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City Hall Connection eNewsletter: Oct. 16, 2024
- [Registrant]City of Mountain View
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Mountain View, CA
- Posted : 2024/10/16
- Published : 2024/10/16
- Changed : 2024/10/16
- Total View : 63 persons
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- 호조 해안 바로 앞에 있는 피자집 『Goccia』 제철 식재료를 듬뿍 사...
호조해안 바로 옆에 있는 피자 전문점 Goccia에서는 계절마다 제철 식재료를 사용한 피자를 먹을 수 있어 몇 번을 가도 다른 메뉴를 맛볼 수 있습니다 ! 먹기 좋은 크기의 피자이므로 몇 조각씩 나누어 먹는 것도 추천합니다 ! 애완동물을 동반 고객은 테라스석이 있으니 테라스에서 함께 즐기시기 바랍니다. 테이크아웃도 가능합니다 🏍
- 계단을 내려가면 펼쳐지는 또 다른 세계 편백나무 향이 나는 초밥과 술
일본 장인이 현지 보스턴, 도요스 시장 등 세계 각지에서 매일 신선한 생선을 들여와 맛있는 초밥을 만듭니다. 맛있는 사케도 다양하게 준비되어 있습니다.
+1 (857) 449-9003Sushi@temple records
- 큼직한 새우를 사용한 마늘 새우를 비롯해 세계 각국의 가정식을 즐길 수 ...
만족감 넘치는 사이즈의 플레이트 요리를 정성껏 조리하여 제공하고 있습니다. 모두 먹기 편하고 맛있다는 호평을 받고 있습니다. 꼭 에비노미에서 세계 각지의 가정요리를 즐겨보세요 !
+1 (808) 744-1661EbiNomi
- ★ 2025년 4월생 & 7월생 모집 중 ! ★ 하와이 주 마사지 라이센...
많은 졸업생을 배출한 50년의 역사를 자랑하는 하와이 주정부 공인 유명 전문학교입니다. 처음부터 세심한 지도를 통해 많은 졸업생들이 하와이, 일본 등 해외에서 활약 중 ! 마사지 코스, 에스테틱 코스를 선택하실 수 있습니다. 또한, 학생들에 의한 마사지를 저렴하게 제공하고 있습니다. 부담없이 연락 주시기 바랍니다. 하와이에서 신뢰할 수 있는 마사지 학교...
+1 (808) 955-4555ハワイマッサージアカデミー
- 미국 회계법인입니다. 법인, 개인을 불문하고 세금보고 ( 확정신고 ), ...
한-미간 세무지원 ! 신속한 수속과 사후관리 ! 일본어 ・ 영어 모두 대응하고 있습니다.
+1 (877) 827-1040Todd's Accounting Services / Mayumi Ozaki (尾崎会計事務所)
- 키사라즈시에 위치한 소아 교정 전문 클리닉입니다. 본원에서는 마우스피스를...
하와이를 컨셉으로 한 편안한 공간으로 꾸며져 있습니다. 마이오브레이스 교정 본원에서는 마우스피스를 이용한 교정인 마이오브레이스 시스템을 중심으로 아이들의 치열을 치료하고 있습니다. 마이오브레이스 시스템은 전용 마우스피스와 간단한 활동 ( 구강체조 ) 로 치열이 나빠지는 원인을 교정합니다. 마우스피스의 재질은 실리콘이나 폴리에스터로 만들어져 아이에...
+81-438-30-0058Konoha こどもの歯ならびクリニック真舟
- 신용카드 결제의 스페셜리스트 ! 어느 곳보다 저렴한 요금과 신속하고 정중...
당신의 비즈니스도 스마트하게 스마트 인터내셔널은 올해로 창립 25주년을 맞이했습니다. 미국 전역에서 유일하게 일본어로 가맹점 서비스를 제공하는 회사로, 1995년부터 미국 전역에 있는 일본계 기업을 중심으로 신용카드 결제 지원을 통해 비즈니스 운영의 효율화에 기여해 왔습니다. 신용카드 결제뿐만 아니라 ACH 등의 송금 서비스도 제공하는 페이먼트 ・ 솔루...
+1 (800) 500-2899Smart International Service
- 시니어 빌리지 사쿠라는 미국에서 오랫동안 살아온 일본인, 일본계 분들이 ...
