City Council Meeting Summary: Appoints Hope Parrish as Honorary City Historian, Hears Crime Update
- [注册人]City of Culver City
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Culver City, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/18
- 发布日 : 2024/10/18
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/18
- 总浏览次数 : 73 人
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Culver City Press Release
Culver City Seal
October 18, 2024
Dustin Klemann, Public Information Manager
(310) 253-5783
City Council Appoints Hope Parrish as Honorary City Historian, Hears Crime Update
Honorary City Historian Appointed
The City Council voted to appoint Hope Parrish as the honorary City Historian. Parrish is a retired property master who worked in the entertainment industry for many years. When she retired in 2017, she became President of the Culver City Historical Society (CCHS). Parrish loves history, research and her hometown, Culver City. Her work has been to continue to grow the CCHS and carry-on the work of those that came before her in the organization. She hopes that the CCHS will continue to be a place where Culver City can deposit items that tell the City’s story and history, and that history’s lessons continue to educate the city.
Culver City Police Department Provides Mid-Year Update & Military Equipment Annual Report
In a public hearing, Captain Andrew Bellante of the Culver City Police Department (CCPD) provided the City Council with an analysis on data of crime, calls for service, and strategies being implemented by CCPD to enhance public safety.
Over the past several years, Culver City has seen substantial expansion and growth. In the first six months of 2024, CCPD handled a total of 23,431 calls for service. The areas generating the highest call volume were the Downtown area, Fox Hills, Sepulveda and Jefferson North, as well as the area between the 3800 and 4500 block of Sepulveda Boulevard. From January 1st through June 30thof this year, there were:
* 1,144 property crimes, down 9.1% over the prior year
* 104 incidents of motor vehicle thefts, down 19.4%
* 129 incidents of burglary, which includes commercial, residential, and vehicular
* 248 reported violent crimes, down 6.8%, which include simple assault, aggravated assault, and robbery
* No homicides
* CCPD also shared that its case clearance rate for property crime is 28% (compared to the national average of 17%), and the case clearance rate for violent crime is 70% (compared to the national average is 45%)
* Finally, CCPD recovered 40
* illegally possessed guns during the period
The CCPD reported it has a five-district patrol plan. According to Captain Bellante, CCPD achieves one of the fastest response times out of all police agencies in Los Angeles County. CCPD’s average emergency response time is 3 minutes and 40 seconds. The average non-emergency response time is 9 minutes and 56 seconds. Seventeen police officer vacancies have been filled since June 2023.
Bellante also reported on the use of automated license plate readers. The technology has resulted in over 100 arrests of suspects driving stolen vehicles, the arrest of 25 suspects wanted for serious violent crimes, and identification of more than 20 suspects responsible for crimes committed in Culver City.
CCPD has placed emphasis on building strong relationships with the community, noting 80% of arrests are made from calls for service. Police have enhanced the number of community events they attend.
Later in the meeting, the City Council listened to CCPD’s AB 481 Military Equipment Annual Report. The Report includes an inventory detailing each type of military equipment possessed by CCPD, its quantity, authorized use, fiscal impact, and training requirements. It also details the number of instances where military equipment was utilized by CCPD personnel. CCPD reported that it does not participate in any program to receive used U.S. military equipment. Rather, all equipment was purchased from vendors. The City Council approved the report. Vice Mayor Dan O’Brien, and Council Members Goran Eriksson, Albert Vera Jr., and Freddy Puza voted in favor. Mayor Yasmine-Imani McMorrin abstained.
You can read the entire Report on the City’s website [ ].
City Council Rejects New City Outreach to Religious Groups
The City Council rejected a proposal to begin outreach to religious, agnostic, and atheist groups. The “Culver City Area Interfaith Alliance Cooperation Circle” (“Alliance”) , which is currently inactive, was a community-based cooperation circle that, before the pandemic, worked to foster understanding, cooperation, and unity among diverse religious traditions, activities, events and organizations in Culver City and the local area. The Alliance was led by and comprised of faith-based community leaders and members from various faith communities and was independent of the City. Council Members discussed whether to support in some way the reformation of the Alliance or another group through which local religious, agnostic, and atheist groups could share information with the City.
