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- [Registrant]勝央町
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]岡山県 勝央町
- Posted : 2024/05/14
- Published : 2024/05/14
- Changed : 2024/05/14
- Total View : 83 persons
- Find local business with Town Guide
- We are a salon offering total support wi...
We are a salon offering total support with the theme of "Health, Beauty and Healing" in Cain's Home Store in Aoki, Futtsu City. We offer reasonable body care & facial esthetics. Customized menus are a...
- Po-Tama is the only specialty restaurant...
Po-Tama is the only restaurant specializing in serving freshly made ( pork-tamago onigiri, a much-loved Okinawan delicacy, straight from the ) kitchen. Its onigiri are made with Spam and egg rolls. Pl...
+1 (808) 376-0435Potama
- Finally OPEN🎊 ! A diner where you can en...
On 1/6, "Kaisen Shokudo Zen" is now OPEN🎉Open for both lunch and dinner! We have a limited number of lunch menu items available, so please come early if you are interested. Our recommended "ZEN Kaisen...
+81-439-29-5554海鮮食堂 膳
- Ophthalmology practice located in Manhat...
Bilingual Japanese and English ophthalmologist will carefully examine ・ and treat you. Major Insurance ・ Overseas traveler's insurance is available. ♢ General Ophthalmology : Dry eye, red eye, itchy...
+1 (212) 500-1148アップル眼科 / Apple Ophthalmology
- Kangaroo Seino. We have been supporting ...
Initially, the office was established in NYC as SEIBU Transportation of the Seibu Group, and now, as Seino Super Express USA of the Seino Group, we have been supporting international transportation be...
+1 (424) 344-7700SEINO SUPER EXPRESS USA, INC.
- Established 30 years ago in Chiba Prefec...
With the motto of "more comfortable business environment", we deal in a wide range of products such as OA office equipment, PCs, network cameras, steel products, stationery, etc. Hands-on Thinking t...
- Yakiyaki Miwa is a Hawaii branch of Yaki...
One of the few teppanyaki specialty restaurants in Hawaii.
Enjoy grilled dishes using fresh vegetables and seafood freshly picked in Hawaii, prime beef steaks dynamically and delicately prepare... +1 (808) 983-3838Yaki Yaki Miwa
- We are an office that provides support f...
- At Gakkou Kobo Kisarazu, we believe that...
■ Creating the ability to learn ・ Fostering independence ■ At Gakkou Kobo Kisarazu School, we consider "academic ability = the ability to learn" and focus on career guidance ・ not only for entrance e...
+81-438-42-1623学力工房 木更津教室
- We are a stylish used car dealership loc...
A used car dealership located a little far from the city center, with a somewhat laid-back and relaxed atmosphere. Used car sales ・ Buying ・ We are dealing with non-life insurance ! We also have auto...
- We provide psychiatric ・ psychotherapy, ...
Many Japanese residents in Washington State are exposed to a variety of stresses, including language and cultural barriers, separation from Japanese family and friends, differences in lifestyle, malad...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- ジャパンクラブは関西淡路大震災を機に災害時の相互扶助を目的に設立されました。ベイ...
Japan Club of the Bay Area
- Full support from matchmaking, dating, t...
rose-mariage ( rosé-mariage ) is a member of the National Federation of Marriage Agencies and the Japan Bridal Association, so you can choose your partner from among 60,000 members. Our marriage ac...
+81-90-5573-5686結婚相談所 rose-mariage
- We can work with you on any problem ? yo...
True Resource Coaching&Consulting About True Resource's Coaching and Consulting What are your problems in order to live in the US cheerfully and happily every day? ? Do you have any problems in...
+1 (424) 625-8720True Resource Coaching & Consulting
- Ichihara Security Service protects safe ...
Ichihara Security Service protects safe and secure communities. Please feel free to contact us if you are considering machine security, facility security, patrol security, traffic guidance security, o...
・日時 5月26日(日)12:20~16:20(12:00~受付)
・場所 津山市役所2階
・参加団体 津山市、真庭市、美作市、鏡野町、勝央町、美咲町と津山圏域消防組合
・対象 学生、その他受験を希望される方
・参加費、申込 不要
・問い合わせ 役場総務部 Tel 0868-38-3111
・内容 医療保険制度、診療報酬請求の基礎、カルテの読み方やコンピュータによる診療報酬明細書作成の実務知識の習得。保険調剤薬局事務の知識、技能の習得。面接対策や履歴書の書き方など、就職に関する授業。
・訓練期間 7月4日(木)~10月3日(木)平日9:20~15:30
・定員 15名
・授業料 無料
・応募資格 ハローワークで受講指示、もしくは受講推薦が受けられる方
・応募期限 6月10日(月)
・問い合わせ 岡山県北部高等技術専門校美作校 Tel 0868-72-0453
・販売開始 5月19日(日)8:30~
・販売場所 勝央町公民館
・価格 大人S席6,000円、A席5,000円、B席4,000円、小学生以上高校生以下S席4,000円、A席3,000円、B席2,000円
・問い合わせ 役場教育振興部 Tel 0868-38-1753
勝央美術文学館では、令和6年度春季常設展として、勝央町出身の岡本綺堂門下生 額田六福、下山省三、岡本経一の功績を特集した「小企画44俺たち綺堂門下生」と、勝央美術文学館の館蔵品から素描や淡彩の作品を中心に紹介する「コレクション展ボリューム47 郷土の画家シリーズ 素描と淡彩12」を開催しています。
・会期 6月30日(日)まで
・入場料 一般300円、大学生・65歳以上100円割引、高校生以下・町内の65歳以上無料
・詳細 勝央美術文学館 Tel 0868-38-0270
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〒709-4316 岡山県勝田郡勝央町勝間田201
TEL 0868-38-3111
FAX 0868-38-3120