시니어 빌리지 사쿠라는 미국에서 오랫동안 살아온 일본인, 일본계 분들이 나이가 들어도 이곳 샌디에이고에서 풍요롭게 살 수 있도록 매주 수요일 11:00 ~ 14:30에 '수요회'를 진행하고 있습니다. 일본어로 수다를 떨 수 있는 휴식처가 되고 있으며, 자원봉사자들이 직접 만든 점심을 제공합니다.
+1 (619) 993-6890Senior Village Sakura
- 카이로프랙틱 ・ 통증 ・ 결림 ・ 컨디션 불량 ・ 교통사고 부상 등의 치...
패서디나에서 개업한지 34년째인 본원에서는 엑스레이 촬영과 문진으로 일본어로 정성스럽게 진단하고, 카이로프랙틱 치료, 마사지, 물리치료 등의 치료를 실시하고 있으며, 비타민과 보충제 처방, 아로마테라피, 릴랙스 등을 도입하여 환자들의 건강을 돕고 있습니다. 을 제공합니다. 카이로프랙틱은 질병과 통증의 원인이 되는 척추와 골반의 틀어짐, 뒤틀림을 교정하여...
+1 (626) 405-9209パサディナカイロプラクティックセンター
- 자동차를 잘 사는 방법을 알려드립니다 ! 샌프란시스코 ・ 로스앤젤레스 지...
당사는 샌프란시스코 ・ 로스앤젤레스에서 신차부터 중고차까지 모든 메이커, 모든 차종을 취급하는 캘리포니아 주 도로교통국 공인 자동차 딜러입니다. 다른 주에도 신차 판매 및 리스를 제공하고 있으며, 홈페이지에는 미국 자동차 판매 시스템, 리스 시스템 등 고객님께 도움이 되는 정보를 게재하고 있습니다. ! * 신차 판매 * 중고차 판매 * 매입 *...
+1 (415) 468-0415San Francisco Fleet & Leasing
- 住宅や商業物件、物件賃貸まで。ハワイで30年以上の実績。 皆様の夢とハワイ不動産...
信頼できる不動産会社。皆様の夢とハワイ不動産にとことんお付き合い致します。ハワイ別荘をご購入希望の方、資産の投資先をお考えの方、永住権をお持ちでない方々へも 不動産売買にかかわる全ての手続きを日本語にて丁寧にご説明いたします。
+1 (808) 957-0080Plus Seven Realty
- $ 47, 매월 17명 한정 ! 상담, 검진, Dr.'s report (...
스무 살 때 일본에서 카이로프랙틱을 배우고 졸업 후 카이로프랙틱 사무실, 침술, 정골원 등에서 일했다. 더 많은 지식과 기술을 연마하기 위해 미국으로 건너가 Doctor of Chiropractic을 취득. 통증의 근본 원인을 찾아 통증 없는 삶을 살 수 있도록 돕고 있습니다.
+1 (424) 235-6005藤井カイロプラクティック研究所
- 호놀룰루 매거진에서 수년간 베스트 ・ 덴티스트로 선정된 치과입니다. 충치...
충치 등 일반적인 치료뿐만 아니라 치아의 색, 치열, 교합, 잇몸 상태 등 토탈 헬스케어를 중요시하고 있습니다. 환자 개개인에게 맞는 시술을 제안합니다. ● 충치치료 ● 치주질환 ● 수복치과 - 크라운 - 틀니 - 베니어 ( 포세린 ) - 브릿지 - 임플란트 ※1 ● 심미 ● 교정
교정 ※2 ● 미백 ● 임플란트 ●... +1 (808) 944-1155よしむら歯科医院 | Jon Y. Yoshimura, DDS
- ■ 일본산 가구 ・ 인테리어 전문점 ■ 일본에서 취급할 수 있는 모든 것...
"Sannaka-WEST"는 다양한 장르의 일본 가구를 다수 취급하고 있습니다. 일본 가구 분야에서는 많은 실적과 노하우를 가지고 있으며, 여러분께 최고의 제품을 제공하기 위해 세심한 사후관리와 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 전통을 중시하면서도 새로운 바람을 담은 세련된 디자인. 세세한 부분까지 세심하게 배려하는 환대. 수많은 수상 경력을 자랑하는 아름다운 ...
+1 (808) 537-6181サンナカ ウエスト | Sannaka-WEST
- "米国でNO.1の生殖補助医療企業に選ばれた"代理出産、配偶子提供のプロフェッシ...
