The Fremont Connection, October 18, 2024 Issue
- [登録者]City of Fremont
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Fremont
- 登録日 : 2024/10/18
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/18
- 変更日 : 2024/10/18
- 総閲覧数 : 67 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- あなただけのスタイルのために、頭皮と髪の健康のために、当店ではトレンドを取り入れ...
+1 (408) 921-4354Pono Hair Salon
- 日本向け、アメリカ国内利用、その他世界100か国でご利用いただけるWiFiレンタ...
一時帰国利用、ご出張、ご旅行、 日本から来られる方のためのご手配、 日本から来たばかりの方、 世界のほかの国に行かれる方等皆様に ご利用いただけるWiFiレンタルのサービスを行っております。ピックアップロケーションどこからでも受取・返却が可能!日本国内データ無制限!ぜひご利用ください!海外へ行ってもネットは必要不可欠。 しかしフリーWi-Fiの多くはセキュリティ対策が十分でなく、大切な個人情報や...
+1 (833) 467-5946Global Travel Telecom
- 不思議なポッケではなく、確かな技術であなたの生活をより快適にします💡ご家庭に眠っ...
- アメリカ進出のワンストップショップ!埋もれている素晴らしい製品、知られていない技...
+1 (310) 406-4079ASTERAS CORP.
- 千葉県市原市高倉にある市原みつばち牧場です。子供達の未来へ繋ぐため、大事な相棒の...
千葉県市原市高倉にある市原みつばち牧場です。美しい里山の景観と蜜源植物の広大な花畑。そこにはみつばちや蝶が飛び交います。子供達の未来へ繋ぐため、大事な相棒のみつばちと共に、持続可能な循環型農業を進めています。みつばち達と共に皆さんのご来園をお待ちしています。【入場料:無料】市原みつばち牧場 miniショップ・ソフトクリーム・ドリンク・ワッフルサンド・はちみつ各種・なたね油・おひさま耕房のレタス
- 青少年を中心とするアマチュアオーケストラとして音楽活動を行い、 地域に根ざした音...
- 【木更津市のヘアサロン/ちゃーむはうす】2020年12月に店内をリニューアル致し...
地域に愛され35年の美容室。ヘアカラーをしながら 頭皮を元気に!5年後も10年後もあなたの髪を守ります♪カラーやパーマによるダメージ縮毛・年齢毛による変なうねり紫外線や乾燥によるパサつき上記のような髪質でお悩みの方、是非当店へご相談ください。輝髪 トリートメント輝髪 毛髪改善輝髪 縮毛矯正 シルバーカラー ファッションカラー マニュキュア ヘナ 輝髪 ペインター リタッチ メッシュヘアーセット ...
- 親身な漢方と丁寧な鍼灸であなたの健康をサポートします。冷え性や生理不順、頭痛、肩...
+1 (408) 647-5439賀川漢方クリニック
- 朗読を通して読書の喜びをお届けしています。
Voice Library in Japanese
- For Your Career Design - 関わった人すべてをHAPPYに...
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+1 (310) 323-9190QUICK USA, INC.
+1 (646) 590-3276Ramen Ishida
- NY Long Island Cityの「Kaiyo Omakase」は、親しみ...
ニューヨーク州ロングアイランドシティに設立された「Kaiyo Omakase」では、シェフが厳選した旬で新鮮な食材を使用し、お客様お一人お一人に最適なお料理をご提供することをモットーに、特別なおもてなしを心がけております。
+1 (347) 507-1400Kaiyo Omakase 海洋
- ■ 日本製の家具・インテリア専門店 ■ 日本で取り扱いできるもの全てに対応。ダウ...
“Sannaka-WEST”はあらゆるジャンルの日本家具を多数取り揃えております。日本家具分野では多くの実績とノウハウを持ち、皆様に最高の品をご提供するためにきめ細やかなフォローとサービスを展開しております。伝統を重んじつつ、新しい風を取り入れたおしゃれなデザイン。細部まで心配りの行き届いたおもてなし。数々の賞に輝いた美しい本格日本家具からモダン家具まで。Sannaka-WESTは「Made in...
+1 (808) 537-6181サンナカ ウエスト | Sannaka-WEST
- 自家農園で採れたブルーベリー、いちじく、野菜を使い身体が喜ぶメニューにリニューア...
+81-438-41-1216果実農園 カインの里
- 東海道広重美術館は、江戸時代の浮世絵師・歌川広重(1797-1858)の名を冠し...
