Transit Sheet Metal Worker (Heavy Equipment Autobody Collision Repair) - CS
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/09/20
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/20
- 変更日 : 2024/09/20
- 総閲覧数 : 32 人
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***Transit Sheet Metal Worker (Heavy Equipment Autobody Collision Repair; transit buses, cars, utility trucks, tow trucks, trailers, and fabrication)** *
_Learn how Metro connects you with what matters_
*Keywords:*" ""Heavy duty, autobody, collision repair, body and fender, metal fabrication, welding, panel replacement, windshield, metal straightening, restoration, custom metal work, fiber glass repair, ""certified body shop technician, and master collision repair technician."*"
*Bring your safe work practice, your collaborative work style, your desire to work in a diverse work environment, and your excitement to make a difference in your community to Metro! Expand your skills while you learn to work in a large mass transit environment. Come be part of an award winning and forward-thinking organization. Stop working a job and come have a _career_ with King County Metro.
*About the Sheet Metal Worker:*
Metro is looking for candidates with heavy equipment experience! Vehicle Maintenance is a very collaborative Division; we need your expertise and perspective to make us even stronger! The responsibilities of the Sheet Metal Worker include performing body repair and structural maintenance work on transit coaches and equipment, such as buses, trolleys, transit vans, trucks, cars, cleaners, forklifts, and streetcars.
In addition to an amazing full-range benefits package [ https://kingcounty.gov/legacy/audience/employees/benefits.aspx ], the qualified Sheet Metal Workers we hire will enter the job at 90% of the pay scale. Additionally, shift differential is paid to those working second and third shifts. Shift pay is 5% for second shift and 7.5% for third shift, on top of hourly pay. *Current hourly rates are:*
* $44.43 - first shift
* $46.65 - second shift
* $47.76 - third shift
*About the Vehicle Maintenance Division - #TradesJobs*
The Mission of Vehicle Maintenance is to provide customers safe, dependable, clean transportation in a timely, cost effective, environmentally sensitive manner, with a workforce that values teamwork, communication, and diversity.
The Vehicle Maintenance section operates three shifts (day, swing, and graveyard) seven days a week at various locations throughout King County. Openings may occur on all shifts.
*About King County Metro Transit*
Metro is committed to providing transportation services that connect all people and all communities of King County, focused on the equitable distribution of our service and the equitable application of our work (inside and outside the agency,) and combating climate change by doing our work in a sustainable manner. Metro is King County’s largest Department, employing over 5,000 people who primarily work in the field of transit operations, vehicle maintenance, transit facilities operations, and marine.
*See the Supplemental Information section for details on how to apply* - as a public employer, King County has strict guidelines and criteria when reviewing applications. Review this section so that you understand how to help us see just how amazing you are!
*"Safety Sensitive Position"*
This position is considered safety sensitive. Applicants for positions defined as safety sensitive are required to undergo drug testing prior to employment, and subsequent to commencement of employment, will be subject to random, post-accident, reasonable suspicion, return to duty and follow-up drug and alcohol testing in compliance with Federal DOT alcohol and controlled substances testing program protocols.
***This position is open to both King County Employees and the general public.***
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