe and secure lives in Japan, the Osaka Foundation of International Exchange (OFIX) offers information and advice on a wide range of issues including daily-life-related matters in many languages (11 including Japanese).
Languages available: Chinese, English, Filipino, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Nepali,Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese (in Alphabetical order)
URL: https://www.ofix.or.jp/life/english/ (Select languages)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/osakafoundation
* Let’s support hardworking students! -Osaka Prefecture Global Human Resource Development Fund-
There is a new promotional video for the Osaka Prefecture Global Human Resource Development Fund.
The Fund supports students, especially those going above and beyond to improve their English and those wishing to study abroad! Your donation to the Fund would be highly appreciated.
Video URL: https://youtu.be/27vH6zP6gOs
Donation-related page: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/kanko/kifu/index.html (Select languages)
* Wahha Kamigata, the archive of kamigata comedy and performing arts that is the only of its kind in Japan!
Wahha Kamigata is a Laughter-themed archive that is the only of its kind nationwide.
It was established not only to preserve and promote Kamigata Comedy and the Performing Arts, but also to provide residents of Osaka Prefecture with opportunities where they can get familiar with these things too!
This archive aims to contribute to the development and preservation of Osaka’s culture. Please come and check it out!
URL: http://wahha-kamigata.jp (Select languages)
X (former Twitter): https://twitter.com/WKamigata
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wahha.kamigata
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wahha_kamigata
Related links
* Osaka Prefectural Government:
* facebook(International Affairs Division, Osaka Prefectural Government):
* Instagram(International Affairs Division, Osaka Prefectural Government):
* Osaka Foundation of International Exchange:
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Published by:
International Affairs Division
Department of Civic and Cultural Affairs
Osaka Prefectural Government