Press Release: City of Kenmore Adopts 2025-2026 Biennial Budget and Financi al Sustainability Plan, Setting a Clear Path for Future Growth and Stabili
- [注册人]City of Kenmore
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Kenmore, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/12/20
- 发布日 : 2024/12/20
- 更改日期 : 2024/12/20
- 总浏览次数 : 39 人
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由日本人和对日本感兴趣的人组成的母亲和儿童团体。 主要活动区域在圣何塞、库比蒂诺和桑尼维尔附近。我们组织公园日和各种活动,每年出版 10 期有关硅谷信息的通讯。樱花俱乐部不隶属于任何宗教或商业组织,由志愿者成员运营。它是一个由希望扩大朋友圈、为孩子寻找玩伴并希望了解在硅谷抚养孩子信息的父母组成的团体。
- ≪用日语进行细心治疗 ≫ 艾尔文的阿尔伯特-西所医生 Telehealth ( ...
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- 拥有日本和美国执照的兽医,工作人员用日语和英语真诚地为您服务。疫苗接种、定期健康...
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+1 (310) 327-3030J&H Immigration Services
- 妇女的诊所,由妇女开办。如有任何疑问,请咨询我们。没有保险也不用担心 ! 可以办...
除了妇科服务,我们还开展了 "减肥计划"、"面部护理 "和 "医疗水疗"。我们的女医生与女性同甘共苦,通过敏锐和适当的诊断,帮助您摆脱疾病和烦恼,过上幸福的生活。所有工作人员均为女性。 妇科检查 ● 宫颈癌筛查 ● 更年期等荷尔蒙 ・ 失调 ● 乳房肿块 ● 超声波检查 ● 月经不调 ● 各种性病检查 ● 节育咨询 ( 我们还提供避孕药咨询。 ) 如果您有其他妇科症状或疑虑,请立即与我...
+1 (323) 828-4152Dr Loraine V. Diego, M.D.
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*December 20, 2024
City of Kenmore Communications
City of Kenmore Adopts 2025-2026 Biennial Budget and Financial Sustainability Plan, Setting a Clear Path for Future Growth and Stability
*Kenmore, WA *— On November 25, 2024, the Kenmore City Council adopted a two-year City budget for 2025 and 2026. The budget and accompanying Financial Sustainability Plan (FSP) reflect the City’s commitment to enhancing quality of life for residents and fostering long-term sustainability.
The total budget for the two years is $111,024,995, which includes $62,624,402 in one-time capital projects that are substantially grant-funded. The City’s main operating fund, known as the General Fund, was approved at $38,164,176 in expenditures for 2025-2026 and reflects a 16.6% increase from the prior 2023-2024 biennium. This increase is largely due to a temporary decrease in a portion of the police budget that was funded separately with one-time federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds in 2023. One-time special projects funding (also made possible by ARPA) in 2025 and 2026 is also contributing to this increase. The City’s other operating fund, the Street Fund, was adopted at $3,078,724 in expenditures for 2025-2026, which is a 18.6% decrease compared to the prior biennium.
The 2025-2026 Biennial Budget sets forth an ambitious and strategic workplan for providing essential public services, infrastructure improvements, and community projects. Notably, the budget continues to advance the City Council’s top policy priority for the biennium, which is implementing the Climate Action Plan and promoting environmental restoration and stewardship.
The budget also includes plans for utilizing the remaining $2 million of one-time "Special Projects" funding indirectly made possible by the federal COVID-era American Rescue Plan Act. Among those Special Projects are a utility tax rebate program for low-income residents and funding for a case worker (a.k.a. navigator) to help Kenmore residents find and access social, health, and housing services.
Also worth noting is funding for the City to begin the process of acquiring a significant portion of the Lakepointe industrial property at the mouth of the Sammamish River. The vision is to restore fish and wildlife habitat along more than 3,000 lineal feet of the Lakepointe shoreline, including a trail and lookout points, as well as developing what City Manager Rob Karlinsey calls a “drop dead gorgeous central park” on the Lakepointe property. Subject to the negotiation and approval of a purchase agreement with the property owner, the new Lakepointe budget includes funding for “due diligence,” including testing for contaminants, preliminary design, and a deposit on the land. More information on Lakepointe can be found at [ ].
*Multi-Year Financial Sustainability Plan*
On November 25, the City Council also adopted the Financial Sustainability Plan (FSP) following a collaborative process that began in May with the formation of a FSP Task Force of nine Kenmore residents. After a thorough review of the Task Force’s recommendations and feedback from the City Council, a modified version of the plan was presented to the City Council on November 12, and the City Council adopted the final version of the FSP on November 25. The FSP outlines key strategies for balancing both revenues and expenditures, ensuring Kenmore’s future financial health.
The plan incorporates most of the Task Force’s original recommendations, with a focus on creating sustainable funding sources and aligning financial resources with the City’s long-term goals. “We can’t thank the Task Force enough,” said Finance Director Melinda Merrell. “This was a phenomenal group of Kenmore residents who worked tirelessly through many meetings to create a healthy and meaningful financial plan for the City. It was my privilege to work with them.”
*Bringing It All Together*
“The adoption of both the 2025-2026 Biennial Budget and the Financial Sustainability Plan demonstrates our commitment to building a resilient and financially stable future for Kenmore,” said Mayor Nigel Herbig. “With these critical steps, we are ensuring that our community continues to thrive while maintaining the fiscal discipline necessary to meet future challenges.”
The budget provides vital public safety services, including police, municipal court, and jail. Other core programs in the budget include street maintenance and surface water system maintenance for cleaner rivers and streams and flood prevention. Enhanced programs, including summer concerts and movies in the town square will continue to be funded. The summer farmers market will continue but will be largely funded and operated by a nonprofit organization that will be taking it over from the City.
The City Council’s deliberative process, which included public hearings and multiple budget discussions throughout October and November, ensured that the adopted budget reflects the priorities and needs of the Kenmore community.
Residents can view the full 200+ page budget document and keep up to date with the latest budget and financial sustainability news by visiting [ ] and [ ].
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