Part-time before- and after-school positions available
- [登録者]City of Las Vegas
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Las Vegas, NV
- 登録日 : 2024/11/01
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/01
- 変更日 : 2024/11/01
- 総閲覧数 : 61 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 拥有 14 年经验的南湾美容护肤专家。提供全手面部按摩,解决您的皮肤问题。即使您...
我在南湾为顾客解决皮肤问题已有 14 年。我处理过各种各样的皮肤和问题。他们中的许多人来到我们这里,是因为他们觉得自我保健已经达到了极限。如果您有皮肤问题,不妨试试我们多年经验总结出的独特的全手面部按摩 ? 更美丽,更年轻。
+1 (310) 406-4497Cup of Spa
- 从木更津站东口步行 2 分钟,深夜营业 ! 团体预约可 ! 意大利式宴会请到 P...
要想品尝正宗的意大利美食,请到 JOYs ! 可以一直享用到深夜的正宗意大利美食 ! 可以品尝石炉烤披萨和 Aqua Pazza 等其他菜肴 ・ 各种油炸食品和其他菜肴价格合理,让您心动不已 ? 一直营业到深夜。
营业至深夜,是下班后或聚会后聚会的好去处。也欢迎团体 ! ! 您可以以合理的价格品尝到正宗的意大利美食,在石炉中烘烤的 "margherita"。 自制意大利面 "自... +81-438-42-1075PIZZA DINING JOYs 木更津店
- 安全可靠的牙科诊所,医生和工作人员都能随时用日语进行咨询。从疼痛、不适等症状到保...
+1 (408) 775-7770Morita Dental 森田歯科
- 您有任何问题都可以与我们讨论 ?。
True Resource Coaching&Consulting True Resource's Coaching and Consulting 为了在美国每天都能过上光明幸福的生活,您有烦恼吗?? 您在生活中有什么烦恼吗 ? 许多生活在美国的日本人说,他们被人际关系问题和与日本的文化差异所困扰。 True Resource Coaching&Consulting 由经验丰富...
+1 (424) 625-8720True Resource Coaching & Consulting
- 可靠的黑猫大和。将您送往日本的货物交给我们 ! ( 安全的日语服务❖) 我们安全...
可靠的黑猫大和 「 不送货到地方。我们送货到人 」 如果您想把包裹送到日本,交给黑猫大和让您放心 ! 我们安全地送达大小包裹。 所有服务均使用日语,让您放心 ! 大和在这里与众不同 ! ■ 收费制度完善 ■ 所有服务均使用日语 ■ 各种可选服务
+1 (614) 850-7370米国 ヤマト運輸 コロンバス支店
- 处理对日本的快递服务,空运和海运进口和出口,仓储物流业务和搬运。与墨西哥的跨境业...
我们处理对日本的快递服务,空运进出口,海运进出口,仓库物流业务和搬迁。 与墨西哥的跨境业务。 请联系我们,以满足您所有的行李和物流需求! (安全的日语服务)。
+1 (713) 984-8930米国 ヤマト運輸 ヒューストン支店
- 诊所在 Costa Mesa 和 Torrens 开业。医生和员工都是日本人,从...
如果您有牙齿问题,无论您是儿童还是老人,在橙县拥有 30 多年经验的室谷牙科诊所都能帮您解决。 日本医生将用日语为您仔细检查。请随时用日语向我们咨询普通牙科、蛀牙预防、神经治疗、儿童牙科、种植牙、美容牙科、美白等问题。
+1 (714) 641-0681室谷歯科医院
- 阿巴卡达英语 "为儿童和成人提供英式英语会话课程。少儿编程班 ・ 也有学习班 ♪...
爱德华・英语・班位于千叶县市原市,是一所英式英语会话学校,采用独特的学习方法 "Abakada English"。 由爱德华创办,英语母语教师和日语教师共同授课。儿童编程班 ・ 还提供学习班 ♪ 提供免费试听课程 ! 日常英语会话 ・ TOEIC ・ 学校成绩 ・ 医学院考试的专业英语准备 ・ Eiken ・ 英语演讲・ 英语论文 ・ 在线课程 ・ 日语课程和其他适合您目的的菜单 !