View as a webpage / Share [ https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAFREMONT/bulletins/3bcb7cd ]
Fremont building, lake, sign, police and fire employees, and business district. The Fremont Connection in Text with City of Fremont logo
October 18, 2024
food truck for Fremont Street Eats [ https://www.fremontstreeteats.com/events/2024/10/18 ]
Street Eats Tonight! Final for the Year
Come out to the Downtown Event Center tonight from 5:00 to 9:00 pm for a trick-or-treat themed Fremont Street Eats! This will be the last Street Eats event for this year; you don't want to miss it. Enjoy a variety of food trucks as well as alcohol beverages.
Additionally, the sold out (pre-sale only) trick-or-treat event will be taking place. Don't worry if you did not get a ticket before they sold out. There will be several activities to enjoy that do not require a ticket including:
* 5:30 pm - Banter Bookshop/Music for Minors Storytime Sing-a-long with Kim Wiegand
* 6:30 pm - Banter Bookshop Storytime with Becky Grant
* 7:30 pm - Costume Contest and Parade
* 8:00 pm - Fremont Chamber of Commerce Raffle
Activities for purchase will also be available such as bounce house jumps and carnival games.
Thank you to the Fremont Chamber of Commerce for another fun-filled Fremont Street Eats!
*Street Eats Details* [ https://www.fremontstreeteats.com/events/2024/10/18 ]
*Trick-or-Treat Information* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/parks-recreation/events/trick-or-treat-event ]
FRC Anniversary [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2051/17?curm=10&cury=2024 ]
Join in Celebration of 25 Years of the FRC!
Fremont Family Resource Center Celebration Public Program
You are invited to join the Fremont Family Resource Center (FRC) for a free public presentation highlighting its 25 years of success as a welcoming and innovative family support and service delivery model.
Thursday, October 24 - Doors open at 6:45 pm.
Public Program from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.
Fremont Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Avenue Fremont, CA 94538
*More Information* [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2051/17?curm=10&cury=2024 ]
Emergency Preparedness [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/emergency-preparedness ]
*Emergency Preparedness Resources Available*
During this week’s anniversary of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and the Great Shakeout worldwide earthquake drill, take some time and familiarize yourself with our emergency preparedness webpages on the City's website. You’ll find resources on earthquakes, wildfires, evacuations, and more. The webpages are user-friendly and offer many resources for community members.
*More Information* [ https://city.fremont.gov/preparedness ]
Short Term Rental Permit [ https://www.fremont.gov/permits/short-term-rental-permit ]
New Short-Term Rental Permit for Fremont
Early this year, the Fremont City Council adopted a new *Short-Term Rental (STR) ordinance [ https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/Fremont/#!/html/Fremont05/Fremont05100.html ]* for Fremont. A STR refers to an interaction in which a “host” agrees to rent out all or a portion of a residential unit to a “guest” for less than 30 consecutive nights. The ordinance continues to allow STRs to operate in Fremont but adopts regulations that fit the characteristics of the city, preserve community character, and address nuisance conditions that are sometimes associated with STRs.
Under the new ordinance, a no-cost permit is required to establish, operate, or maintain a STR in Fremont. All STR hosts must obtain this permit before the end of 2024. The City is actively notifying STR hosts about this new requirement.
With this new permit, the City aims to facilitate responsible and respectful STR hosting practices in Fremont.
For more information and to obtain a STR permit, visit the City’s *STR Permit webpage [ https://city.fremont.gov/str ]*.
*More Information* [ https://www.fremont.gov/permits/short-term-rental-permit ]
Traffic Safety [ https://www.fremontpolice.gov/about-us/patrol-division/traffic-unit/traffic-safety ]
Pedestrian Safety Month
In recognition of October as National Pedestrian Safety Month, we are sharing a reminder of additional traffic safety measures to ensure our roads are safe for all.
Social Service Grant Program
Social Service Grant Program Request for Proposal
"Para información en español, por favor llame a Leticia Leyva a (510) 574-2072."
若您需要中文的訊息, 請撥510-574-2046與翁于喆聯絡. 謝謝.
The City of Fremont will award approximately $979,000 in Social Service Grant Funds and $100,000 in Opioid Settlement Funds to nonprofit organizations in Fiscal Years (FY) 2025-2028 (July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2028). The grants are awarded on a three-year funding cycle. Agencies funded through this Request for Proposals (RFP) process will receive funding for FY 2025-2026. These agencies will also receive funding in FY 2026-2027 and FY 2027-2028, pending availability of funds, satisfactory mid-year evaluations, Senior Citizen Commission (SCC) or Human Relations Commission (HRC) recommendations, and City Council approval.
RFP materials will be available on the *City’s website [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/human-services/human-services-in-the-community/city-funded-grants/social-services-grant-program ] *starting November 1, 2024. At this time a link to the Mandatory Pre-Application will be available.
