TODAY: Mayor Harrell to join Seattle Office of Economic Development, Grow America, and JPMorgan Chase to celebrate the reopening of Marjorie’s in S
- [登録者]City of Seattle
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/10/10
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/10
- 変更日 : 2024/10/10
- 総閲覧数 : 41 人
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Media Advisory
**Contact Information*
*Karissa Braxton, Office of the Mayor
Phone: 206-566-3545
Email: Karissa.Braxton2@seattle.gov [ info@company.com ]
Kristin Anderson, Seattle Office of Economic Development
Phone: 206-635-0546
Email: Kristin.anderson@seattle.gov
TODAY: Mayor Harrell to join Seattle Office of Economic Development, Grow America, and JPMorgan Chase to celebrate the reopening of Marjorie’s in Seattle’s Central District
"Community staple and acclaimed restaurant to reopen through the Business Community Ownership Fund, a first-in-the-nation business property ownership program"
*Seattle – *Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell will join the Seattle Office of Economic Development, Grow America, JPMorgan Chase, and restaurant owner Donna Moodie to celebrate the opening of Marjorie’s new commercial space at in Seattle’s Central District. Marjorie’s is the second participating business in the Business Community Ownership Fund [ https://www.seattle.gov/office-of-economic-development/commercial-affordability/business-community-ownership-fund?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] [ https://www.seattle.gov/office-of-economic-development/commercial-affordability/business-community-ownership-fund?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ](BCO Fund), a first-in-the-nation small business funding model that puts business owners on a pathway to long-term control and ownership of their commercial spaces.
The Business Community Ownership Fund is the nation’s first business property ownership program designed to preserve and strengthen small businesses that enhance the vibrancy of local Seattle neighborhoods. This ground-breaking program supports small businesses by lowering tenant costs, increasing business incomes, and fostering economic stability. In March 2024, La Union Studio [ https://harrell.seattle.gov/2024/03/19/city-of-seattle-grow-america-and-jpmorgan-chase-celebrate-first-in-the-nation-business-property-ownership-program-business-community-ownership-fund/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] located in the Mt. Baker neighborhood, became the first business to open in their new space under this model.
Originally opened in 2003, restauranter and community advocate Donna Moodie named Marjorie’s restaurant in homage to her beloved mother. A warm, welcoming hostess and inspired home cook, Marjorie delighted in bringing people together around the family table to partake in delicious food and spirited conversation. With investment from the BCO Fund, Moodie is now reopening Marjorie’s, which closed in 2023, in a new space, new neighborhood and with a new concept.
*Press interested in attending should RSVP to **kristin.anderson@seattle.gov* <Kristin.anderson@seattle.gov>*. The event will be recorded and available to watch on the **Seattle Channel* [ https://seattlechannel.org/Mayor?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* after the event. *
Thursday, October 10, 10:30 a.m.
Press should arrive by 10:20 a.m.
Press interested in attending should RSVP to kristin.anderson@seattle.gov <Kristin.anderson@seattle.gov> for location.
*Mayor Bruce Harrell *
*Daniel Marsh*, CEO Grow America
*Vicki Foege*, Vice President and Northwest Program Officer for Global Philanthropy , JP Morgan Chase
*Donna Moodie*, Marjorie’s Owner
Celebration of the reopening of Marjorie’s restaurant, the second Business Community Ownership Fund Program participant.
seattle dot gov
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