Let's Go, Nashville! Newsletter
- [登録者]City of Nashville
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Nashville, TN
- 登録日 : 2024/12/06
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/06
- 変更日 : 2024/12/06
- 総閲覧数 : 31 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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+1 (212) 695-2769Orthopedic Movement Physical Therapy + OMPT ウェルネスセンター
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+1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
- 「楽しく入って、学び出きる動物園」。
日立市かみね動物園、太平洋を望む神峰公園の一角に1957年 ( 昭和32年 ) オープンしました。それ以来、市民やたくさんのお客様に支えられながら動物の魅力や素晴らしさを伝えています。
- NY Long Island Cityの「Kaiyo Omakase」は、親しみ...
ニューヨーク州ロングアイランドシティに設立された「Kaiyo Omakase」では、シェフが厳選した旬で新鮮な食材を使用し、お客様お一人お一人に最適なお料理をご提供することをモットーに、特別なおもてなしを心がけております。
+1 (347) 507-1400Kaiyo Omakase 海洋
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+1 (877) 827-1040Todd's Accounting Services /Mayumi Ozaki (尾崎会計事務所)
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+1 (949) 771-5502Sola Salons at South Coast Plaza
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+1 (310) 474-8110Taka Hair Salon
- 【君津駅徒歩2分】季節や旬を味わえるコース料理が自慢の日本食料理店です。ご接待、...
当店は君津駅前、徒歩2分にある日本料理店です。ご接待、お節句などの慶事・法事・同窓会など各種お集りにご利用ください。個室のご用意がございます。お席は便利なテーブルと椅子のお席か、お座敷タイプのどちらもご用意できますのでご予約の際にお申し付けください。 (個室をご利用の際はコースのお料理のご注文をお願いしております。)ランチは1,100円(税込)より。ミニ懐石2,750円(税込)〜コース料理4,40...
+81-439-52-1010日本料理 和泉沢
- LAに2000年に設立された 国際結婚マッチメーキングサービスです。今年こそ結婚...
私自身がアメリカで経験した、国際結婚、国際離婚、そして国際再婚から学んだ事を踏まえて、Miwako's Asian Connctionの会員の皆様が幸せな結婚、そして幸せな人生を送れるように、きめ細やかなサポートをし続けていきたいと思っています。現在の会員数は約500人の小さな手作りのマッチメーカーです。
+1 (310) 927-8304Miwako's Asian Connection
- 2025年2月4日(火)新学年での新学期開始! ニューヨーク地区に校舎を展開する...
+1 (201) 408-0285SAPIX USA
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+1 (800) 794-0994AM World Express
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- 2月4日新学期開始!・ご注意:ワシントンDCエリアに校舎はありません。SAPIX...
あの「SAPIX」の授業がアメリカにいても受講できるんです!しかも!日本のSAPIXとは一味違う「SAPIX USA」の授業がグレーターワシントンDCでも受講できるんです!日本への進学・受験ならば、サピックスにお任せください。ニューヨーク校、ニュージャージー校、マンハッタン校、サンノゼ校の授業がオンラインで受講できます!ご注意:ワシントンDCエリアに校舎はありません。ニューヨーク校などのオンライン...
+1 (914) 358-5337SAPIX USA
- 関東最大級のブルーベリー園!5面の畑で180アール・3,000株以上が植えられた...
- おしゃれな雰囲気と、居酒屋メニューのベストマッチングをお楽しみください。
+1 (212) 986-2800WANO
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/nashville/bi-weekly-update-dec6-13886377?e=228bd066b9)
NDOT builds and manages a safe, reliable public network which elevates the quality of life and prosperity in Davidson County.
** ICYMI: We're Ready for Winter Weather
As winter approaches, the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) is ready to respond to weather events that could impact the local transportation network.
For the 2024-2025 winter season, NDOT crews will be equipped with the following:
* 40 snowplow trucks (19 brand new state-of-the art trucks, with 18 more on the way throughout the winter)
* 9,300 tons of salt
* 100,000 gallons of brine solution
* 40,000 gallons of calcium chloride
* 80 identified snow removal routes
* A truck driving simulator to train operators on navigating in winter conditions
Read the full press release (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/news/ndot-shares-preparations-upcoming-winter-season) .