Ultimately, Mayor McMorrin and Council Member Freddy Puza voted in favor of a motion to direct the City Manager to hold a meeting with religious, agnostic, and atheist groups to build community and bring back to City Council what is learned. Vice Mayor O’Brien and Council Member Vera Jr. voted against the measure and Council Member Eriksson abstained.
Sustainable Insurance Presentation
The City Council listened to a presentation from the California Department of Insurance’s Brenda Caloca. She highlighted the insurance markets continue to experience unprecedented financial stress from inflation. Increased costs of rebuilding, supplies, material, auto parts, along with labor shortages are affecting insurance markets. As risks grow, insurance markets are contracting to protect solvency, meet financial obligations and regulatory mandates, Caloca said in her presentation. She noted that 12 companies insure 85% of the state’s homeowners market. Since 2022, seven of the top 12 insurance companies have paused or restricted new business despite rate increases approved or pending with the Department of Insurance.
The California FAIR Plan, which was established so that all California property owners have access to basic fire insurance when access to coverage in the traditional market is not available through no fault of the property owner, began offering insurance discounts this summer. The Plan is offering $20 million coverage per location for commercial policies, including Homeowners Associations. Wildfire Risk Score regulations allow consumers to request and appeal property risk score.
Caloca shared the California Sustainable Insurance Strategy. It includes requiring insurance companies to write policies for no less than 85% of homes and businesses in distressed areas identified by the Insurance Commissioner, protecting consumers from paying for other global catastrophes, introducing new models to recognize mitigation to price rates and discount benefits, returning the FAIR Plan policyholders to market and modernizing the FAIR Plan by expanding commercial coverage limits. If you have questions or are in need of assistance, you can receive more information on the California Insurance website or contact the consumer hotline at (800) 927-4357.
City Council Proclamations, Commendations & Recognitions
The City Council meeting began with several proclamations, commendations, and recognitions on Monday night.
With a proclamation, the City designated October as *National Breast Cancer Awareness Month*. During National Breast Cancer Awareness month, we honor all those who lost their lives to breast cancer, and stand in unity with breast cancer survivors, those currently battling the disease, friends and family of a diagnosed patient, and applaud the efforts and advancements made in the search for a cure. An estimated 300,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States in 2024, and although, both women and men can have breast cancer, women are at higher risk; women with a family history of breast cancer, women older than fifty, or those who are not physically active, are at higher risk. We recognize organizations and health care providers working toward a cure, honor cancer survivors, and memorialize those who lost their lives to breast cancer, for their strength, grace, and perseverance.
City Council also designated October as *Disability Awareness Month*. Each year Disability Awareness Month promotes the appreciation and acceptance of the intrinsic value and uniqueness of our community members with disabilities. The City of Culver City recognizes that individuals with disabilities have the same inherent right to live independently, enjoy self-determination, and contribute to society as does all humanity. Individuals with disabilities have made profound contributions to America throughout history. They are an important, vital part of our community as valued workers, civic leaders, business owners, veterans, family members and friends. The City of Culver City acknowledges that equitable experiences and full inclusion are a matter of social justice, and that creating equitable inclusive environments is a shared responsibility of everyone. The City Council-appointed Disability Advisory Committee continually strives to identify, report and address issues and challenges related to individuals with disabilities in our community. The Culver City Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department provides monthly events and programming for adults with disabilities, and maintains safe spaces for diverse populations to gather, connect, and enjoy activities together. We remain committed to improving the quality of life of all citizens in our community.
