The Kenmore Top 4: August 16, 2024
- [登録者]City of Kenmore
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Kenmore, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/08/16
- 掲載日 : 2024/08/16
- 変更日 : 2024/08/16
- 総閲覧数 : 51 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 藤の花が綺麗でSNS映え間違いなしのカフェが千城台にOPEN!新感覚なわらび餅を...
手作りわらび餅で有名な門藤市原店の姉妹店として『la glycine』が千城台にオープンしました。ワラビータをはじめとする自慢の手作りわらび餅を使用したメニューからカフェならではのカレーやおにぎり等メニュー数豊富になっています。テイクアウトもできます!皆様のご来店を心よりお待ちしております✨
+81-43-497-6635la glycine ラ・グリシーヌ
- 2017年5月に御菓子御殿 名護店内に沖縄歴史民俗資料館が移転オープンいたしまし...
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+1 (808) 376-0435MILK
- 【永住権、ビザ、離婚、会社設立】関係はお任せ下さい。サービスの良さとリーズナブル...
【サービス良さとリーズナブルな費用で大評判】グリーカード(永住権)、各種ビザ、離婚、会社設立関係はお任せ下さい。全米、日本、アジア、ヨーロッパ、様々な地域のクライアントの方々をお手伝いしております!私たちWITH Legal Solutionsはカリフォルニア州登録のイミグレーションコンサルタント、ロサンゼルス郡登録のLegal Document Assistant、つまり法律書類を作成するプロフ...
+1 (310) 400-2493WITH Legal Solutions
- 木更津を中心に活動する、ジュニアサッカーアカデミー、ジュニアユースサッカーチーム...
- 利用者さまだけでなく、そのご家族の方やスタッフにも寄り添い、みんなが笑顔で安心し...
【訪問介護 スタッフ募集中】介護が必要な方のご自宅へ訪問しお手伝いいたします。利用者さまだけでなく、そのご家族の方やスタッフにも寄り添い、みんなが笑顔で安心して生活するためのサービスを提供いたします。ご利用時の安全のために・・・個人情報の保護・社内の防犯カメラを24時間稼働・ICT導入、Care-Wing (ケアウィング) 介護の翼を導入。訪問時のケア漏れの防止、また記録などの手間に時間を割くこと...
+81-438-40-5627訪問介護 non no
- ハイブリッドカーを中心とした専門店(新車&中古)!安心そして経済的なエコカーライ...
当コスタメサ店は、プリウスを中心とした新車・中古ハイブリッドカーを様々なバリエーションで数多く取り揃えております。2016年2月にオープンしたお店で店内もとっても綺麗です。キッズスペースもあるのでお子様連れも大歓迎★またミツワ コスタメサ店まで徒歩5分、近くにはお洒落なカフェやモールまである好立地。整備待ちの間も退屈しません。ハイブリッドカーを知り尽くしたスタッフが、親身になって対応いたします。ス...
+1 (714) 592-1150Eco Drive Auto Sales & Leasing Inc (Costa Mesa Office)
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+1 (408) 656-2766K's Hair Salon
- 必要なのは踊ってみたい!の気持ちだけ!一緒に踊りませんか!
年齢、経験関係なし!赤ちゃんからキッズ、大人からシニアの方まで! 踊りたい人が楽しくダンスできるのがGenki Crew Dance School!Hip-Hop、バレエ、Jazz、Mommy and Meフィットネス、Nirvanaフィットネスなどなど、やってみたいが見つかります!
Genki Crew Dance School
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+1 (808) 824-9011TOKYO STYLE OAHU
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~自然のチカラをいかして美しく健康に~ 漢方・ハーブなど東洋医学の深い知識を生かしながらトータルビューティーサービスを提供します。オーガニック白髪染めや髪が逆につやつやになるケラチンデジタルパーマが当店おすすめです。男性にはスカルプマッサージも大好評!日本語でお気軽にお問い合わせください。
+1 (408) 309-9557NAO'RU Beauty Salon
Top 4 summer banner
In an effort to bring you the most up-to-date news, here is a short format newsletter highlighting the City of Kenmore’s top four news items of the week.
*"Read the Top Four and enjoy your weekend in Kenmore!"*
1 [ https://connectionshs.com/news/connections-kirkland-center-opening ]
*Connections Kirkland Behavioral Health Crisis Response Center Opens its Doors
*This week, Connections Health Solutions announced the opening of Connections Kirkland [ https://connectionshs.com/news/connections-kirkland-center-opening ], King County’s first-of-its-kind, multi-service behavioral health crisis response center. The center will provide a range of services including walk-in urgent care and short-term stabilization for individuals experiencing behavioral health or substance use emergencies. The center has capacity to care for upwards of 14,000 individuals annually and is open to all who need emergency behavioral health support services, regardless of insurance status.
