- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/11/04
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/04
- 変更日 : 2024/11/04
- 総閲覧数 : 36 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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Outsourced HR Solutions/Professional Skills
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目標:子供たちが未来社会を切り拓くための資質・能力の育成を目指して方針:土曜日は日本の教育を - 日本語で学び考える目指す教師像:子供達一人一人に目を向け育てる教師どうぞお気軽に(201)585-0555までお問い合わせください!!本校は幼児部年中組から高等部2年生まで、幅広く教育を行っています。また、初等部から高等部まで年齢の制限を受けることなく1つの学級として日本語や日本の文化を学ぶことができ...
+1 (201) 585-0555ニュージャージー補習授業校
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日立市かみね動物園、太平洋を望む神峰公園の一角に1957年 ( 昭和32年 ) オープンしました。それ以来、市民やたくさんのお客様に支えられながら動物の魅力や素晴らしさを伝えています。
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+1 (213) 798-2200BTS SOLAR DESIGN Inc.
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+1 (808) 460-2433ラ・ボーテ・アネラ | La beaute Anela
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★ 秋のキャンペーン ★ 今だけ ! 日本人実力派スタイリストによる【カラー + カット $ 99.75 ! 】。 ・ カット $ 50 ・ カラー + カット $ 99.75 ・ デジタルパーマ $ 173 ・ 縮毛矯正ストレートパーマ $ 173 ※パーマは嬉しいカット込みのご料金です ! ※スタイリスト : Kenta、Hidemi、Alexa、Kiyoto ★ 更に、月曜日と火曜日にご来...
+1 (310) 575-3998nanana parena Los Angeles
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Our clinic was established in 2001 in Torrance, a suburb of Los Angeles, so that patients can receive medical care in Japanese. We are a general internal medicine ( Primary Care, Family Practice, Inte...
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30年以上の信頼と実績。Yun Companyで業務用冷凍・冷蔵設備の販売から設置、メンテナンスまで一手に対応します。迅速な緊急対応と無料見積もり、電話相談で、あらゆるニーズに応える専門家がサポートします。ビジネスの効率を最大化する信頼のパートナーです。500ドル以上のお見積り無料: プロジェクトの計画をご検討中ですか?500ドル以上のお見積りは無料で提供しています。緊急対応も可能: お困りの際は...
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【6ヶ月〜6歳までの園児募集中!】の一階の、デイケア12人までの徹底した少人数制だから安心。アットホームな雰囲気で、笑顔いっぱいの幼稚園です。(0歳から6歳)一人一人の個性を伸ばせる、バイリンガル、モンテッソーリ 教育方針。
+1 (949) 433-8600おれんじ幼稚園
The Enterprise Services Section (ESS) of the Solid Waste Division (SWD) is seeking a skilled Accountant to join our team. This position offers an excellent chance to demonstrate and enhance your accounting and financial expertise while fostering new skills. As a key member of the Financial Services Unit (FSU) within the ESS, you will offer financial support across all business lines in the Solid Waste Division. You will collaborate with both internal and external customers in a diverse, inclusive, and supportive work environment.
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*About this Role:*
Some of the important functions of this position will include: Reviewing A/P and A/R transactions for financial accuracy, conducting month-end and year-end accounting activities; Assuring the accuracy of daily cash and bank card transactions from all SWD facilities; Reconciling financial data from various systems; Preparing financial documents in compliance with regulatory regulations and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
This position is a crucial piece of the foundation providing support to DNRP Solid Waste in its mission to bring the best people together to deliver value to our customers and stakeholders and continuously improve waste prevention, resource recovery and waste disposal. You will have a supervisor who is supportive in professional development and in assuring personal work/life balance. The team is cohesive and collaborative, applying continuous improvements principles daily.
*About the Team:*
The King County Solid Waste Division (KCSWD) is responsible for the public solid waste system that serves the people and communities of unincorporated King County and most cities within King County. KCSWD is the lead King County Agency for delivering Zero Waste of Resources (ZWoR) goal for the region, which will reduce valuable materials sent to the landfill by up to 70%. KCSWD operates the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill, ten transfer facilities, nine closed landfills, and many programs to design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use, and regenerate natural systems.
The Financial Services Unit (FSU) is responsible for processing all accounts payable and accounts receivable transactions, along with general ledger monitoring and maintenance. Working with internal and external customers, FSU Staff ensure the flow of business is not interrupted and problem-solve when it is. Working in a cost-effective, efficient manner, FSU supports the financial stewardship goals of the Solid Waste Division.
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*Commitment to Equity Racial and Social Justice: *
King County, named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is a diverse and vibrant community that represents cultures from around the world. Our True North is to create a welcoming community where everyone can thrive. We prioritize equity, racial and social justice, making it a foundational and daily expectation for all employees. As an Environmental Program Managing Supervisor, you will actively apply these principles in all aspects of your work. Learn more about our commitment at http://www.kingcounty.gov/equity.
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*Apply now for a rewarding career at the **Solid Waste Division* [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/depts/dnrp/solid-waste.aspx ]* **of the King County Department of Natural Resources & Parks. Join our talented workforce in protecting and restoring the natural environment and promoting more resilient, sustainable, and equitable communities. Enjoy training, **comprehensive benefits* [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/audience/employees/careers/why-work-here.aspx ]*, and growth opportunities.* body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
[ https://www.kingcounty.gov/ ]
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