MARG(ミラクル・エンジェルス・リプロダクティブ・グループ/Miracle Angel Reproductive Group)は、女性の生殖医療に特化した企業で、アメリカ、日本、イギリスの生殖補助医療技術を研究し、アジア圏の女性に卵子凍結、体外受精、遺伝子選択、性別決定、卵子提供、米国代理母妊娠、幹細胞保存、およびそれらに関連する無料カウンセリングを提供しております。
+1 (949) 623-8331Angels Creation Reproductive Center Inc
Oct. 16, 2024
News and Information from the City of Mountain View [ ].
Biodiversity Survey and Community Meeting
Biodiversity Survey Flyer
There is a lot happening with the Biodiversity and Urban Forest Plan project, including the launch of a survey and an upcoming community workshop.
You are invited to take the survey by scanning the QR code and share your input about biodiversity and trees in Mountain View.
There will also be a virtual and in-person option for convenience, and Mandarin and Spanish interpretation services will be offered at the in-person workshop.
*Thursday, Oct. 17*
*4 – 5 p.m.: Virtual via Zoom (Zoom link will be available at*
*6 - 7 p.m.: In-person with Mandarin and Spanish Translation Mountain View Community Center, Redwood Hall, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave.*
For more information about the Plan and to get involved, visit [ ].
Measure G Information for Nov. 5 Election
Join the Conversation
For the Nov. 5, 2024 General Municipal Election, Mountain View voters will consider Measure G. Measure G only affects property sales over $6 million once at the time of transfer.
If passed, Measure G will create a guaranteed source of local funding that, by law, cannot be taken by the State.
As with most municipalities, repairs, maintenance, and eventual replacement of facilities and infrastructure in Mountain View will continue to be an ongoing need in the future. Some examples of future needs will include public safety, improving pedestrian and cyclist safety, expanding parks and open space, investing in facilities and infrastructure, and developing and preserving affordable housing.
For more information, visit [ ].
City Plans EOC Exercise in October
EOC Exercise
On Thursday, Oct. 24, the City of Mountain View Fire Department will conduct an Emergency Operations Center exercise in the parking lot of 590 Castro St. from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The purpose of the exercise is to prepare City staff for the possibility of responding to an emergency or disaster and restoring the continuity of City operations for essential services.
For more details, view the news release [ ].
Pickleball Study Presentation
The City of Mountain View’s Pickleball Study, Design & Construction project is underway, with the study phase concluding. On June 12, staff presented the study findings, including potential locations and number of courts, to the Parks and Recreation Commission for their review and comment.
The Commission requested staff to study alternative layout options and locations and return at a later date for more discussion. Staff has prepared additional options and will present them at the next Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting:
*Wednesday, Oct. 23*
*7 p.m.*
*Mountain View Community Center, Redwood Hall*
*201 S. Rengstorff Ave. (In-Person Only)*
Parks and Recreation Commission Meetings are open to the public, and more information including agendas and location can be found here [ ].
(To accommodate the public interest in this item, the Oct. 23 meeting is being held in Redwood Hall at the Mountain View Community Center. This room is not set up for remote participation or recording. As a result, the meeting is in-person only and there will not be a video recording available after the meeting.)
Music on Castro Closes Out Season
Music on Castro
There are only a few weeks left of Music on Castro in Downtown Mountain View. Live performances continue every Wednesday evening on the 200 block of Castro Street until the end of October.
*Gypsy Aire*
*Wednesday, Oct. 16*
*5 - 6:45 p.m.*
**Sony Holland Duo*
*Wednesday, Oct. 23*
*5 - 6:45 p.m.**
**Blue Two Jazz Duo*
*Wednesday, Oct. 30*
*5 - 6:45 p.m.**
For more information and to check out the remaining lineup, visit Music on Castro [ ].
Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Meetings
Rent Stabilization Office
The City of Mountain View will hold the following stakeholder meetings to receive input on amendments to the Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Ordinance: As part of Mountain View’s Housing Element, the City will be evaluating the Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Ordinance to assess whether allowed rent increases are consistent with or less than comparable jurisdictions with rent stabilization for mobile home parks.
*Saturday, Oct. 26*
*2 p.m.*
*Virtual via Zoom [ ]*
**Wednesday, Oct. 30*
*6:30 p.m.*
*Adobe House, 157 Moffett Blvd.**
Both meetings will include Spanish interpretation services. Chinese and Russian interpretation is available upon request. Please contact Anky van Deursen at 650-903-6131 or
A study session is currently scheduled with the Rental Housing Committee for December 2024 and with the City Council in Q1 2025 to review the item.
