News Release - Registration for City of Toronto summer recreation programs begins tomorrow
- [注册人]City of Toronto
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Toronto, Canada
- 注册日期 : 2024/06/03
- 发布日 : 2024/06/03
- 更改日期 : 2024/06/03
- 总浏览次数 : 193 人
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名人来达拉斯时都会光顾的地方 ! 您可以以合理的价格品尝到由日本厨师制作的正宗寿司。除了寿司,菜单上还有许多其他日式菜肴。乌冬面、咖喱、丼饭、烤鱼、涮涮锅、寿喜烧和其他日本美食应有尽有。此外,我们还制作其他任何我们能制作的菜肴。即使您在菜单上找不到,也请随意点餐。还有儿童菜单,非常适合家庭 ♪。
+1 (972) 385-0168Mr. Sushi Japanese Restaurant
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糕点店 "Coquillage "不仅有适合作为礼品和今日小吃的玛德琳蛋糕,还出售蛋糕和蛋挞,并有季节性产品,是一家可以反复品尝的糕点店 🍰 金融家 ・ 蛋挞 ・ 各种烘焙食品的礼品套装,包括糖霜饼干,以及出售的蛋糕,包括酥饼和蛋挞。用于特殊场合的装饰蛋糕 ・ 也可以预订整块蛋糕。位于木更津车站外,您也可以在下班回家的路上买到蛋糕 🍰 ✨ 我们期待您光临本店,不仅是为了庆祝特别的日子,也是为了...
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+1 (949) 942-5420Sleek Hair Salon & Spa
- 本店不仅出售鱼干!,还出售海鲜・。如果您想吃套餐,请到鱼水!来品尝我们推荐的鸟沙...
当您去钓鱼或冲浪时,您是否发现周围的商店在午餐时间后就关门了 ? 鱼水之欢的营业时间是上午 9:00 至下午 4:30 ! 我们有 18 个座位,如果您出海归来,请顺便光临 !。
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仁寿寺以 "分享寺院 "为名,从寺院中组织各种活动。 '分享寺院'是一个分享(我们所学、所乐、所悟)的项目,邀请当地人和许多其他人来到仁寿寺。我们相信,通过使寺庙成为一个更加休闲、有趣和温暖的地方,我们可以为这个小镇和它的人民注入活力。
- 我们关心每一个孩子美术 ・ 芭蕾舞 ・ 韵律操 ・ 钢琴 ・ 空手道 ・ 体操 ...
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+1 (808) 621-8408ドールプランテーション | Dole Plantation
- 墓园位于 Hotaruno 购物区附近,与 409 国道直接相连,交通十分便利。...
木更津清一公墓是 2028 年 7 月在木更津市中尾的一座小山上新建的公墓。 从木更津狎田开车 4 分钟,从木更津北交流道开车 5 分钟,从 JR 木更津站开车 12 分钟。 墓园已全部铺设路面,无障碍。轮椅和婴儿车可轻松进入墓地。 铺设路面的区域还消除了除草的困难。 除了普通墓穴外,这里还设有无需担心继承问题的联合葬礼式永久墓穴和宠物墓穴。 可以满足各种要求,如生前建造的墓穴(juryo),...
- 参观位于 "日本脐带公园 "的西胁冈山艺术博物馆。
西胁市冈山美术馆位于 "日本之脐公园",位于界定日本标准时间的东经135度线和从北到南横穿日本中心的北纬35度线的交汇处。这座建筑由矶崎新(Arata Isozaki)于1984年6月设计,于1984年10月开放。
- 脊椎按摩 ・ 疼痛 ・ 药水 ・ 身体问题 ・ 车祸受伤治疗等 ・ 请随时用日语...
该诊所在帕萨迪纳已有 34 年的历史,通过 X 光片和面谈用日语进行仔细诊断,提供脊骨神经治疗、按摩和理疗,还结合维生素和补充剂处方、芳香疗法和放松疗法来帮助患者获得健康。. 脊骨神经治疗可纠正导致疾病和疼痛的脊柱和骨盆的错位和扭曲,从而改善脊柱神经所承受的压力。 它还被那些希望增强身体抵抗力、保持身体健康和改善血液循环、由内而外美丽的人所采用,因为它不仅有助于缓解疼痛,还能增强身体的整体恢复...
+1 (626) 405-9209パサディナカイロプラクティックセンター
- 在鸭川享用美味的创意料理 ? 我们将为您提供创意料理和各种饮品!