** Christmas Tree Recycling Drop-off Locations
The Christmas Tree Recycling Drop-Off Program will run from December 26, 2024 through February 14, 2025 at selected Metro Parks locations. Trees must be cleaned of wooden stands, watering bowls, ornaments, lights, wire, string, and other decorations before drop-off. No artificial trees will be accepted. You can donate artificial trees or take them to any of our 4 Metro convenience centers (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/water/waste-and-recycling/convenience-centers) for disposal. Please do not dump any other items at these drop-off locations.
The brush collection crew will also collect your Christmas Tree en route with your brush. There will be no special pick-ups for trees.
** Nashville Connector Giveaway
Log 10 sustainable commutes in December and earn a $20 e-gift card! Choose from over 100 retailers and charities.
By reducing your trips or using sustainable modes of transportation, you're contributing to Transportation Demand Management (TDM). TDM helps reduce traffic congestion, conserve energy, lower emissions, and improve community health. Let's make a positive impact together!
How to get started:
1. Visit NashConnector.org (http://nashconnector.org/)
2. Click Earn Rewards on the home page
3. Log in to your Ride Amigos account or create an account
4. Start logging your trips!
You can download the Commute Tracker Ride Amigos app on your mobile device to track your trips on the go! Need help connecting from your app? Contact us at NashConnector@Nashville.gov.
** Take the Vision Zero Pledge
Together we can make a difference!
Vision Zero Nashville is a Metro-wide initiative spearhead by NDOT in partnership with the Mayor's Office, community organizations, businesses, and residents. Vision Zero is achievable through collective effort and behavior change. Everyone has a role to play in creating safer roads because safety benefits everyone.
Take the Vision Zero Pledge. (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/plans-and-programs/vision-zero/vision-zero-pledge)
We're all in this together. Slow down, save lives.
Watch the 'Final Message' from the Vision Zero Docuseries (https://youtu.be/cwK1NZW1wnw?si=mrhJOmYufh1L3YET)
Potholes and Litter: By the Numbers
Potholes Filled
From 11/22/24 thru 12/5/24: 881
YTD: 37,205 (Jan 1, 2024)
Litter Collected
From 11/22/24 thru 12/5/24: 11.1 tons collected over 791.46 miles
** Join Our Team
NDOT is hiring for the following positions:
* Compliance Inspector 2-Enforcement (https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/nashville/jobs/4393515/compliance-inspector-2-ndot-enforcement)
* Engineer In Training (https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/nashville/jobs/3974921/engineer-in-training-nashville-department-of-transportation-ndot)
We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity at all levels.
Upcoming Events (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/events)
Weekly Construction Activities Report (https://www.nashville.gov/sites/default/files/2024-12/Construction_Activities_DEC62024.pdf?ct=1733506625)
Sidewalks and Bikeways Tracker (http://mpw.nashville.gov/walknbike/)
Traffic Calming Project Tracker (https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/d5ecf3b1319647e986771823f79ebfda)
Roadway Closures (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/road-closures)
Parking in Nashville (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/traffic-and-parking/parking)
hubNashville: One Stop Shop for Metro and NDOT Issues
All NDOT requests and issues should be reported via hubNashville by:
Calling 311 (M-F from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Visiting hub.Nashville.gov (https://us10.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/hub.Nashville.gov) (24/7)
Downloading the hubNashville app (24/7)
** Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/NashvilleDOT)
** Twitter (https://twitter.com/NashvilleDOT)
** Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/nashvilledot/)
** Website (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation)
This is an official news communication from the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT). You received this email because you subscribed to our eNews service or signed up to receive updates at an NDOT event.
Add ndotcommunications@nashville.gov to your address book to ensure you receive our emails in your inbox.
Have questions about our newsletter? Email
** ndotcommunications@Nashville.gov (mailto:ndotcommunications@Nashville.gov)
** Subscribe to the Let's Go, Nashville! Newsletter (https://mailchi.mp/3a72efb32189/ndotnewsletter)
This email was sent to mshinji3056@gmail.com (mailto:mshinji3056@gmail.com)
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Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure . 750 S 5th St . Nashville, TN 37206-3805 . USA