Monster Bash Brings Tricks & Treats
Monster Bash
Monster Bash returns with a frighteningly fun and family-friendly festival at Rengstorff Park. The City of Mountain View is hosting this free Halloween-themed event for the entire community.
*Saturday, Oct. 26*
*10 a.m. - 2 p.m.*
*Rengstorff Park*
*201 S. Rengstorff Ave.*
Start your day with a Zombie Bike Ride from the Mountain View Public Library at 9 a.m. The squad rolls out at 9:15 a.m. to head over to the festivities.
Limited parking is available at the Mountain View Community Center and Senior Center. We encourage you to walk, bike or use public transit.
Monster Bash is proudly sponsored by Mountain View Voice. For more info, visit Mountain View Monster Bash [ ].
*Free Repair Café in October*
Repair Cafe
Do you have things that you like but no longer work? Don’t toss them, repair them! Volunteers will help you assess and fix your things for free instead of throwing them away.
*Sunday, Oct. 27*
*11 a.m. - 3 p.m.*
*Mountain View Senior Center*
*266 Escuela Ave.*
Repair Café Silicon Valley is a volunteer-run, community service dedicated to encouraging the repair and reuse of goods, rather than sending them to the landfill.
At Repair Café events, volunteers will guide you to tackle the repair yourself or fix it while you watch and learn. Chances are you will leave with a once-again useful item and some knowledge of how to repair your items and others.
For more information or to volunteer, visit the Repair Cafe Facebook page [ ].
For more Repair Cafe events held in other cities, visit the Repair Cafe page [ ].
Día de Muertos Celebration
Día de Muertos celebration
The City of Mountain View invites everyone to the fourth annual Día de Muertos celebration! This will be the first year the event will be held at the Civic Center Plaza.
*Saturday, Nov. 2*
*11 a.m. - 4 p.m.*
*Civic Center Plaza*
*500 Castro St.*
The event celebrates memories and is a ritual that “encourages remembering over forgetting.” Join us to learn about the traditions of Día de Muertos and delight in the ofrendas and altars decorated with cempasúchil flowers, papel picado, sugar skulls and a myriad of colors created and inspired by community members. There will also be children’s activities and live performances, including folkloric dancing groups from various regions.
For more information on the upcoming celebration, visit [ ].
Book Sale Coming to the Mountain View Library
Book Sale
The Friends of the Mountain View Library will be holding a book sale in early November.
Come and find great bargains on gently used books for adults and youth, DVDs, CDs and more. Funds raised will support Mountain View Public Library programs, including upcoming Summer Reading events and prizes.
*Saturday, Nov. 2*
*9:30 - 10:30 a.m., Members Only Sale*
*10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., General Public Sale*
**Sunday, Nov. 3*
*11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Bag Sale*
The book sale will take place in the bookmobile garage along Mercy Street in the driveway next to the Library’s underground parking lot.
Voter Registration Deadlines Approaching
Ballot Box 2
A reminder to Mountain View first-time voters: voter registration deadlines are almost here!
* Online registration deadline: Monday, Oct. 21, 2024
* Register by mail deadline: Must be postmarked by Monday, Oct. 21, 2024
* In person registration deadline: Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024
More information on registering to vote in California can be found at [ ].
Drop off your ballot for the Nov. 5, 2024 Presidential General Election in one of the 109 official ballot drop boxes located throughout the County—including in front of Mountain View City Hall, 500 Castro St.
Vote centers throughout Santa Clara County will open on Saturday, Oct. 26.
Find your nearest official ballot drop box at [ ].
A Vision for the Mountain View of Tomorrow
Employee Video
The City of Mountain View is a special place to work. In a new video, a number of employees give insights into what it means for them to work for the City. They work in different fields, ranging from human resources to engineering. However, they all share a vision for working together to develop the Mountain View of Tomorrow.
View the video [ ] and explore current job openings with the City at [ ].
Applications Open for City Advisory Bodies
Council Chambers
The City of Mountain View is accepting applications for appointments to the following advisory bodies:
* Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee [ ]
* Board of Library Trustees [ ]
* Downtown Committee [ ]
* Human Relations Commission [ ]
* Parks and Recreation Commission [ ]
* Performing Arts Committee [ ]
* Public Safety Advisory Board [ ]
* Senior Advisory Committee [ ]
* Visual Arts Committee [ ]
Advisory bodies are volunteer positions and serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council.