? 价格合理。 夜幕下的鸭川烧屋 我们期待着您的光临。 从点心到丰盛的肉类和鱼类,我们为您提供丰富多样的菜单 ◎ 只要我们还有电,就会为您提供最后的点餐,让您既能吃饱又能吃好。💪🏻。
(04) 7093-0121yakiya やきや
- 任何人都可以轻松开始,并终身学习。 这就是书法。在我们福斯特市的书法学校,从儿童...
'文字就是人'。 重点是写出能充分发挥个人个性的人物,而不是写出人物的形状。 我们会教你如何使用毛笔,但你可以自由地写出代表你个性和生活的人物形状和线条。
+1 (650) 245-7767書道教室 田中有規子
- 🍎 1月份还开设了直销店 ! 3点的点心怎么样 ? 木更津市上原田的HOME ・...
Candy Cort的糖果苹果经常在节庆活动中出现,品种繁多,包括巧克力包裹的糖果苹果和具有惊人视觉冲击力的蓝苹果糖果 ! 请在店内确认蓝苹果的身份 🔍 其他使用时令蔬菜的水果杯也在销售。♪ 糖果皮也在销售
candy cort(キャンディコート)糖果皮在上鸟田的 HOME ・ 岩根直销店 ・ 和活动中的厨房车内销售 🍎 🍭顺便说一下 … 糖果皮不仅是苹果: !!!!我们还包装西红柿和其他蔬菜出售!。
- 加州律师协会认证的遗产规划、信托&遗嘱法专家加利福尼亚州律师协会
梅里特律师事务所专门从事遗嘱、信托(、信托)、委托书、医疗护理指示、遗嘱检验、遗产规划和税法领域的业务。 加利福尼亚州律师协会认证的遗产规划、信托&遗嘱法专家
+1 (650) 867-7017Merritt Law
News Release
June 3, 2024
Registration for City of Toronto summer recreation programs begins tomorrow
Whether it’s splashing around in the pool, mastering arts and crafts or picking up a new sport, the City of Toronto has thousands of summer recreation programs for residents, which will open for sign up 7 a.m. tomorrow (June 4).
The City is Toronto’s largest provider of recreation programs for people of all ages, skill levels and interests. Approximately 10,500 registered courses with over 83,000 spaces are available, including arts and crafts, yoga and fitness, general interest, sports and swimming. Programs run from Tuesday, July 2 until Friday, August 30.
Residents can learn more about registration dates in their area and find program and registration information on the City’s Summer Recreation Programs webpage:
Registration for summer recreation programs starts at 7 a.m. on the following dates:
• June 4 – Etobicoke-York, Toronto and East York
• June 5 – North York and Scarborough
Residents who need help preparing for registration can call 416-396-7378, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The call centre will be open for extended hours on Monday, June 3, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both registration days. Call centre support will be available from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
City part time recreation jobs
It is not too late to apply for a summer job as the City continues to hire for all recreation positions including sports instructors, specialty sports instructors, visual arts instructors, music instructors, rink guards and more.
Community recreation part time positions offer both seasonal and year-round employment opportunities, quality work environments and teams, and flexible hours.
For more information about positions and upcoming hiring information sessions, visit the City’s Recreation Jobs webpage:
Welcome Policy annual credit
The Welcome Policy credit can be used to register for City recreation programs, including CampTO. Those receiving social assistance (Ontario Works) and living in Toronto are pre-approved to receive this credit and should speak to their caseworker or apply online.
Residents with family income that meets the criteria may also apply. More information about eligibility and how to apply, free programs and other subsidies for recreation programs can be found on the City’s Welcome Policy – Recreation Fee Subsidy webpage:
Discounts for older adults
Participants 60 years of age and older receive a 50 per cent discount on the regular price of adult recreation programs, excluding private, semi-private and small group lessons. For more information about free programs and other subsidies for recreation programs, visit the City’s Free & Lower-Cost Recreation Options webpage:
“The City offers thousands of affordable summer recreation programs to help residents of all ages get active, stay healthy and enjoy a new hobby. Thank you to City staff who work hard to provide high-value programs such as swimming, dancing and music lessons and more.”
– Mayor Olivia Chow
“Registering for a recreation program is a great way to stay active, learn a new skill, connect with new people and have fun. With over 10,000 registered courses, there’s something for everyone to enjoy this summer.”
– Alejandra Bravo (Davenport), Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee
Toronto is home to more than three million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, innovation and climate action, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit or follow us on X at, on Instagram at or on Facebook at
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Media contact: Media Relations,
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