The City of Fremont will hold an RFP Overview Webinar for all agencies and interested parties via Zoom on Wednesday, November 6 from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. If you would like to attend this Overview session, please RSVP to Noelle Tolentino *via email. <ntolentino@fremont.gov>*The deadline to RSVP for the Overview is Wednesday, October 30 at 2:00 pm. The Zoom link will be provided to agencies that RSVP for the Overview. This Overview is not mandatory to apply for the funding but interested organizations are strongly encouraged to attend.
calendar and stars [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
Upcoming Events & Community Meetings
*Friday, October 18: [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2Fgovernment%2Fdepartments%2Fparks-recreation%2Fevents%2Ftrick-or-treat-event/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/-0fmA_1ToNoRqhF0GWV_mfoBX-KEi7PgSNV3e6EbTkQ=373 ]*Trick-or-Treat Event from 5:00 to 9:00 pm at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Friday, October 18 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2FHome%2FComponents%2FCalendar%2FEvent%2F1923%2F17%3Fcurm=10%26cury=2024/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/ZvR3ByzfVw4ZHlev6dFJIh216t1eEwRpNTtyIVlSe8k=373 ]: [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2FHome%2FComponents%2FCalendar%2FEvent%2F1922%2F17%3Fcurm=10%26cury=2024/2/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/Dm0UIzygoyGwnkJj1tsWWZsDlVHMjl_L3CSDpJoBlv8=373 ]*Fremont Street Eats from 5:00 to 9:00 pm, at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Monday, October 21: [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/FlexAgendaCenter/AgendaCenter/2939785/618 ]* Human Relations Commission Regular Meeting from 7:00 to 10:00 pm at 3300 Capitol Ave. in the HR Training Room at 3300 Capital Ave., Building B.
*Tuesday, October 22 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fanc.apm.activecommunities.com%2Ffremont%2Factivity%2Fsearch%2Fdetail%2F13237%3FonlineSiteId=0%26from_original_cui=true/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/le-U729teUlQ413G5b671pdaAJjnmzwIWmNPixgk2Cw=373 ]*: Abracadabra Kids Edition from 3:40 to 4:50 pm at the Centerville Community Center Park: 3355 Country Drive.
*Thursday, October 24* [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fcity.fremont.gov%2FFRC25tickets/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/1VhTHCUnhbRGsLhiI77YDv8EkgXp02MesypQaF5yZHw=373 ]: Fremont Family Resource Center 25th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser, from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Friday, October 25* [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.fremont.gov%2Fgovernment%2Fdepartments%2Fparks-recreation%2Fevents%2Fmovies-under-the-stars/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/s6E1I4S7oK9SQ6y8EkHvPMbbskYvlYGpQ9dlfJxmxZs=373 ]: Movies Under the Stars: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, at 7:00 pm in Central Park.
*Saturday, October 26 [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fanc.apm.activecommunities.com%2Ffremont%2Factivity%2Fsearch%2Fdetail%2F13206%3FonlineSiteId=0%26from_original_cui=true/1/0100019259f2d636-41f920b4-bb1f-468d-9b75-99bbbe73e5f8-000000/KQSJzO1N-5xn3skwO3zV7UZhUiUVnffLBlK5hzrbjfk=373 ]*: Diwali Art Workshop from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Shinn Historic Park and Arboretum.
*Monday, November 11 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/1506/7 ]*: City offices closed in observance of Veterans Day holiday.
*View Full Calendar* [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
In Case You Missed It:
Police Chief's Youth Advisory Board Applications Due October 18 [ https://www.fremontpolice.gov/about-us/office-of-the-chief-of-police/youth-advisory-board ]
Donate to Keep Unhoused Neighbors Warm [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/how-to-help ]
Fremont Police Department Community Survey [ https://www.my.fremont.gov/fpdsurvey2024?_gl=1*x9pje5*_ga*MTM5ODUxNTg3My4xNzI3NzE1MzIy*_ga_24CKMMECR8*MTcyOTI3MzE2MC40Ny4xLjE3MjkyNzQ0OTUuNy4wLjA. ]
conversation bubbles, and my Fremont, my city, my voice in text [ https://my.fremont.gov ]
*Help the City of Fremont **turn your thoughts **into actions! *
*my.fremont.gov [ https://www.my.fremont.gov/ ]*
*Newsletter Archive & Subscribe* [ https://www.fremont.gov/about/news-media/newsletters ]
Stay Connected with City of Fremont, California: Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/cityoffremont ] Twitter [ https://twitter.com/fremont_ca ] Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/Fremont_CA/ ] LinkedIn [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/cityoffremont ] Nextdoor [ https://nextdoor.com/agency-detail/ca/fremont/city-of-fremont-1/ ] YouTube [ https://www.youtube.com/CityOfFremont ] Fremont Website [ https://fremont.gov/ ]
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