*No Limits for Deaf Children and Families* received a commendation for its contributions to Culver City community members with disabilities and their families. No Limits for Deaf Children and Families’ mission is to provide programming and resources that cultivate an environment where deaf children and families have a voice to communicate, connect, and contribute to the world all at no cost. It provides inclusive and comprehensive services by offering programming in areas such as individual therapy, literacy, academics, parent education, theater arts, teen programs and more. The City commends its tremendous comprehensive approach towards providing programming and resources for deaf children and their families in Culver City.
Another commendation was given to *Donna Iarocci*. She has demonstrated exceptional dedication and expertise in her role as a job coach for teachers-in-training at Jazz Hands for Autism. Iarocci’s innovative approach and unwavering commitment to supporting individuals on the autism spectrum has significantly enhanced the quality of education and employment opportunities for adults with disabilities. The City of Culver City commended Donna Iarocci for her outstanding service to community members with disabilities by providing them with high-quality music education in the City of Culver City.
The City Council proclaimed October 14, 2024 as “*Indigenous People’s Day*,” encouraging our community to honor the historic sacrifices of indigenous peoples and their contributions to our City. The City of Culver City recognizes that the Indigenous Peoples of the lands that would later become known as the Americas have occupied these lands since time immemorial, and celebrates the contributions, knowledge, traditions, diverse culture, and vibrant languages of Indigenous people. In an effort to provide a more accurate record of United States history, representatives from 120 indigenous nations at the First Continental Conference on 500 years of Indian Resistance unanimously passed a resolution to transform Columbus Day into an occasion to recognize the contributions and plight of Indigenous Americans.
In its final recognition, the City Council proclaimed October 2024 as *Filipino American History Month*. The earliest evidence of Filipinos in the continental United States occurred on October 18, 1587, when the Spanish galleon Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza arrived on Chumash land in what is now Morro Bay, California. Filipino Americans are the third-largest Asian American group in the nation and the Los Angeles metropolitan area is home to the largest group of Filipino descendants outside of the Philippines; and in 2023, Culver City Kapwa was created for Filipino Americans and their families who work, live, and play in the city to connect and build community. The City Council calls upon the community to celebrate the great diversity of our people.
Additional Council Decisions
*Additional items approved by the City Council include:*
* Approved cash disbursements [ ] from September 14 to October 3, 2024.
* Approved minutes [ ] of the City Council Meeting held on September 23, 2024.
* Adopted a resolution amending the Records Retention Schedule [ ] for the City of Culver City, authorizing destruction of certain City records in accordance with the amended Retention Schedule, and rescinding Resolution No. 2022-R032. The changes would affect several departments and divisions. You can read the summary of the changes on the City’s website. [ ]
* Adopted a resolution adopting the City of Culver City Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) [ ]. The EOP outlines various City activities in the event of an emergency, including activating and staffing the Emergency Operations Center. The EOP also provides a “best practice” scenario, essential to a focused, complete and effective response for the City of Culver City. It was last updated in 2016. You can read the EOP on the City’s website [ ].
* Approved an amendment to the City’s existing service agreement with ClearGov, Inc. [ ] for an online subscription-based budgeting, fiscal transparency, and permitting Software as a Service (SaaS) solution. The recommended amendment would extend the current agreement for a new total amount not to exceed $280,400 (including a 10% contingency) over a total five-year term.
* Approved the Culver City Arts District Business Improvement District’s (CCADBID) [ ] annual work program and budget for 2025. It also approved a public meeting to allow public testimony regarding the proposed increased assessment. City Council also adopted a resolution declaring the intent to levy the CCAD Assessment for 2025 and setting a public hearing for November 11, 2024. The CCADBID is also proposing an increase of 25% to the current assessment rates. The CCADBID has not increased dues since its formation in 2016. The proposed increase is expected to cover the increasing cost of operations, maintenance, beautification (decorative lighting), and marketing as well as create long-term financial sustainability via a healthy reserve fund for unforeseen expenses moving forward. There are no proposed changes to the BID boundaries. The work plan is available for review on the City’s website [ ].
* Approved an amendment with Woods Maintenance Services Inc. [ ], for cleanup and abatement of illegal dumping in encampments of unhoused persons to extend the term for two years in an amount not-to-exceed $162,800 annually over the term of the agreement.
