Postmark Center for the Arts: October 2024
- [注册人]City of Auburn
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Auburn, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/09
- 发布日 : 2024/10/09
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/09
- 总浏览次数 : 44 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 日本制造的最新混合脱毛机,同样具有全身皮肤光滑美丽的效果 ! 无痛脱毛,对疼痛敏...
位于韩国城的日式脱毛沙龙。 我们由持有纽约州执照的日本员工提供周到的服务。 除了脱毛,我们还提供经济实惠的面部美容服务 ♡ 您可以通过我们的在线网站进行预约。 与传统脱毛机相比,即使是对疼痛敏感的儿童也不会感到疼痛。在治疗过程中,冷却凝胶和-25°C的冷却头让人几乎感觉不到热量。治疗后,毛发会在几天到两周内脱落,你可以看到和感受到治疗效果。如果每四周做一次,效果会更好。除了脱毛,我们还有...
+1 (929) 424-8055MOCOCO
- 捐卵者 ( 捐卵 ) 通缉。酬金$ 8,000 - $ 15,000.为患有不孕...
我们正在寻找年龄在 18 岁到 29 岁之间、身心健康、不吸烟的女性。 酬金 $ 8,000 $ 15,000 起。 我们的总部位于加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳 ( ) 洛杉矶附近,但 即使您住得很远,我们也会支付所有交通、酒店和餐饮费用。 对于来自日本或美国以外的捐赠者,我们也将支付交通费和餐费。 我们将为您保密,您的信息不会透露给本公司或诊所以外的任何第三方。 创世纪・集团是一家为全球...
+1 (310) 550-6889Genesis Egg Donor & Surrogacy Group, Inc.
- 国道沿线的 "BEACH CAFE KAMOGAWA "是一家拥有标志性蓝色外观...
BEACH CAFE kamogawa 是一家以海边咖啡馆为概念的时尚咖啡馆,位于国道沿线,从车站步行仅需 3 分钟。咖啡馆的内部装潢仿佛大海在眼前铺展开来,让人有在海边度过时光的感觉 🌴 所有座位都配有电源插座,让众多顾客都能尽情享受 ・ 露台座位上可携带宠物 ・ 洗手间为无障碍设施 ! 附近。来访时请顺道拜访。
+81-4-7094-4200BEACH CAFE kamogawa
- SORA 提供令人难忘的用餐体验,将传统御膳式日本料理与现代风格相结合。
SORA 餐厅环境优雅,热情好客,为您提供非凡的用餐体验。在艺术美景环绕的轻松氛围中,御膳菜单一定能满足最挑剔的美食家的需求。我们的厨师每周三次从丰洲市场直接采购新鲜食材,精心烹制每一道菜肴。在这里,您可以品尝到原汁原味的美味佳肴,尽享愉悦的用餐体验。 我们像朋友一样热情接待客人,我们重视提供的不仅仅是一顿饭,而是一个难忘的时刻。我们的厨师将很乐意为您讲解每一道菜肴,并回答您的问题,让您吃得更...
+1 (646) 883-0700SORA
- 洛杉矶高尔夫学校。通过简单易懂的日语私人课程,你将看到你的游戏立即得到改善。 我...
易于理解的日语私人课程。你将能够立即感受到你的进步。 我们还为来自日本的其他高尔夫课程、语言课程、洛杉矶观光旅行和参加各种锦标赛,如美国高尔夫迷你巡回赛和青少年锦标赛提供全面支持。 I-20可以从伙伴学校签发。
+1 (626) 696-7403Yobiko Los Angeles Golf Academy
- 位于纽约市曼哈顿的眼科诊所,提供日语服务。普通眼科 ( 干眼症、红眼病、眼痒、白...
日语和英语双语眼科医生将为您仔细检查・和治疗。主要保险 ・ 可办理海外旅行者保险。 ♢ 普通眼科 : 干眼症、红眼病、眼痒、白内障手术、青光眼治疗、糖尿病和高血压引起的眼部并发症 ♢ 眼镜 ・ 隐形眼镜处方 ♢ 激光♢ 角膜移植手术
+1 (212) 500-1148アップル眼科 / Apple Ophthalmology
- 🎥我们可以帮助您进行视频/录像制作 ! 企业公关、产品推广、商业广告、现场直播等...