+81-436-61-1112エドワード・イングリッシュ・クラス 千種&青葉台教室
- 我们提供从设计到印刷的全面 ・ 协调服务。我们还可以接受仅用于设计、仅用于印刷、...
我们是南湾的一家印刷店,已有 40 多年的经营历史。我们不仅向洛杉矶和橙县发货,还向州外和日本发货,并提供免费本地送货服务!。
+1 (310) 534-7612Office World Print
- Kaori Guerra 团队由 Kaori 和 Rowena 组成,他们在拉斯...
我的团队有幸与 Coldwell Banker 合作多年。我们提供最新的技术和最准确的信息。我们不仅出售房产,我们还真诚地关心我们的客户。我的团队致力于您的未来,我们的目标是减少不必要的压力,简化您的工作,让您在准备、交易和交易后都能高枕无忧。即使在交易之后,我们也希望为您提供帮助。如果您在收益方面遇到问题,可以随时联系我,并得到公司的帮助。我在房地产行业最大的成就就是看到我的客户安全、快乐和成功...
+1 (702) 496-7372KAORI GUERRA TEAM 不動産 / コールドウェルバンカー
- 我们经验丰富的造型师将解决你的头发问题。我们可以建议适合你的发型,解决你的头发问...
+1 (408) 296-9027Maria Hair Studio
- 世界职业选手丸山茂树强烈推荐 ! 等离子电子磁带 天然矿石电子辐照加工 对颈部 ...
等离子电子胶带是一种创新型护理胶带,由五种天然矿石(锗、电气石、钛、太赫兹和黑硅石)经电子辐照处理而成。针对肌肉疲劳和僵硬,电子能量有助于促进血液循环,让身体焕然一新。只需涂抹在肩部、背部或膝盖等需要护理的部位,每次使用效果可持续约 30 天。这款安全有效的护理产品可供运动员、文职工作者甚至宠物使用。 受到高尔夫传奇人物丸山茂树的高度赞扬,在日本大受欢迎的产品已登陆美国 !。
+1 (949) 343-7083ENASUN
- 足部专家(足部医生),治疗扭伤、骨折、拇趾外翻、拇指外翻、足部皮肤病(香港脚、尖...
向足部专家(足部医生)咨询足部问题。 扭伤、骨折、运动损伤、拇趾外翻、拇指外翻、足跟外翻 ・ 足弓痛、跟腱痛、足部皮肤病 ( 香港脚、疣、拇趾外翻 ・ 八爪鱼等 ) 卷曲、痛风、扁平足、糖尿病足 日本工作人员值班。 我们帮助许多芭蕾舞演员、舞蹈演员和马拉松运动员解决了足部问题。 我们在治疗儿童足部疾病方面也享有盛誉,我们的目标是为儿童提供无焦虑、无痛苦的治疗。
+1 (310) 375-1417Anavian, Robert, D.P.M. Foot & Ankle Specialist
- 纽约 ・ 学塾/大学预科学校,为新泽西州努力学习的孩子们提供支持。我们提供从幼儿...
+1 (888) 362-1177ena (New York/New Jersey)
- 自 1987 年以来,我们一直在威基基提供全方位的房地产服务,包括购买、出售、管...
MAP ・ Vision自1987年以来一直从事房产管理・经纪业务,为客户提供从购买・出售夏威夷房产到管理・租赁的广泛一致的服务。 如果您正在寻找夏威夷度假屋,想出售您的房产或需要房地产信息,请随时用日语与我们联系。
+1 (808) 971-0101マップビジョン不動産
Seniors Header - 1
November 2024
We're Hiring!
We're looking to fill hourly positions in our Safekey and ReInvent programs. Positions average 19-25 hours per week with a pay range of $14-$25 per hour. Those interested are encouraged to apply by Friday, Nov. 15.
The Safekey and ReInvent before- and after-school programs offer recreation and academic enrichment at 70 elementary schools within the city of Las Vegas. These programs provide a safe environment where children in kindergarten through fifth grade have time to work on homework, participate in extended academic opportunities, have a nutritious afternoon snack and engage in fun recreational activities. These programs are offered on days that the schools hold classes.
