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Climate Communications Project Manager
- [Registrant]King County
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]King County, WA
- Posted : 2024/09/13
- Published : 2024/09/13
- Changed : 2024/09/13
- Total View : 37 persons
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As the only county in the United States named after Martin Luther King, Jr., King County is a vibrant community with residents who represent countries from around the world. It is a region with increasing diversity that cherishes the artistic and social traditions of many cultures. Together, we're changing the way government delivers service and winning national recognition as a model of excellence.
The Executive Climate Office is looking to fill the position of Climate Communications Project Manager to support the Climate Director and the Executive Climate Office. This position has an anticipated service date through the end of 2025.
About the Role:
This role is crucial for supporting the recently formed and rapidly growing Executive Climate Office (ECO), which is charged with accelerating and expanding the County’s climate actions. This role will lead the development and execution of a communications strategy for ECO including distinct communication efforts around climate equity, green jobs, climate preparedness and resilience, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, building decarbonization, vehicle electrification, and more. This position will also work cross-departmentally to coordinate climate communications countywide.
The Executive Climate Office is a dynamic, fast-paced environment leading numerous programs and projects, and responsible for climate planning, most notably King County’s Strategic Climate Action Plan. The ideal candidate will be a self-starter and skilled communicator, who is organized, resourceful, responsive and creative, and eager to work with a broad range of climate team members and external partners to advance King County’s climate communications. This is an opportunity for the selected candidate to make tangible and impactful progress sharing King County climate initiatives in a resonant way with residents, frontline communities affected by climate change, county departments, local municipalities, and the larger nation to help spur knowledge-sharing and collective action.
This position will report directly to the Climate Director and will coordinate with the Executive’s Communication Director and team.
King County established the Executive Climate Office (ECO) to elevate and accelerate Executive Constantine and the County’s commitment, coordination, and ability to deliver on climate action internally and in collaboration with cities and partners. Launched in 2023, ECO has grown to approximately 20 staff, fellows, and interns, and has secured over $60M in state and federal grants. As part of this office, this position will support a team on the forefront of the King County efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, support sustainable and resilient frontline communities, and ensure climate preparedness in our communities and infrastructure. ECO prioritizes inclusion and justice for all people in County work on climate, with the aim of decreasing disparities in our organization and our communities.
As the only county in the United States named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most influential civil rights leaders in our nation's history, King County is a vibrant community with residents who represent countries from around the world. It is a region with increasing diversity that cherishes the artistic and social traditions of many cultures. King County is changing the way government delivers service and winning national recognition as a model of excellence.
The County continues to build on an enduring legacy of shared values of equity and social justice, employee engagement, innovative thinking, and continuous improvement. King County has adopted a pro-equity agenda aimed at advancing regional change and is developing the systems and standards necessary to achieve better outcomes for all our residents, regardless of their race or income. All these qualities make King County one of the nation's best places to live, work, and play.
King County provides a generous employee benefits package, including comprehensive health benefits, paid parental leave, and time to volunteer. For details, see:
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