The center is the culmination of years of work by the cities of Kenmore, Bothell, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park and Shoreline who came together to to bring accessible, immediate behavioral health crisis care to the community. Read the full update. [ https://connectionshs.com/news/connections-kirkland-center-opening ]
2 [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/government/departments/let-s-talk-kenmore-podcast ]
*Let's Talk Kenmore Podcast Catches Up with Mayor Herbig*
"Let’s Talk Kenmore" is a lighthearted podcast aimed at connecting citizens to their local government and demystifying the role of government in the City of Kenmore. Check out the latest episode and learn more about Mayor Nigel Herbig as he sits down for a casual chat with host Amber Clifton. The podcast is streaming on these platforms, with new episodes added regularly. Subscribe now and leave a review!
* Apple [ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-talk-kenmore/id1739443278 ]
* Spotify [ https://open.spotify.com/show/6aDvRJ6ezUANhG3ON8CyMs?si=DwiPnEcpSFSp27LLrlFkxw ]
* Amazon Music [ https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/2d1ede95-24de-4185-ad08-cfa0d0d5f96a/let ]
* City Website [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/government/departments/let-s-talk-kenmore-podcast ]
* YouTube [ https://www.youtube.com/@cityofkenmore4367/podcasts ]
*Arts and Outdoors This Weekend in Kenmore
* *Habitat Restoration [ https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/opp3811798.jsp ]:* Join Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group and partners on a very special field trip to the recently restored part of ƛ̕ax̌ʷadis Park on Saturday, August 17 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Volunteers will get down off the boardwalk onto the peninsula to make sure newly planted native species aren’t overgrown with reed canary grass and other invasive plants. Learn more and RSVP [ https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/opp3811798.jsp ].
* *The Kenmore Art Show [ https://artsofkenmore.com/the-kenmore-art-show-is-back/ ] is this weekend:* This event, hosted by Arts of Kenmore, bring artists and the community together to enjoy photography and artwork at Kenmore Camera Studios, August 16 - 18. Learn more. [ https://artsofkenmore.com/the-kenmore-art-show-is-back/ ]
4 [ https://thoughtful-citizens.org/childrens-business-fair/ ]
*Support Budding Entrepreneurs at the Children's Business Fair August 24
*The annual Kenmore Children's Business Fair [ https://thoughtful-citizens.org/childrens-business-fair/ ], a Love Note hosted by Thoughtful Citizens [ https://www.facebook.com/ThoughtfulCitizensWA ], will be on August 24 at The Hangar and Town Square in Kenmore from 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. There will be 60+ youth vendors selling their products at this year's fair including published authors, artists of all kinds, horticulturalists, jewelers and all sorts of crafters. These vendors are kids from our local communities that have worked hard to create their own products and are participating in marketing, product pricing, customer exchanges, sales, and planning. Visit the Children’s Business Fair next weekend and come support these amazing young leaders!
"Here in Kenmore, a Love Note is a simple act or gesture by an individual or group (i.e., co-creators) that engages the community and creates fun, beauty, or a collective sense of community and place. Learn more. [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/love-notes ]"
*More Kenmore News* [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/city-news ]
"*What's next on the agenda?*""
* The City Council is on recess for the month of August and will meet again on September 9 [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2472/102?curm=9&cury=2024 ]. The next Coffee with Council will be held on September 21 [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2073/102?curm=9&cury=2024 ].
* "Only 2 markets left!" The Kenmore Farmers Market [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/kenmore-farmers-market ] runs every Wednesday through August next to Town Square. "See you at the market!"
* Find more meetings and events on the City's calendar [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/calendar ].
*"Want to share the news?"
*Please forward this to a friend! New followers can sign up to receive news updates here [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/i-want-to/stay-informed ]. We welcome your feedback on this news format - tell us what you think <communications@kenmorewa.gov>.
"Si gusta communicarse con la ciudad de Kenmore o revisar un documento en otro idioma, ""envíe" su solicitud con su información de "contacto" "a ""cityhall@kenmorewa.gov" <cityhall@kenmorewa.gov>" o llame al 425-398-8900."
Kenmore City Logo STAY CONNECTED:
[ http://www.facebook.com/KenmoreWA ] Twitter [ http://www.twitter.com/KenmoreWA ] Instagram [ http://www.instagram.com/WhyILoveKenmore ] Youtube [ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5M2Jyz38UIea_Q-RKXE0og ] Flickr [ https://www.flickr.com/photos/158548077@N06/albums ]
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