Mayor Bissen, Gov. Green and federal leaders pay tribute to resilience of Lahaina, Kula communities For www.mauicounty.gov
- [登録者]County of Maui
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Maui, HI
- 登録日 : 2024/08/08
- 掲載日 : 2024/08/08
- 変更日 : 2024/08/08
- 総閲覧数 : 85 人
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One year after devastating wildfires on Maui, Maui County Mayor Richard Bissen, Hawaiʻi Gov. Josh Green and federal leaders recognized the resilience of residents in Lahaina and in Kula.
At a news conference Thursday morning at the County of Maui Office of Recovery – West Maui, Mayor Bissen honored the 102 lives lost and two who remain unaccounted for after the Aug. 8, 2023, fire in Lahaina.
“We’re also here to support our community as we pay tribute to all of those who have lost their homes and properties as well,” Mayor Bissen said. “It’s not so much just for what they lost on August 8th but for the 364 days that they have had to endure since then.
“It is with deepest sympathy and love and aloha to our community that I stand here as their mayor.
“Our town has shown so much resilience as they’ve endured this period,” Mayor Bissen continued. “They’ve shown the pride of not only their people but their place. Our job here today is to support all of them.”
Mayor Bissen thanked federal partners including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Small Business Administration and others who “have done so much to get us to where we are today.”
While acknowledging the losses suffered in the tragedy, Gov. Green said, “I want to commend everyone on their strength, the strength that the Mayor was able to give the community in this year, and all the people that are standing here today. Just like the Mayor expressed, we’ve come so far, but people still have to heal.”
“In the spirit of honoring those that we lost,” Gov. Green said he had signed papers Thursday to transfer Moku‘ula and Loko ‘O Mokuhinia from the State to the County for cultural and ecological restoration. Moku‘ula was the private residence of King Kamehameha III from 1837 to 1845. Gov. Green said the goal was “to restore those sacred lands.”
FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell said the agency, which was on the ground right after the fires, “would continue to be here with you as long as it takes to recover.”
"On this road to recovery, you've taught us all what it means to be good neighbors, about the true meaning of community,” Administrator Criswell said. “You’ve shown us what it means to be resilient, to be able to look to the future even when the moment feels insurmountable.”
While survivors continue to grieve and face uncertainty, Hawaiʻi U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz said federal, state and county partners have contributed to the progress, including the construction of the temporary King Kamehameha III Elementary School and the return of drinking water to Lahaina.
“But ultimately it comes down to the people here,” Schatz said. “Bound by shared grief and common resolve, they’ve banded together to help one another in any way they can. Their grit, their grace and their generosity are proof that for as long and difficult as the road ahead will be, we will get through this by sticking together. We’ve come a long way, but we still have a longer way to go, and our promise is that we will be there with the community for as long as it takes, every step of the way.”
Hawaiʻi U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono said that “in the midst of the trauma and the chaos, what emerged was kindnesses.”
“That is how we are going forward, standing strong together,” she said. “There are many stories of resilience, but a word that applies now is hope, Sen. Hirono said. “The world continues to watch how we are persevering.”
Hawaiʻi U.S. Rep. Jill Tokuda said fire survivors were joined by people from around the country and world to support the community.
“As hard as these last 365 days were, I was surrounded by the very best of us,” she said. “To be surrounded by all of that gives me such a feeling of gratitude.
“In that moment of absolute tragedy, disaster, where everything was lost, they were grateful for their lives. They were strong. They were helping neighbors. They were showing true aloha. They are the strongest people you will ever meet,” Rep. Tokuda said. “We are surrounded by the strongest people. But even the strongest should never walk alone, and they will not walk alone. We will continue to walk with them. We will be with them.”
The news conference took place before the start of Kuhinia Maui Remembrance Week gatherings.
Kuhinia Maui takes its name from a line in a traditional Maui chant that proudly speaks of the unequaled beauty and richness of Maui, highlighting that Maui and its people will rebound from tragedy.
For more information about remembrance events, visit .
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County of Maui / Mia A‘i photos via Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/6aieg1nnxx2ujpu1xgfa9/AABUrnjarv7nBJJUnE5nBag?rlkey=n12qnnl7zyauyp7uvpa1tjq1b&e=1&dl=0
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