*Positions available include: *
* Safekey/ReInvent Program Site Assistant
* Safekey/ReInvent Program Site Leader
* Safekey/ReInvent Program Site & Behavior Trainer
*Some of the requirements are:*
* Minimum 18 years of age.
* Infant, Child and Adult CPR/AED and First-Aid certification at time of start/reclassification.
* Maintain the physical agility necessary to demonstrate and maintain sports and other recreation games and activities, move and maintain equipment, and other physical activities as needed to provide the safety, welfare and security necessary.
* Experience using technology such as iPad, printer, cell phone and internet-based applications.
* Formal and informal education or training that ensures the ability to read and write at a level necessary for successful job performance.
Preferred qualifications include a high school diploma or high school equivalency credential, experience working with children in a group setting, and communication skills in more than one language.
Any offer of employment is conditional and subject to successful completion of a background investigation, including, but not limited to, drug screening, fingerprint-based criminal background check, and Child Abuse and Neglect Registry clearance (NRS 432B.290.)
*Learn More & Apply* [ ]
Upcoming Events
vote las vegas
*Vote Party*
Tuesday, Nov. 5
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. & 5 to 7 p.m.
Las Vegas City Hall, 495 S. Main St.
Whether you are voting, dropping off your ballot or enjoying the Election Day festivities, all are invited to participate in the city of Las Vegas’ vote party! Free two-hour parking will be available at the City Hall Garage, 500 S. Main St.; validation required.
The event will feature free ice cream while supplies last, live entertainment and the opportunity to celebrate Election Day with the community. Food and beverages will be available for purchase from the following food trucks:
* 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
* Hapahaoles Hawaiian Street Tacos [ ]
* Sin City Pizza [ ]
* 5 to 7 p.m.
* Ole’ Manny's Seafood Shack [ ]
* Food Therapy [ ]
No matter where you live in Clark County, all registered voters are eligible to vote or drop off their mail ballots at Las Vegas City Hall on Election Day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. There also will be a drive-through mail ballot drop-off available Nov. 5 in the adjacent parking garage at 500 S. Main St.; enter the garage at the corner of Main Street and Clark Avenue*.* Turn left behind the Babystacks Cafe (before the drop-arm ticket gates), drop off your ballot in the ballot box with the attendant, and continue forward to exit the garage onto Main Street.
An exclusive city of Las Vegas vote sticker featuring an iconic showgirl will be distributed at Las Vegas City Hall during the event, as well as during early voting.
To register to vote or check your registration status, visit [ ].
Spooky Movie
*Vintage Scary Movie Marathon*
Friday, Nov. 1
4 to 11 p.m.
Enjoy five classic Halloween movies today, Nov. 1, on Cable Channel 2 and streamed via [ ].
Dia de los Muertos
*"Dia De Los Muertos" Festival*
Saturday, Nov. 2
3 to 9 p.m.
Sammy Davis Jr. Festival Plaza
720 Twin Lake Drive
in Lorenzi Park
This vibrant homage to life is a true community event and one of the most charming and colorful holidays celebrated by Mexican and Latin American cultures.
*Reserve Free Tickets* [ ]
Discover Las Vegas
*View the Current Edition* [ ]
*View All City Events* [ ]
Programs & Resources
We offer information and referrals to resources and services that seniors and their families can utilize. Programs are available to active adults and their families, including multiple senior centers and volunteer opportunities. For more information, call 702.229.1200 or complete this form [ ].
Our dedicated team of AmeriCorps community navigators are able to guide you through accessing vital resources in healthcare, mental health, education, food assistance, housing, workforce development and more. They are committed to assisting you every step of the way until your needs are met. Email or call 702.229.2939 for assistance.
*Senior Services* [ ]
Active Adult Centers
For those ages 50 and better, our active adult centers offer a dynamic range of classes and activities designed to boost fitness, keep your mind sharp and add excitement to your routine. From dance and arts to technology and social groups, there’s something for everyone. Explore our facilities and programming to discover new ways to stay engaged, active and connected.
*View All Programming* [ ]
Activity Calendars
*Centennial Hills Active Adult Center* [ ]
*Doolittle Active Adult Center* [ ]
*East Las Vegas Community Center* [ ]
*Lieburn Active Adult Center* [ ]
Active Adult Centers Map 2023 [ ]
city of las vegas nevada [ ]
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