Expanded HHVBP Model: Preliminary January 2025 Interim Performance Reports (IPRs) are Available on iQIES
- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
- 登録日 : 2025/01/31
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/31
- 変更日 : 2025/01/31
- 総閲覧数 : 27 人
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Post-Acute Care Quality Programs
Expanded HHVBP Model: Preliminary January 2025 Interim Performance Reports (IPRs) are Available on iQIES
*Preliminary January 2025 Interim Performance Reports (IPRs) are Available on iQIES*
The Preliminary January 2025 IPRs for the expanded HHVBP Model have been published on the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES). The quarterly IPRs provide home health agencies (HHAs) with the cohort assignment, performance year measure data for the 12 most recent months, and the interim Total Performance Score (TPS). Using the IPRs, an HHA can assess and track their performance relative to peers in their respective cohort throughout the expanded Model performance year.
The January 2025 IPRs include a new worksheet ("CY 2025 Baseline") that reports on your HHA's preliminary Improvement Thresholds for the CY 2025 applicable measure set. Note that Improvement Thresholds are based on CY 2023 data for all measures in the CY 2025 measure set other than the DTC-PAC measure. For the DTC-PAC measure, CY 2022 and CY 2023 data are used.
An HHA receives a January 2025 IPR if the HHA:
* Was Medicare certified prior to January 1, 2023, and
* Meets the minimum threshold of data for at least one (1) quality measure in the quarterly reporting period for the performance year shown in Exhibit 1.
*Exhibit 1: January 2025 IPR quality measure performance scores time periods for each measure category*
Note: IPRs are only available to HHAs through iQIES. IPRs are not available to the public.
*Accessing IPRs*
IPRs are available via iQIES in the “HHA Provider Preview Reports” folder, by the CMS Certification number (CCN) assigned to the HHA. If your organization has more than one (1) CCN, then a report will be available for each CCN. Only iQIES users authorized to view an HHA’s reports can access expanded HHVBP Model reports. For assistance with downloading your HHA’s IPR, please contact the iQIES Service Center at 1-800-339-9313, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM-8:00 PM ET, or by email (iqies@cms.hhs.gov). To create a ticket online or track an existing ticket, please go to CCSQ Support Central.
* Locating the IPR in iQIES.
* Log into iQIES at https://iqies.cms.gov/.
* Select the My Reports option from the Reports menu.
* From the My Reports page, select the HHA Provider Preview Reports.
* Select the HHVBP file to view the desired report. To quickly locate the most recently published report, select the down arrow adjacent to the Created Date label at the top of the table. This will order the reports in the folder from newest to oldest.
* Select the file name link and the contents of the file will display.
Instructions on how to access the IPRs are also available on the Expanded HHVBP Model webpage, under “Model Reports.”
*Submitting an IPR Recalculation Request*
There are two (2) versions of the quarterly IPRs: a Preliminary IPR and a Final IPR. The Preliminary IPR provides an HHA with an opportunity to submit a recalculation request for applicable measures and interim performance scores if the agency believes there is evidence of a discrepancy in the calculation. Please note, the recalculation request does not apply to errors in data submission since submission requirements for the expanded Model align with current Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs).
To dispute the calculation of the performance scores in the Preliminary IPR, an HHA must submit a recalculation request within 15 calendar days after publication of the Preliminary IPR. For the January 2025 IPR, HHAs must submit a recalculation request by February 7, 2025. The Final IPR will reflect any changes resulting from any approved recalculation request.
HHAs may submit requests for recalculation by emailing hhvbp_recalculation_requests@abtglobal.com. Recalculation requests must contain the following information, as cited in the CY 2022 HH PPS final rule (p. 62331) and CFR §484.375:
* The provider’s name, address associated with the services delivered, and CCN.
* The basis for requesting recalculation to include the specific data that the HHA believes is inaccurate or the calculation the HHA believes is incorrect.
* Contact information for a person at the HHA with whom CMS or its agent can communicate about this request, including name, email address, telephone number, and mailing address (must include physical address, not just a post office box).
* A copy of any supporting documentation, not containing PHI, the HHA wishes to submit in electronic form.
These instructions are also available on the Expanded HHVBP Model webpage, under “Model Reports.”
*Contact Us*
Please do not reply to this email - this is an unmonitored inbox. If you require assistance, use the following options:
* For program questions about the expanded HHVBP Model, contact the HHVBP Model Help Desk at HHVBPquestions@cms.hhs.gov.
* For support with registration for the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES), please contact our QIES/iQIES Service Center by phone at (800) 339-9313 or by email at iqies@cms.hhs.gov. You may also refer to the iQIES Onboarding Guide posted to QTSO for registration support: https://qtso.cms.gov/software/iqies/reference-manuals.
* To receive email updates about the expanded Model, please subscribe to the Expanded HHVBP Model listserv. Enter your email address in the contact form, then select “Home Health Value-Based Purchasing (HHVBP) Expanded Model” from the Innovations list.
* Please contact the Home Health Quality Reporting Program (HH QRP) Help Desk at homehealthqualityquestions@cms.hhs.gov for questions about the following: Home Health Quality, including Care Compare (excluding HHCAHPS), OASIS coding and OASIS documentation, quality reporting requirements & deadlines, data reported in quality reports, measure calculations, Quality of Patient Care Star Rating (excluding suppression requests), public reporting, risk adjustment, and Quality Assessment Only (QAO)/Pay for Reporting (P4P).
• Please contact the Home Health CAHPS Help Desk at hhcahps@rti.org for questions related to the HHCAHPS Survey or Patient Survey Star Ratings.
Center for Clinical Standards and Quality
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