Behavioral Health Workforce Strategic Operations Manager (PPM IV)
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/11/01
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/01
- 変更日 : 2024/11/01
- 総閲覧数 : 30 人
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*The Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) values diverse perspectives and life experiences. The Department encourages people of all backgrounds to apply, including people of color, immigrants, refugees, women, LGBTQ, people with disabilities, veterans and those with lived experience.*
King County's Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services.aspx ] provides equitable opportunities for people to be healthy, happy, and connected to community.
The Department of Community and Human Services, Behavioral Health and Recovery Division (BHRD) is leading several initiatives to provide access to relevant behavioral health services across King County.
DCHS has an opening for a Behavioral Health *Workforce Strategic Operations Manager* - Project/Program Manager (PPM) IV**. BHRD works to improve the quality of life in King County by ensuring that adults, youth, children, families and communities receive the mental health and substance use disorder services that they need. BHRD's client-centered, coordinated system of service delivery is based on community assessment, measurable outcomes and systematic program evaluation that is accountable to our clients and their families, funding agencies and residents of King County.
At King County Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS), we believe in working as one team that solves problems—striving to be customer-focused and drive for the best results. We envision a welcoming community that is racially just. We believe the field of human services exists to undo and mitigate unfair structures. We seek to lead the way by working as respectful and responsible stewards for our community.
The Behavioral Health & Recovery Division (BHRD) of the Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) is seeking a *Behavioral Health Workforce Strategic Operations Manager* to lead BHRD's Behavioral Health Workforce Strategic Plan and Workforce Investments. This role is responsible for setting the section's strategic vision, supervising staff, managing the budget, overseeing programs and collaborating with partners. The Behavioral Health Workforce Strategic Operations Manager will manage all staff within the section and oversee various workforce initiatives. This position requires strong organizational and communication skills, a strategic mindset and experience with social service workforce challenges and growth strategies.
Key responsibilities include leading the development, implementation and oversight of behavioral health workforce operations, programs and budget. The role involves close collaboration with the Performance Measurement and Evaluation (PME) team, the Contract and Procurement (C&P) team, the Crisis Care Levy team, finance staff and department and division leadership, to ensure continuity and alignment across workforce initiatives within DCHS. The incumbent will also coordinate regularly with external entities including providers, associations, educational institutions and state officials and will represent the Counties behavioral health workforce initiatives in public presentations and settings.
This position is open to all qualified candidates that meet the minimum qualifications. The Department of Community and Human Services values diverse perspectives and life experiences. The Department encourages people of all backgrounds to apply, including people of color, immigrants, refugees, women, LGBTQ, people with disabilities, veterans, and those with lived experiences. Interviews for this selection process will take place on or around December 9, 2024.
Candidates who wish to be considered for this position must submit an online King County application and respond to the supplemental questions. Your application may be rejected as incomplete if you do not include the requested and relevant information in the online application and supplemental questionnaire. Applications and/or supplemental questionnaires that state, “see my resume” are considered incomplete and will not be considered to be competitive.
*Additional Job Information*
*WORK SCHEDULE/CONDITIONS:* This position is exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and is not eligible for overtime. Typical hours are Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm. This position is not represented by a union.
*MISSION CRITICAL POSITION STATUS:* This position has been designated Non-Mission Critical. Unless otherwise directed by the County Executive, department director or agency head, all employees, regardless of designation, are expected to report to work or request leave during an emergency or inclement weather. For more detailed information, please visit HR Policy County Operations During Emergency Situations [ https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/audience/employees/policies-forms/hr-policies/IntranetTransfer/County_Operations_During_Emergency_Situations_Inclement_Weather.ashx?la=en ] and the King County Guidelines for Workforce Management in an Emergency [ https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/audience/employees/policies-forms/hr-policies/King_County_Guidelines_for_Workforce_Management_in_an_Emergency.ashx?la=en ].
*TELEWORKING INFORMATION: *The work associated with this position will be performed or conducted through a combination of teleworking and onsite work and meetings. Employees will have access to shared workspaces at various King County facilities. Employees must reside in Washington state and within a reasonable distance to their King County worksite to respond to workplace reporting requirements.
*RECRUITER:* Annette Coleman, ancoleman@kingcounty.gov
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