总部位于洛杉矶的视频制作公司。我们的视频应用范围广泛,从企业公关、品牌推广到教育和招聘。我们为每位客户提供从策划、拍摄到剪辑的全方位服务。企业公关视频、面向远方客户的销售和培训视频、餐厅的简单宣传视频、婚礼视频、在 iPhone 上编辑视频等。除视频制作外,我们还提供视频营销策略方面的咨询服务,以及如何在社交网站(Instagram、TikTok、YouTube 和其他网站)上利用视频。我们还为个...
+1 (424) 290-0637Media Focus, Inc.
- ! 如果您要移居海外,请交给日津 ! 请随时用日语与我们联系。
・"从美国到日本的海外搬家服务",日通以其良好的业绩为您提供方便。 有关个人或家庭搬家的咨询,请用日语与我们联系。
+1 (206) 892-8103NIPPON EXPRESS U.S.A., INC. / Sea Tac / Seattle Branch
- 安全和保障 ! 驾驶课程可用日语授课 ! 交通学校容易获得 ! 用日语进行咨询 ...
日语驾驶课程让您安心 ! 访问我们的网站 关注我们的 Instagram 在 Yelp 上评论我们 在 Google 上评论我们 我们用日语课程从零开始教您如何在加州驾驶。
我们可以从头开... +1 (213) 200-6363Oxford Driving/Traffic School
- [种植牙免费咨询]湾区的日本人牙医。欢迎用日语与我们联系。我们的牙科诊所深受当地...
圣何塞的渡边牙科诊所 30 多年来一直为日本人和其他许多人提供服务。 从幼儿到老人,我们是社区中各个年龄段的人都熟悉的牙科诊所。 我们提供全面的预约制度,因此您可以来我们的诊所专注于您的治疗,而不必担心等待时间。 《治疗》 普通牙科 ( 洁牙和预防龋齿 ) 牙齿美容 ( 美白 ) 正畸 ( 隐形牙齿矫正 ) 牙周治疗 神经治疗 激光治疗 我们还提供紧急治疗和其他服务。
+1 (408) 926-4669Capitol Square Dental Care / Gerald S. Watanabe, D.D.S.
- 我们以 "更便宜 ・ 更快捷 ・ 更美丽 "为座右铭,致力于成为深受客户信赖的清...
我们以 "更便宜 ・ 更快捷 ・ 更美丽 "为座右铭,致力于成为深受客户信赖的清洁店。
- 精神病学 ・ 欢迎来到心身医学家松木隆医生的华盛顿特区办公室 我们为整个华盛顿特...
他们中的许多人面临着各种压力,例如对外国的不熟悉、对新工作或新学校的不适应、文化和语言障碍以及与日本家人和朋友的分离。高度的压力会导致各种精神障碍。 您是否有这些症状 ? 情绪低落、疲劳、倦怠、失去乐趣、失去兴趣、孤独、易怒、内疚、空虚、食欲不振、食欲增加、焦虑、恐慌、恐惧症、压力、易怒、感觉模糊、愤怒、失眠、嗜睡、噩梦、注意力不集中、心烦意乱、坐立不安、失落、悲伤、厌食、暴饮暴食、头晕、麻...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- Michiya Kimura 日本国际律师。与日本的继承咨询 ・ 法律咨询 ・ ...
就涉及交易的公司法律事务和合同 ・ 公司事务,以及美国和日本之间的个人继承问题和资产税收提供国际法律咨询。 出版物 ・ 文章 ・ 研讨会 "案例研究:税务律师对企业继承的法律和税收问题 继承 ・ 生前赠与 ・ M & A ・ 信托 ・ 协会 ・ 基金会 ・ 国际" (・ 木村道也 / 著 ) 《国际继承税 ・ 程序 Q & A 第 2 版》 ( 中央会社合著 ) 面向美国客户 1.回...
+1 (213) 260-3837愛宕虎ノ門法律事務所ロスアンゼルスオフィス
- 格列佛是日本第一大二手车销售公司,在这里您可以完成您所有的汽车 "卖 "和 "买...
