ODEP News Brief - Celebrating the 10th Annual National Apprenticeship Week!
- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Washington, DC
- 登録日 : 2024/11/21
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/21
- 変更日 : 2024/11/21
- 総閲覧数 : 43 人
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[ https://www.dol.gov/agencies/odep/publications/news-brief ]
*November 21, 2024*
National Apprenticeship Week: 10 Years of Celebrating Opportunity, Security and Dignity
National Apprenticeship Week. 10 year anniversary. November 17-23, 2024. 10 years of engagement, expansion and innovation.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of National Apprenticeship Week, November 17–23, 2024, ODEP highlights the immense value of apprenticeship, especially when designed with inclusivity in mind. Apprenticeship is a proven model for job readiness and an effective strategy for bringing new and diverse talent into the workplace, including people with disabilities. Check out our post on the U.S. Department of Labor blog for more on apprenticeship and for resources from our recently concluded initiative to promote inclusive apprenticeship, the Partnership on Inclusive Apprenticeship (PIA). [ https://www.dol.gov/agencies/odep/program-areas/apprenticeship/pia ]
*Read ODEP’s post* [ https://blog.dol.gov/2024/11/19/national-apprenticeship-week-2024-10-years-of-celebrating-opportunity-security-and-dignity ]
*Learn more about PIA* [ https://www.dol.gov/agencies/odep/program-areas/apprenticeship/pia ]
CAPE-Youth Marks a Decade of Advances in Inclusive Apprenticeship Policy
Over the past decade of recognizing National Apprenticeship Week, several important policy milestones have helped advance and shape the inclusive apprenticeship landscape, including efforts to increase access for underserved and marginalized groups such as youth with disabilities. ODEP’s Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth) highlights some of the major milestones on its blog this week and discusses the benefits of pre-apprenticeship, through which young people from underrepresented populations can be recruited into apprenticeships. [ https://capeyouth.org/national-apprenticeship-week-2024-celebrating-a-decade-of-advances-in-inclusive-policy/ ]
*Read CAPE-Youth’s post* [ https://capeyouth.org/national-apprenticeship-week-2024-celebrating-a-decade-of-advances-in-inclusive-policy/ ]
EARN Promotes Inclusive Hiring through Apprenticeship Programs
“Inclusive hiring” means that at every stage of the hiring process, all qualified people with and without disabilities can participate, including in apprenticeship programs. Inclusive hiring is not only good for people with disabilities but also great for business. The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) provides actionable guidance to help employers implement inclusive hiring practices across occupations for which candidates can train in apprenticeships. In addition, EARN’s inclusive apprenticeship training course offers strategies for recruiting and training apprentices with disabilities and empowering organizations of all sizes to build an inclusive workplace from the start. [ https://askearn.org/learning-center/course/inclusive-apprenticeships ]
*Explore EARN’s Inclusive Hiring webpage* [ https://askearn.org/page/spotlight-inclusive-hiring ]
*Check out EARN’s training course* [ https://askearn.org/learning-center/course/inclusive-apprenticeships ]
Join a National Apprenticeship Week Event Near You!
Our sister agency, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), has a great post this week encouraging folks to take part in a local National Apprenticeship Week event. There are more than 1,400 events happening across the country, hosted by Apprenticeship USA partners, including federal, state and local government agencies, as well as community organizations, educational institutions, employers and others. What you learn this week could be transformative for employers and job seekers going forward. [ https://blog.dol.gov/2024/11/18/registered-apprenticeship-10-years-of-engagement-expansion-and-innovation ]
*Read ETA’s post* [ https://blog.dol.gov/2024/11/18/registered-apprenticeship-10-years-of-engagement-expansion-and-innovation ]
*U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy*
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