RELEASE: Mayor Joe Hogsett, Indy DPW share winter preparedness efforts
- [등록자]Indianapolis DPW
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Indianapolis (Mile Square), Indiana, アメリカ合衆国
- 등록일 : 2024/11/06
- 게재일 : 2024/11/06
- 변경일 : 2024/11/06
- 총열람수 : 1 명
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November 6, 2024
Mayor Joe Hogsett, Indy DPW share winter preparedness efforts
INDIANAPOLIS, IN - Wednesday morning, Mayor Joe Hogsett joined the Indianapolis Department of Public Works (Indy DPW), members of AFSCME Local #725, and City-County Councilor Kristin Jones to highlight the Indy Snow Force team’s preparations for the 2024-25 winter season.
“Our Department of Public Works is ready to tackle whatever comes our way – and now, as we welcome the winter season once again, it is time to start preparing for cold weather here in Indy,” said Mayor Joe Hogsett. “With seven barns housing over 18,000 tons of salt, DPW is ready to do what they always do: keep our roads clear and our residents safe, no matter the circumstances.”
In addition to securing resources, Indy DPW focused on its extensive training for snowplow drivers. The department requires all to attend a mandatory “Master Plow” program. This lengthy, classroom-based session aims to equip drivers with the best methods for clearing snow in our city. Snowplow drivers also conduct mock snow fights where drivers practice their plowing routes ahead of the first snowfall. Lastly, the department continues to highlight its CDL training program, which offers employees the opportunity to earn their type A or B CDL license certification.
Indy DPW Director Brandon Herget emphasized the vital role this CDL program plays in preparing drivers for the winter season: “64 employees have graduated from our CDL training program. It has been incredibly successful in ensuring we have the workforce necessary to keep our roads clear during winter weather and remains a great professional growth opportunity for those who join our team.”
AFSCME Local #725 President Steven Quick provided an overview of the plan DPW drivers will follow during this year’s snow fight. “Our union workers continue to demonstrate their commitment to keep Indianapolis moving during the winter season. It is a testament to the strong partnership between the City and AFCSME #725.”
City-County Councilor Kristin Jones called on the community to partner with the City this winter season. “We ask that residents provide our drivers with the space they need to do their jobs. Avoid trying to speed past them, and if at all possible, avoid using the roads during major weather events.”
Residents can stay up to date on Indy Snow Force efforts during winter weather events online at
www.indy.gov/snow and on Twitter by following
@IndySnowForce . The Indy Snow Force Viewer will also be used throughout the season, showing where roads along standard routes have been recently plowed or treated with salt.
Indy DPW is currently hiring for various full-time positions within its operations and solid waste divisions, including positions that involve driving snow trucks. More information on open positions can be found at
joinDPW.indy.gov .
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