* Adopted a resolution authorizing staff to submit applications for Measure A Grant [ ] funding from the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District. The City of Culver City has accumulated $1,777,629 in Annual Allocations and $235,206.09 in Maintenance and Servicing Funds. The Measure A funding is reimbursement-based.
* Authorized a task order for traffic engineering services for the Safer Fox Hills Project [ ] in the amount not-to-exceed $136,760 pursuant to the terms of the City’s on-call professional services agreement with Willdan Engineering.
* Approved instructor agreements with 1st Class Prep, Beyond Pre-K, Dee-Lightful Musical Theater Productions, Golden Tiger, Skateside, Ted Salter, and Youth Sports Enrichment, Inc. [ ] for enrichment class instructional services with the instructors receiving 70% of class fees and the City receiving 30% of class fees. It also authorized the City Manager to approve amendments to such agreements if necessary, based on class enrollment.
* Adopted an ordinance amending Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC) Section 3.01.005 to increase the salary of each city council member [ ] from $485.10 per month to $1,261.26 per month.
* Approved quitclaim of the storm drain easement which runs through the property at 5880 Adams Boulevard [ ], from Adams Boulevard to La Cienega Boulevard. This means the City give up its rights to this storm drain easement. City staff will require the property owner to infill the storm drain line with a cement slurry to keep it from collapsing.
* Approved the final plans and specifications and authorize the publication of a notice inviting bids for the 2024-25 Annual Pavement Rehabilitation Project [ ]. City staff have selected streets to be resurfaced with two inches of new asphalt. In areas of extensive pavement failure, the asphalt section will be removed and replaced with full depth asphalt pavement. You can view the arterial and residential streets are scheduled for resurfacing on the City’s website [ ].
* Approved an application for grant funds in the amount of $14,904 through the FY 2024 U.S. Department of Justice [ ], Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistant Grant (JAG) Program Local Solicitation for the purchase of a dual-purpose canine (police dog) for the Culver City Police Department.
* Approved a purchase order with Econolite Control Products (Econolite [ ]) for six traffic signal video detection systems in an amount not-to-exceed $122,506.06. The City has utilized three different video detection vendors over the last 15 years: Iteris, Econolite, and Gridsmart. Systems from each vendor have been installed throughout the City as part of various traffic signal or development projects and have been evaluated over this period. This purchase would replace inoperable video detection systems at the following six locations:
* Washington Blvd & Redwood Ave
* Washington Blvd & Rosabell St
* Washington Blvd & Grandview Blvd
* Washington Blvd & Sawtelle Blvd
* Washington Blvd & Sepulveda Blvd
* Culver Blvd & Overland Ave
* Approved an agreement with Granicus [ ] to upgrade to their Agenda Management/Government Transparency Software in an amount not-to-exceed $45,000. City Council also approved an expenditure in an amount not-to-exceed $109,675 for annual software licensing of the Granicus software modules that the City utilizes. City Council authorized the City Manager to approve annual ongoing expenditures to Granicus in an amount not-to-exceed $109,675 allowing for an annual increase of 5% until the agreement is substantially changed or terminated.
Additional information about each of the topics heard at the City Council meeting can be found in the staff reports and backup attachments for the items [ ], which are posted along with the agenda to the City’s website. The video of the City Council meeting [ ] will be made available on the City’s website for viewing.
The City Council’s next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 28th.
About Culver City
Culver City [ ] is a five-square-mile, urban community of 40,779 residents surrounded mostly by the City of Los Angeles but also shares a border with unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. It is centrally located on the Westside near Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and Los Angeles International Airport. Culver City is particularly known for its well-run public school system, "small town" charm, growing high-tech and creative economies, and a dynamic downtown that is regionally known as a destination for restaurants, live theater, and art galleries.
The City Council proclaimed October as Filipino American History Month
The City Council proclaimed October as Filipino American History Month.
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