Applications are available in the City Clerk’s Office and online. For more information, visit Boards, Commissions and Committees [ ]. The link to the application is in each Council advisory body webpage.
Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m., Friday, Nov. 8, via email, mail or in the City Clerk’s Office, 500 Castro St.
For more information, contact the City Clerk’s Office at City.Clerk@mountainview.govor 650-903-6304.
Stay Current on Downtown Happenings
Downtown MV Web
Downtown Mountain View is a priority for our community. To help residents, business owners and visitors stay informed about ongoing, current and future Downtown projects and initiatives, the City of Mountain View created a “Downtown Mountain View [ ]” section on the City’s website to ensure everyone has access to the most up-to-date information.
Also stay informed on what's happening Downtown by reading the most recent Downtown Digest newsletter [ ].
New Art Display at MVCPA
Ekman MVCPA Art Display
The next display of art is available for viewing in the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts lobby from noon - 3 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday.
The gallery artists program is a coordinated effort with MVCPA and the Visual Arts Committee. The newest collection of work “The Ecosystems are Disintegrating from the Palms of Our Hands” is created by artist Nina K Ekman.
Most recently, Ekman has been drawn by the technique of tufting as a way of building textile sculptures. According to the artist, her pieces investigate “the unsustainability of our modern lifestyle inviting the observer to reflect upon our linear way of consuming, fast fashion and the consequences of our neglect for the future of the planet.”
What's OnStage *@
Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts*
Alice by Heart
Upstage Theatre presents Alice By Heart, a musical inspired by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Experience the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Some of MVCPA's upcoming events are featured below. For all upcoming performances, visit [ ].
*Oct. 9 - Nov. 3 *| *King James* | TheatreWorks Silicon Valley: In Rajiv Joseph’s brilliant and slam-dunk new comedy, superfans Matt and Shawn forge a friendship through a shared love of their hometown Cleveland Cavaliers superstar LeBron James. | Tickets [*1hj2v6j*_ga*MTIxMTA0Nzc4MC4xNzEyODU3MDgx*_ga_KPN8QPFW7C*MTcyNTQwNzI5MS4yMS4xLjE3MjU0MDcyOTQuMC4wLjA.*_gcl_au*NzM4MzAxNzY5LjE3MjU0MDcyOTE.*_ga_74TQE0Z52Y*MTcyNTQwNzI5MS4zNC4xLjE3MjU0MDcyOTUuMC4wLjA. ]
*Oct. 21 - 22* | *Every Brilliant Thing* |Feiyu Theater: This exciting event invites young musicians from around the globe to showcase their skills and passion for music. Whether you're a solo artist or part of a group, join us for a celebration of creativity and culture. Saturday’s competition is free to attend, while Sunday’s concert event is ticketed. | Tickets [ ]
*Oct. 25 - 27 *| *Alice By Heart* | Upstage Theatre: From the Tony® and Grammy® award-winning creators of Spring Awakening, Steven Sater and Duncan Sheik, and co-written by Jessie Nelson (Waitress), Alice by Heart is a touching musical inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.| Tickets [ ]
Upcoming Events
For a complete list and information about upcoming public meetings,
visit [ ].
*Oct. 16* | Gypsy Aire | 5 - 6:45 p.m. | 200 block of Castro Street
*Oct. 17* | Biodiversity and Urban Forest Plan Community Workshop | 6 - 7 p.m. | Mountain View Community Center, Redwood Hall, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave.
*Oct. 23* | Sony Holland Duo | 5 - 6:45 p.m. | 200 block of Castro Street
*Oct. 26* | Monster Bash | 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Rengstorff Park, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave.
*Oct. 27* | Repair Café | 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. | Mountain View Senior Center, 266 Escuela Ave.
*Oct. 30* | Blue Two Jazz Duo | 5 - 6:45 p.m. | 200 block of Castro Street
*Oct. 30* | Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Meeting | 6:30 p.m. | Adobe House, 157 Moffett Blvd.
*Nov. 2* | Día de Muertos | 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. | Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro St.
*Nov. 3* | History of Public Art in Mountain View | 2 - 4 p.m. | Google Gradient Visitor Experience, 2000 N. Shoreline Blvd.
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