格列佛硅谷店 ◆ 格列佛是日本第一的二手车销售公司。 我们在美国提供与日本格列佛同样可靠和便利的服务。 我们还为刚到美国的客户提供在美国生活的建议,以便尽早交付您的汽车。 您的所有汽车买卖需求都可以在 Gulliver 完成 ! [联系] Gulliver Silicon Valley 电话 : 1(888)-430-3664 "请告诉我们您看到了 Bibi Navi" ) 电子...
+1 (888) 430-3664ガリバーシリコンバレー店
- 本店位于南武藏加茂川。安全 ・ 为了提供安全的食品,我们尽量使用自然生长的食材。...
安全 ・ 为了保证安全,我们尽量使用大自然中生长的食材。尽量少用化学调料,使用自制产品。
SIOUX & スーの台所 さら
Postmark Heading Logo
Gallery and Gift Shop Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
Postmark Center for the Arts – Award Winning again! [ ]
Last week on September 19, The City of Auburn and Johnston Architects received the 2024 AIA Washington Council Civic Design Merit Award [ ] in recognition of the City of Auburn’s Postmark Center for the Arts. The award celebrates design excellence in publicly funded projects located in Washington State. Award winning projects reflect the highest standards in sustainability, innovation, building performance and overall integration with the client and surrounding communities.
This is the third award for the Postmark Center for the Arts. Other awards include the Washington Recreation and Park Association Spotlight Award and the King County John D. Spellman Award for Achievement in Historic Preservation (Award for Excellence in Adaptive Reuse).
2024 AIA Merit Award for Postmark Center for the Arts
Cropped Brian Lane Monster Print 2
*Second Saturdays [ ]
October 12, 12-4PM | Free
***Every Second Saturday**
Come by Postmark Center for the Arts this Second Saturday for free arts & crafts!
• Free Family Postmark Craft 12- 4
• Guest Artist Brian Lane 12-4PM: Create a build-an-animal or monster print with Brian Lane!
*Upcoming Second Saturdays:*
* "November 9 | NONE - Auburn Veteran's Day parade"
* "December 14 | Winter Craft + Performance by Ted Vigil [ ]"
Made possible by the Kiwanis Club of Auburn! [ ]
Postmark Gallery
* Gallery Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
...A Familiar Taste Exhibition Postcard
"*...A Familiar Taste [¤tDate=2024-09-20&view=event ]*"
*Thursday, October 10, 5-7PM *| FREE**
"@ "*"Postmark Center for the Arts [ ]."*
We are excited to announce a new quarterly gallery exhibition at Postmark Center for the Arts!
Join us for the *opening reception* of ..."A Familiar Taste. "Speak with the curator and mingle with this exhibitions' artists, featuring DJ Epaulet! Light snacks and refreshments available.
"…A Familiar Taste "highlights narratives from artists of color through the lens of food and cultural foodways. This exhibit presents a visual and literary feast evoking a diverse range of connections, emotions, and memories. It is an invitation to consider one’s own relationship to food and explore how different backgrounds and experiences inform our interaction with culinary traditions.
The Vault Gallery
*The Vault Gallery [ ]**
Gallery Hours
Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
Amy Simons
"*Vault Shapes*"
Artist:* Amy Simons* [ ]
Exhibition Dates:* On view through October 13, 2024
The City of Auburn is excited to present the work of Amy Simons in our newest site-specific art space, The Vault Gallery. Amy Simons is an artist based in Bellingham, Washington.
Exhibition Statement: "These are woodcut collages. Woodcut prints because from each whole comes many parts, and collages because those parts together become another whole. They are shape shifters like us, navigating roles as both individuals and parts of collectives. Each print comes from the same block, but emerges with a unique impression, every color a mark from the moment of contact and a preservation of touch. The blocks are changed with each print too, recording, accumulating and transforming. I am interested in how we organize ourselves, what patterns we generate intentionally, subconsciously, by luck or mistake. My studio practice is one of trusting and practicing emergence: working in simple, direct interactions that unfold into complex entanglements. I look at how bodies in proximity become shapes drawn together, repel one another, or hold tension in the space between. How do bodies become ecologies of mixed beings –assemblages of minerals, microbiomes and humanness, further mixed with memories of our past selves and promises of future ones?"
Solace by Josh Sands
Artist: *Josh Sands [ ]*
Exhibition Dates:* *October 26 - January 5, 2025**
We are eager to host Josh Sands in the Vault Gallery as our new artist for October!
"My goal for this project is to continue with my series of glass raindrops" says Sands. He would like to create a "theme of rain indoors and memory" using glass raindrops strung from the ceiling, with the addition of umbrellas, which recontextualize the coziness of rain.
Ukulele for Adults
*Ukulele for Adults [ ]*
Ukulele is a fantastic intro instrument! It’s a wonderful option for anyone wanting to have some fun making music. In this class you can expect to learn the basics of the ukulele, some popular songs, chord reading, and how to play as a group. Students should plan to bring their own ukulele (soprano or concert size) if possible. All course materials will be provided during classes.
This is a four-session class held every Wednesday evening from October 9th - 30th.
*Date: *Wednesdays, October 9th - 30th., 6-7PM*
Ages*: 18+
*Fee*: $70/$88 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor*: Allison Preisinger
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ ]"
*Charcuterie Design [ ]*
Holiday parties are right around the corner, get prepared with this charcuterie design class taught by Tara Trujillo! Students will be provided with all the ingredients and tools to complete a stunning & delicious snack board. All participants will build a charcuterie board to enjoy at the end of class or take home to share with loved ones!
*Date: *Thursday, October 17, 5-6:30PM*
Ages*: 15+
*Fee*: $35/$44 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor*: Tara Trujillo
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ ]"
*Ceramic Hand Building [ ]*
What is an ‘Insight Book,’ and why make one? An Insight Book is a 6 page-book of art, writing and mixed media. You don’t have to be an artist to make one, all you need are opposable thumbs and a willingness to explore lines as they spark ideas. Insight Books exercise the associative muscles of our minds, promoting creativity and problem solving. As you work on your book, you naturally move into a meditative, creative place of inspiration and expression. Making an Insight Book is often therapeutic, tapping into feelings, issues, memories, hopes and dreams. When you’re done, you hold a book in your hands. Your Insight Book.
*Date: *Saturday, October 19, 12-4PM*
Ages*: 15+
*Fee*: $65/$82 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor*: John Harris
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ ]"
free community programming
Make & Mingle
*Make & Mingle [ ]
Every Wednesday | Free*
Stop by the Postmark for our Make & Mingle session! Join us for a cup of coffee with whatever art project you might be working on. A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to gather... you can talk with other artists, ask for feedback or critique from on-site staff if available, bring your sketchbook to work out ideas, or just quietly draw in the gallery or work on your art!
Drop-In Painting with Amy Sie
*Drop-In Painting with Amy Sie [ ]
Every Friday | Free*
Amy Sie is offering Drop-In Gongbi Painting sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for you to start a new painting, or work on an old one. Please bring your own tools and materials. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. Intended for ages 18+.
[ ]
*Drop-In Drawing* [ ]
*Every Friday | Free*
Come stop by for our Drop-In Drawing sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to drop-in to draw from a still life or the gallery. Stay for whole two hours or only 10 minutes. Bring tools to either shade or color with, and your own sketchbook or drawing pad. There will be on-site help for critique/questions/advice.
Postmark Rentals
The Postmark Center for the Arts is available as a venue for your next gala, work conference, reception, or event. Visit [ ] for rental rates and information. Beautiful hardwood floors, a terrazzo entryway, and historic windows create a stunning setting for your next event. The space is equipped with a small catering kitchen, audio visual equipment, and a large pull-down screen. Capacity varies based on room set-up.
Postmark Gift Shop
* Gift Shop Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
The Postmark Center for the Arts is happy to be featuring local artists in our Gift Shop [ ]! Come by to find a unique gift or maybe a handmade item for yourself!
Interested in having your work in the Postmark Gift Shop in the future? Make sure you sign up for the "Call to Artist [ ]" list so you can get information about application opportunities for the Postmark Gift Shop.
Other Art Heading 2023
The City of Auburn offers a variety of cultural arts programming for performing arts [ ], visual arts [ ], public art [ ], special events [ ] and more!
Check out [ ] for a full list of programming.
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Postmark Center for the Arts
20 Auburn Ave. | Auburn, WA 98002 [ ] [ ]
City of Auburn Arts Division
253-931-3043 | [ ]
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